Midnight Renegade by Anya Summers


Secure in her choice, Reegan stripped, starting with her boots. The costume was layered and tricky but before long, she stood nude in Brody’s dungeon. While she had been busy disrobing, he had sauntered over to an armoire and withdrawn items he planned to use during the scene.

She organized her things into a manageable pile, and then walked silently over the hardwood floor to the padded bench. It was a gorgeous piece. The solid oak had been sanded and stained a glossy cherrywood, then sealed to protect it from wear and damage. The black leather padding was smoother than silk. Breathing deeply, she sank down to her knees, laid her palms flat on the tops of her thighs, and lowered her head.

Ironically, the nerves that had assailed her along the drive to Brody’s house had vanished because of his commanding dominance. She was ready to lose herself in the sensations of the scene. Brody was merely the vessel delivering it.

When his sturdy legs appeared in her line of sight, she saw he had already removed his shoes. Reegan noted his rather large feet. Did the impressive size translate into other areas? God, she hoped so.

“What’s your safeword, babe?”

“Hacker.” She kept her head lowered out of respect.

“Noted. Any hard limits I should know about?”

“No golden showers or needles, but everything else, I’m cool with.”

“Rise.” He held out his hand.

Reegan didn’t hesitate. Her palm slid into his grasp and she gripped him tight as he pulled her to her feet.

“Bend over the side of the bench so I can restrain you.”

His order slid through her system like melted molasses. She obeyed without question, needing this scene as much as she needed air, food, and water. She positioned her body in the manner he directed.

Then he moved around the bench. Taking one arm, he drew it out perpendicular along the padding and affixed a cuff around her wrist. He did the same with her left arm. The action restrained her entire upper torso to the bench. Having her freedom removed was like tumblers on a lock being pressed open. It released floodgates of need in resounding waves.

But then Brody vanished from her line of sight. She couldn’t help but wonder what he thought of her body in its nude state, given this was the first time he had seen her without a stitch on. Rough hands circled her calves as he restrained each ankle, spreading her thighs, and creating a triangle formation. It also bared her sex to his green gaze.

The moment she was fully restrained, she slid into a delicious headspace. There were no lines of code to decrypt. No formulas to enter to circumvent an insidious computer virus. Nothing but the present moment, teetering on the edge of ecstasy.

Calloused hands smoothed a trail down her spine. She arched into the caress as much as her bindings would allow, luxuriating in the titillating sensation of his hands fondling her form. The sensual graze of his fingertips sent sparks of tingling pleasure cartwheeling through her body. She and Brody might not like each other on a cerebral, social level, but her body didn’t care. Greedy bastard that it was, her body hungered for his dominance and the pleasure he would bestow on her form. The damn thing liked his touch, too.

When those hands cupped and kneaded the globes of her ass, parting them, and he drew his fingers through her damp slit, she moaned in the back of her throat.

“How are you with pain?”

“Love it.”

“I’m glad you said that. Use your safeword if need be.” Then his hands left her bottom and body.

Reegan was about to protest the loss when smooth leather caressed her spine from her shoulders down to her tailbone. She bit her bottom lip with a moaning whimper.

Oh my god!He was using a leather crop. It had been ages since she had experienced the decadent toy.

He teased her inner thighs and slit with the impact device, tracing soft patterns on her butt to the point where she arched her back and lifted her bum up, silently begging for more. He lulled her into a false sense of security, had her sighing and relaxing beneath the gentle caresses.

This was why the first strike of the stiff leather, as it cracked against her butt, stole her breath and made her eyes water. Agony lanced through her body in lacerating waves. But she breathed through the pain because she knew it was about to get so good.

The second and third blows were even sharper. The keen razor’s edge of pain blasted her system and had her gasping at the brutal force. But by the time they reached the sixth whack, her system started converting the pain into pleasure-infused bliss.

She moaned at the next stinging strike, sliding into subspace with such ease, she didn’t hesitate to hand him her power. Reegan shouldn’t have been worried at all. There were no emotions required to submit her body in this fashion.

They might be enemies, but dammit, he was giving her exactly what she needed, the way she needed it. He didn’t hold back or strike lightly. Her flesh burned. Her pussy pulsated in time with the strikes. Moisture seeped from her slit. Her nipples beaded into hard points.

This was so much more than she had thought she would get tonight. It was downright fantastic. Who knew that Brody would be the Dom to give her exactly what she needed? His touch electrified her in a way no other Dom’s had before. How was he this in tune with her body?

The next whack struck along the backs of her thighs.

White hot agony flash fried her being. She whimpered as the burn spread up, only to pool in her groin. When the smack landed against her inner thigh, her eyes shot open, and she moaned low. He did it again but this time on her right inner thigh. Her legs shook at the force of her need.

Good god!

He lit up her inner thighs with hard whacks. She loved every damn second of it. Who cared if she couldn’t sit comfortably tomorrow? She definitely didn’t.

For the first time in ages, her needs were not only being met, but he was exceeding each and every one. He worked his way up her inner thighs. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to use the crop on her pussy. The thought of it had her moaning.

He smacked the hood of her sex with the leather crop.

“Brody,” she wailed. Starbursts exploded behind her closed lids, her hips jerked, and she screamed as the pain transmuted into ecstasy. She was so close to climaxing, she could feel the first tremors rippling through her pussy.

Rough hands massaged her burning flesh, and parted the globes of her ass.

Brody stabbed his tongue inside her pussy, thrusting inside her as his thumb rubbed her swollen clit. Her head dropped forward. Skilled didn’t even begin to describe his tongue. It was magic, lashing her sensitive flesh as if he was a virtuoso of carnal indulgences. Reegan was bombarded with intensifying pleasure as he thrust it again and again with dizzying speed, like he couldn’t get enough of her taste, and planned to gorge. His sexy dark groan as he ate her out was the catalyst.

“Oh god!” she keened as she came.

Waves of rapture slammed into her again and again as she cried out. Her legs trembled and her toes curled against the floor while ecstasy wracked her. Bliss surged while her pussy quaked from the orgasm. The world turned hazy. Her limbs grew heavy and felt weighted from the force of her climax.

She felt more than saw her restraints being undone—first her ankles, followed by her wrists. The moment she was free, her body disintegrated into a heap on the hardwood floor.

But then Brody was there, lifting her up onto her hands and knees, arranging her in the way he desired, nudging her thighs apart.

Dimly, she heard the sound of his zipper lowering, and the tearing of a foil packet.

The head of his broad cock rubbed her swollen cleft. “If you don’t want this, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

Reegan had believed that she would have nothing left in the tank after the shattering power of her orgasm. But she had been wrong. Because the moment she heard the sound of his zipper, her body lit up like a Fourth of July fireworks display, tightening in on itself and aching to feel him inside her.

He was her enemy… and yet, she had never wanted a man more than she did Brody. He teased her with his cock, stroking the crown through her slit until she was panting with need.

Tossing aside her pride, she moaned, “Take me, Sir. Please, I need you to fuck me.”

Brody wasn’t gentle. At her acquiescence, he grabbed her hips and slammed inside to the hilt in a single, smooth thrust. Stars erupted and flashed behind her closed lids. She mewled and canted her hips, needing the friction, begging him with her body to screw her brains out.

Brody needed no further urging from her. He unleashed all restraint and control.

Moans and slaps of flesh echoed in the dungeon. She gripped the hardwood floor and met him thrust for thrust, rocking her hips back as he slid so deep inside her that her eyes crossed. When Reegan had signed up for the singles night, she had hoped to get her itch scratched enough to tide her over until the next time she could make a break from it from work and get her needs satisfied.

This was so much more than merely scratching an itch.

Brody hammered inside her, bent over her back and drove her body to the floor. His large hand wrapped around her throat. Prone on her belly, Reegan took the brutal fucking, loving every damn minute of Brody’s high octane love making.

Dirty and raw, he screwed her like a man on a mission. He pummeled and grunted by her ear. His groans were downright sexy as hell. He fucked like a man about to go before a firing squad. As if this was his last night on earth, and he planned to wring every ounce of pleasure from the night and their bodies that he could derive.

Being on the receiving end of such intensity was akin to jumping out of an airplane. The freefall rush ignited every pleasure sensor in her body. His commanding dominance, combined with the savage intensity of his fucking, left her clinging to the floor, reveling in the brutality.

The orgasm ripped through her system like a cyclone, decimating her toehold on her control.

She wailed unintelligible sounds as she quaked beneath his big body.

Brody slammed inside her and followed her over the ledge. His low groan of ecstasy as he came was deeply erotic, and satisfying on so many levels. He thrust over and over again, drawing their combined pleasure out until every quake and spasm had subsided.

She whimpered when he rolled off her onto the floor beside her.

They lay there, spent, gasping for breath as their heartrates returned to normal. Reegan didn’t know where she found the strength to roll onto her back, but she did.

“I still don’t like you,” she murmured, her eyelids still closed.

“Same page, babe. But I think there’s a solution to both our problems.”

“How do you figure?” She sensed his perplexing gaze on her. But she chose the coward’s way out, needing to avoid eye contact with him. She didn’t want to see amusement in his gaze at her expense, not after the most epically intense scene she had ever experienced.

“We both have physical desires that require fulfillment on a regular basis, but neither of us is looking for a relationship.” He stated the obvious.

“And?” Where the hell was he going with this? No, she wasn’t looking for a relationship. But how did he enter into the equation?

“I propose we make a deal, promise to help each other out in that vein when the other needs it. Our situation would be purely physical by our design, with rules we can devise. Pleasure without the mess of feelings getting in the way.” He dangled a carrot, as if what he had just suggested was a simple arrangement and no big deal.

“You want us to be each other’s booty call?” She finally shot him a disbelieving glance. He couldn’t be serious. Brody wanted them to ring each other up whenever the mood struck, meaning one of them was horny. Then they would meet, and bang each other’s brains out.

“Why not? We may not like each other but we are more than compatible in bed—or out of it, as the case may be. As for striking a deal between us, it would fill in the gaps without the pressure of a formal commitment. I need to dominate. You need to submit. It’s a win-win in my book.”

The mere mention of his dominance had her belly clenching. He wasn’t wrong about their compatibility. And she was so tempted. She studied his unwavering stare, trying to decipher his controlled expression before she asked, “What are the parameters?”

His simmering stare traveled the length of her form before meeting her gaze, making her quiver. “I’d want exclusivity until we decide it’s not working. If you’re fucking me, I don’t share. And we both get tested. I’d rather be skin to skin.”

“So we could add what each of us wants to this arrangement? Like, for instance, I like pain, I need it, and tend to go too long without getting it. I’m not looking for commitment, just for satisfaction that my vibrator can’t offer.”

“Precisely. This is an arrangement for mutual pleasure only, and not an emotional commitment. I want to make that perfectly clear. At any time, if either one of us decides that this thing isn’t working, we call it quits. No harm. No foul.”

“Fair enough. I’m amenable to that. I’m on the pill anyhow, and would prefer that method as well. But I want it stressed that we aren’t dating. That we swear to keep our emotions out of this so that it remains physical. No romance or falling in love with me, dude.” She couldn’t believe she was truly considering taking him up on his offer. To make him her Dom booty call. They would be, what, enemies with benefits?

Except he wasn’t wrong. She couldn’t remember the last time she had climaxed this hard and intensely. It was one of the reasons why she was seriously considering this cockamamie plan.

He snorted, peering at her with a stern glare. “I don’t do love. You of all people should know that.”

“And no dredging up the past.” She couldn’t entertain discussions or comments about their shared history. It was littered with landmines. She wouldn’t go there with him. It was a far too painful reminder of her insecurities, some of which had been caused by him. Keeping a safe emotional distance was the only way this little deal would work.

“I can agree to that. I’m going to want the use of your body often—say, three nights a week as I’ve been in a dry spell,” he pressed with a raised brow, like he was daring her to comment on his lack of bed partners.

It did surprise her that he wasn’t getting it more often. She remembered when he had appeared on her roommate’s arm one night and how they had gone at each other nightly for the next few months—so much so that Reegan remembered lying in her bed and hearing them screw each other in her roommate’s bed not ten feet from hers.

“What do you say?” Brody held out his hand to seal their erotic arrangement with a handshake.

What the hell!This was the best scene she had experienced in years. It might go a long way toward closing old wounds. His large palm closed around her hand when she offered it. “We’ve got a deal.”

The possessive light of victory shone in his green depths. “Good. I should get you home.”

Reegan quivered. This wasn’t going to be a once and done after all. She had no idea if she had just made a bargain in hell or not. But her damn body rejoiced. Lying on her side, she admired Brody’s nude form, cut and ripped with muscles that left her panting and wanting to trace them with her tongue. Truth be told, she wasn’t ready for the night to end.

It was surprising, since moments before, she had felt like a limp noodle. But she went for gold and cupped his balls. “Actually, if you’re up for a second round tonight… it’s been a very long dry spell.”

“Oh, I’m up, babe.” He rolled her underneath him, where he proceeded to show her just how up he could be.