Every Other Memory by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 2


Her lips are fire. Soft and sweet like candy as they press against mine. I need her closer. Sliding my hand behind her neck, I deepen the kiss. She opens, willingly allowing me to explore her mouth with my tongue. Gripping her hip, I hold her body close to mine. I don’t give a fuck that we’re in the middle of a club, damn near in the center of the dance floor. All I care about is this pleasant surprise of a woman in my arms and having every inch of her body pressed against mine.

When I came here tonight, I was just trying to get out of the house. I’m in town visiting my sister, who is recently married. The newlyweds kept making eyes at one another, and nobody wants to see all that. So I left. I told them I was meeting a friend and ran from their apartment like my ass was on fire. The reality of my situation is that I wasn’t meeting anyone. I’ve been working my ass off for the last year, and I’ve lost touch with most of my friends, well, except for my best friend, who married my sister—the same one who was making eyes at her, and the reason I had to flee. I walked around town and ended up here. I told myself I was coming in for a quick drink, and then I’d head back. However, the minute I saw her sitting at the bar, I knew I had to say hello. I couldn’t explain it if I tried.

Something pulled me toward her.

Now, here we are, her in my arms, our mouths devouring each other, and I want more. I can’t seem to get her close enough. I can’t seem to kiss her deep enough. My heart is beating in my chest, and my palms, I’m sure, are sweaty, but I refuse to let go of her to find out.

She’s intoxicating.

When the song changes to Keith Sweat’s “Nobody,” I grind my hips into hers as we move like a well-oiled machine to the beat. I can’t stop my hands from roaming over her body. My pulse pounds in my ears when she turns and places her back to my front, rubbing her ass over my hard cock. Bending over, she sways, her hips causing me to bite down on my bottom lip. It’s been a long damn time since I’ve been this turned on. In fact, I don’t know that I’ve ever been this worked up.

We find our rhythm with the slow, sexy grind of the song. We might as well be in this crowded club all alone because there is no one I see but her—just this gorgeous, enchanting stranger who’s making me feel reckless and out of control.

And horny as fuck.

As the beat of the song transitions to another, my lips find her ear. “Come home with me.” It’s not so much as a question as a demand. I’d never force her, but I don’t really want her to take the chance to refuse either. I have to have her. I need to be inside her. It’s a need deep in my gut that I can’t explain, but it’s there, nagging at me, telling me that no amount of time spent with her would ever be a regret.

“Spontaneity,” she mumbles, pressing her lips to mine.

“Spontaneity, need, desire, want, I don’t care what you label it. I just know that being inside you is as much a necessity as breathing.” Trailing my lips down her neck, I’m hit with the reminder that I’m staying with my sister. We’ll have to get a room, which honestly, is better. I can take my time with her.

“I don’t do this kind of thing,” she tells me, chewing on her lip. I start to speak, to say anything that will make her change her mind, but she beats me to it. “But I want to with you. I don’t know—” She shakes her head as if clearing the fog. “I don’t have an explanation other than I don’t want this night to end.”

“Music to my ears, dream girl.” With my arm around her waist, holding her as close as I can get her without carrying her out of here, I lead us out of the club.

“Dream girl?” she asks once we’re outside on the sidewalk.

Turning, so her back hits the side of the building, I cage her in with my hands braced over her head against the wall. “You’re my every fantasy come true.” I give her no other explanation as I fuse my lips with hers. I let my body do the talking as I move in close, pressing my hard cock against her belly. Showing her precisely what she does to me.

Her nails dig into my biceps as I slow the kiss, resting my forehead against hers. “I want you.”

Her chest heaves for breath. “I want you too.”

“I’m in town visiting family. Hotel room?” I pull my forehead from hers so that I can gauge her reaction.

“I— Yes.”

Sweeping her hair from her eyes, I make sure I have her attention before saying, “We don’t have to. There’s no pressure. I can see you home if that’s what you want.” While I say the words, my cock throbs at the idea of never being inside her.

“No. I-I want to. This is just a first for me,” she replies, looking down at the ground.

“Hey.” With my index finger under her chin, I move her eyes to mine. “It’s been over a year for me, and I promise you that you’re safe with me.”

“I believe you.” She gives me a shy smile. “I don’t know why. You’re a complete stranger, but I believe you.”

I feel ten feet tall and bulletproof from her admission. I don’t deserve her trust as a complete stranger, but the fact that I have it has me wanting to show her she made the right choice. “We’ll get a room, and we can just talk or kiss.” I run the pad of my thumb across her bottom lip. “More kissing isn’t a bad thing,” I say, wanting to feel her lips against mine more than anything else in the world.

I watch as her fingers fly across the screen of her cell phone. I assume texting her friend, letting her know where she is. That’s smart, and I’m glad. No matter how much she trusts me, she needs to be safe. Sliding her phone into her purse, she laces her fingers with mine and nods. I don’t say anything. I’m afraid my words could make her change her mind, and that would be a tragedy. My heart thunders in my chest as we walk two blocks to the closest hotel. Silence lingers between us, but the electricity sparks as if we both could ignite in flames at any second.

It doesn’t take long before we’re checked in and I’m sliding the card into our newly rented room. I push open the door and motion for her to walk in ahead of me, with me following her, making sure to push the door closed and twist the lock, tossing the keycard on the dresser.

My eyes follow her as she walks toward the window, pulling back the curtains to peer outside. “Nice view,” she says, her voice shaking.

“The best,” I agree.

She turns to look at me over her shoulder. “You can’t even see it.” Her lips tilt in a shy smile. She knows exactly what I’m referring to.


“I can see everything I need to.” I stand still, hands shoved in my pockets when all I want to do is rush to her, rip her clothes off, and devour every sexy fucking inch of her. But something holds me back. It’s more than the fact that I told her she set the pace. It’s— I’m not ready for my time with her to end, and I’m afraid that once I’m inside her, once our bodies have come together, she’s going to leave, and yeah, I’m not ready for that to happen.

Not yet.

“I don’t know how to do this.” Her words are a whispered confession that pulls at something deep in my chest.

“We don’t have to do anything.”

“I want to.” She looks down at the floor. My eyes follow her stare, and I watch as she steps out of her heels. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her to leave them, but this is her show. I’m just the extra. The man who is desperate for time with her, to feel her skin against mine, to feel her heat wrapped around me. “I’m just going to need some help.”

I look up to find those big blue eyes of hers watching me intently. My legs move on their own as they carry me to her. With my eyes roaming over her body, I take her in, memorizing that little black dress. There is nothing special about it—I’ve seen the same version on hundreds of women in my lifetime—but on her, on my dream girl, it’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

When we’re toe to toe, I reach for the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head and dropping it to the floor. Her breath hitches. The sound is blaring through the silence of the room. I repeat the process with my jeans, tugging them over my thighs and kicking them to the side. That leaves me standing before her in nothing but my boxer briefs that do nothing to hide my desire for her.

“My turn?” she asks. There’s a wobble in her voice, but the firm set of her shoulders tells me that although she’s nervous, she’s in this. We’re in this. Here. Together.

“I want to see you.”

She nods and turns, giving me her back, moving her long dark locks to hang over one shoulder. “Unzip me?”

“My pleasure,” I say. My voice is confident, but the tremble in my hands as I grasp her zipper and slowly pull until it reaches the small of her back tells another story.

I stand still as I watch her pull the dress from one shoulder then the other. She shimmies her hips and lets it fall to the floor, pooling at her feet. Black lace is all that’s left covering her, and my cock twitches. With my index finger, I trace from one shoulder to the other, feeling her soft skin.

With a shudder, she slowly turns to face me. Blue eyes full of desire find mine. I cradle her face with my hands, staring at her intently, hoping she can see into the depths of my soul how much I want her. I don’t mask the need that I have for her or the surprise that it’s there. I’ve never in my life felt like this.

“Can I kiss you?”

“You better,” she replies, and if she was going to say anything else, it’s too late because my lips are on hers.

Her hands wrap around my waist, and I drop my hands, doing the same, needing her closer. My tongue strokes against hers, the taste of her exploding on my tongue. “So sweet,” I murmur. I’ve never kissed someone as sweet as her, and her skin, it’s so damn soft. I softly trace her back until I reach her bra strap. “May I?” I ask against her lips.

“Hurry,” she says breathlessly.

And that’s all the go-ahead I need.

I make quick work of the clasp and step back, pulling the small scrap of lace from her body. Her tits, more than a handful, are staring at me, her hard nipples, begging for my mouth. Not able to wait, I bend my head, sucking one into my mouth, making her moan from somewhere deep in her throat. As her nails dig into my shoulders, I take my time going from one breast to the other, lavishing them with equal attention, before dropping to my knees.

I kiss her belly and down until I reach the waistband of her thong. Gripping the material on one side, I tug, the sound of ripping fabric fills the room, and an audible gasp comes from the beauty standing before me. “Fuck,” I murmur as I lean in and trace my tongue between her folds.

“Oh,” she gasps, her hands finding their way to my hair.

When her legs start to tremble, I know it’s time to move this to the bed. It’s a struggle to pull myself to my feet. “Bed,” I say huskily.

She moves to take a step and stumbles. I don’t hesitate to bend and lift her into my arms. She yelps out her surprise but wraps her arms around my neck. In a few long strides, I’m laying her gently on the bed, stripping out of my boxer briefs, and reaching for my jeans. I fumble with them until I find my wallet and pull out my one and only condom. One. “Fuck,” I mutter. Once will never be enough with her.

“My purse,” she murmurs, her voice thick. “I have some in my purse.”

“Thank fuck,” I mutter, scanning the room for her purse. Once I’m in that bed with her, I don’t want to leave.


I can already feel it deep in my bones. She’s got a hold on me.

“My best friend, she always insists we’re prepared, but I-I’ve never needed them before.” Her confession is soft, almost shy, and I find my chest swelling with pride that I’m the man she needs them for that this breathtaking woman has chosen me to give her pleasure.

Finding her purse, I hand it to her and watch as she pulls back the zipper and retrieves three condoms, handing them to me. “She was a girl scout,” she says, shrugging.

“Thank her for me,” I say with a cocky grin.

Placing the four condoms on the bed beside her head, I climb over the top of her. Her legs automatically open, allowing me to settle between her thighs where I belong. At least that’s what this moment feels like. It’s as if I’m finally home, and I don’t understand it, and right now, I don’t want to. I just want to be with her. I want to slide inside her and feel her heat. I want her nails digging into my back and her legs wrapped around my waist.

My lips find hers. I kiss her slow and deep, trying to calm my racing heart. Her legs wrap around my waist, just as I imagined, and with her feet locked, she’s squeezing, drawing me in closer, my hard cock resting against her wet pussy. “Fuck,” I swear, pulling out of the kiss. “You sure you want this?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything.” She reaches up and rests her hand on my cheek. “I can’t explain this connection that I feel toward you. It’s like I’ve known you forever, and I know I want it to be you. I have zero doubts. No reservations that you are who I want.”

Who am I to argue? Instead, I reach for a condom and sit back on my legs, covering my cock, before aligning myself at her entrance. My lips seek out hers, and as my tongue slides past her lips, I push forward on one long stroke. I’m inside of her tight, wet heat. Her gasp and soft whimper have me pulling out of the kiss to stare down at her. The moonlight shows that her face is pained, and my mind slowly connects the dots.

“You okay?” I ask, my voice thick.

“Yes.” Her eyes open slowly, and she smiles up at me. “Just needed a minute.”

I swallow hard. “Is this…?” My voice trails off. I can’t seem to find the words to ask her if this is her first time. That’s impossible. She’s in her early twenties if I had to guess and a fucking knockout. Shit, I should have asked how old she was. She’s a college graduate, so I know she’s legal. Fuck me. I don’t even know her name.

Something stirs with the idea that I could be the only man to ever feel her like this. I’ve never been with a virgin, and never wanted to, but with this woman beneath me, big blue eyes shining up at me, I feel… possessive. I want to claim her as mine. Not just for tonight, but for as long as I can convince her to be mine.

What. The. Fuck?

“I wanted it to be you,” she whispers her confession. “Spontaneity,” she whispers.

“I don’t even know your name.” I give voice to my earlier thoughts.

“You’re just passing through town. We both know this is a one-night thing. Can we just… finish what we started so that we can maybe do it again?” She smiles. She turns to look at the three condoms she pulled from her purse. “Maybe three more times?”

“You’ll be sore.”

“So worth it,” she counters. “Please.”

I’ve known her a few hours, and already I could never tell her no. Not that I want to. “I should have gone slow. Taken my time.”

“I wanted it to be real. I wanted to feel the need that seems to be tethering us together. It was perfect. Spontaneous.”

Leaning my forehead against hers, I take in a deep breath. “You tell me if I hurt you. If there is something you don’t like, you tell me, and I stop. It’s that simple.”

“I won’t tell you to stop.” She lifts her hips, causing me to slide just a fraction deeper, something I didn’t think was possible. “You feel too good.”

“Fuck,” I curse. My lips find hers as I pull out and slowly push back in. Our tongues battle as my hips thrust to a rhythm that has us both gasping for air.

“That… right there,” she pants. Her legs tighten, just like her pussy as it grips my cock.

Resting my weight on one arm, I slide my hand between us, finding her clit, and with my thumb, I rub small circles. She’s squeezing me like a vise, and I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.

“Y-Yes!” she screams, and her body convulses around me. I feel the shudder run through her body, and that does it. I can’t hold on any longer as I release inside her, in what will go down in the books at the best fucking orgasm of my life.

After we’ve both caught our breath, I kiss her softly before pulling out of her and climbing out of bed. I take care of the condom and wet a cloth from the bathroom to clean her up. Her eyes pop open in surprise, but otherwise, she says nothing, letting me take care of her. Tossing the cloth through the bathroom door, I climb into bed and pull her into my arms. As we lie in the darkness, nothing but our breathing between us, she has me questioning everything I’ve ever thought about myself. She’s making me reconsider taking a job that will give me roots just to be next to her.

Over the next several hours, even with my protest that she’s too sore, we manage to go through the three remaining condoms, and each time is better than the one before. As I finally drift off to sleep in the early morning hours, I know that I want to see her again. I’ve never felt this kind of connection, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep her and the feeling of her in my arms and in my life.

However, when I wake just a few short hours later and reach for her, the bed is cold. Sitting up, I look around the room, and there is no sign of her, except for the condom wrappers on the floor and her torn panties that are lying under the chair. She must have missed them. Plopping back on the bed, I curse myself for not insisting on getting her name. My dream girl gave me the best sex of my life and snuck out like a thief in the night.

All I have left is a memory.