Midnight Renegade by Anya Summers


Once a month on a Saturday morning, all the Doms gathered in TheEros Pit for a club meeting. It was part of their membership responsibility, just like their monthly membership dues. Gabe Ryan, the owner of the club, was a stickler for the rules, which Brody appreciated. The meeting topics tended to run the gamut, from new member applications to issues that had cropped up with submissives to new furniture or toys that had been added, and how to incorporate those into a scene.

Brody greeted Doms as he wound his way through the crowd. The lights were blazing, unlike when the club was open in the evenings and they were lowered and muted to help create the sensual atmosphere. He spied an empty seat on one of the black leather Chesterfield sofas and sauntered over. Taking a seat beside Levi, he nodded at the Dom.

“Twice in one week.” Levi Mitchell was five years older, a general practitioner with his own practice, and a hell of a Dom. His black hair was graying at his temples.

They shook hands. Brody had always liked Levi.

“I know. I appreciate you seeing me the other day, and getting the results back so swiftly.” Brody scanned the group in attendance.

There were some faces missing. Brody knew that Rafael Flores was neck deep undercover. Cooper Livingston was on duty at the firehouse. Although, it looked like Gage Walker was taking a break from his security business. His right-hand man Henry Sinclair was in the chair beside him. Brody acknowledged them with a nod.

Asher Munro stood in a damn black suit near the front, talking to Jase Ryan, who was also sporting a suit today, along with three men Brody didn’t know well, but he knew they were related to the Ryan clan. The massive Dom, Xavier Campbell, was behind his bar in jeans and a black tee, restocking for tonight. Xavier and his brother Jasper were Ryan cousins from Scotland. Jasper was engaged in a discussion with two of the Ryan brothers, Colin and Finn.

Ryker Lafitte and Dean Ryan were laughing over something near the VIP section of the club. Even Ronan Douglas had taken time out of his busy professional rugby training to attend.

The leader of the entire motley crew and owner of this fine establishment, Gabe Ryan, stood near the front of the room, checking his watch in a long-sleeved button-down and slacks. The man lived by his schedule, and was a damn fine Dom. Without his influence, Brody doubted he would be the Dom he was today. But he didn’t understand how the guy could wear suits all the time. With his business, since he split his time between drawing up architecture plans and overseeing the construction sites for the plans to bring them into fruition, more often than not, Brody wore jeans. Much easier to get mud or plaster stains out of jeans than slacks.

Gabe held a hand up and, above the din of voices, said, “If we could get started, then we can move this meeting along quickly so that we aren’t here all day.”

The room settled down while Gabe waited. Brody tapped his fingers on his knee. It was better than pulling out his phone and sending Reegan a text to confirm that they were definitely on for tonight. She had canceled on him last night, claiming a work emergency.

It worried him that she might decide to walk and ghost him, just like he’d done to her thirteen years ago. He tried to convince himself it was fine. But deep in his gut, he suspected it was because as much of her body as she had given him, he’d not yet broken through her walled resolve against sharing her softer emotions. Physically, she surrendered everything to him. But the rest, she held back.

And he wanted all of her. He wanted her rage and her tears, her smiles and her joy, her defeats and sorrows.

Gabe interrupted his train of thought. “Thank you all for coming. I know we’ve all got busy lives, but it’s important that we continue to meet like this to ensure every scene is safe. We’ve got a lot to get through this morning, so if there are any questions or comments, hold them until the end.

“Now, the first order of business. In the membership packets on your seats, I’ve provided an overview of what the current membership rate is, the proposed increase in said rate, and the various items we would like to add to the club for everyone’s benefit and enjoyment with the proposed raise. I want you to review the amount and then, at next month’s meeting, we will take a vote on it. As a side note, Brody has been generous enough with his carpentry skills to help us update, repair and, in some instances, replace furniture that has seen better days.”

The group hooted and clapped at the prospect of new furniture. It was something Brody did on the side—custom dungeon furniture—in his limited free time. He acknowledged them all with a wave.

“Moving on. Some of you might have met them, others possibly not, but we have three new member applications for your consideration. Josh, Aiden, and Sean Ryan. They are some of our cousins from Ireland, who recently moved to our wonderful city. As they are family, neither my brothers nor I can provide the three affirmative votes necessary to grant them membership. I ask if there are three members who will vouch for them.”

Asher Munro raised his hand. Gage Walker raised his. And then Brody put his hand up. If they were members of the Ryan family, that was good enough for him. As he glanced around the room, he saw that everyone who wasn’t a family member had raised their hands. The three men certainly had the black Irish looks of the Ryan brothers. The subs would go gaga over the fresh Dom beefcake.

Gabe smiled at his cousins. “Welcome to the club, you three. We’re bloody glad to have you.”

The Ryan brothers welcomed the cousins with back slaps and brotherly hugs, laughing as they did so. Brody had always wondered what it would be like to belong to such a large family. It had been only him and his mom for so many years. Now that she was gone, he felt a bit like an island.

At least he did have this group of guys, though. They were all friends, and backed each other up when needed.

“All right, settle down. For the next bit of business, Sophia will be addressing the group.” Gabe shot a glance at the woman in question whom Brody hadn’t even seen enter the club.

Every Dom sat a little straighter in their seats as she waltzed through the crowd. Sophia was a looker with her dark chestnut hair and killer body. Today she wore a red skirt and matching blazer, with fuck me pump heels in a cheetah pattern. Brody and Sophia had never done a scene together. But every man here knew that Gabe was one lucky son of a bitch, and Gabe obviously recognized that as he gazed at his sub with pride.

When she stood at Gabe’s side, she cast a gregarious smile upon the room. “Hi guys. I don’t mean to interrupt your testosterone fest. But Gabe and I have been discussing the singles nights. First, I want to thank you all for your enthusiasm and participation. All the subs have thoroughly enjoyed the effort you guys are putting into them. You all get a gold star from me on that end. Second, they have been so widely popular that we will be adding more nights throughout the fall. This way, if you can’t make it one night, there will be a second one each month. But what I really would like is feedback from all of you. If you have any suggestions or themes you would like me to add, last night I had Reegan help me set up an online form on the website to streamline the process and make it easy for you… ah yes, Master Henry?”

“I have a suggestion. You could always toss that one over for me.” Henry jerked his chin toward Gabe with a sarcastic smile.

Sophia laughed while Gabe glared daggers at Henry. “While I appreciate the sentiment, Sir,” she glanced at Gabe with such affection, it was damn near tangible, “I have the only Dom I want. Anyone else?”

Brody raised his hand. “I have one.”

“Master Brody, what’s your suggestion or question?”

“When did you and Reegan work on the website?”

Sophia tilted her head with a confused expression over his line of questioning. “Last night. Why?”

Last night? Why, that little liar!

“Just curious.” Brody downplayed his interest with a bland smile, hoping he didn’t raise suspicion since he and Reegan had agreed to keep their relationship between the two of them for the time being. His hands clenched in fury. The moment Reegan walked through his door, he was going to tan her fucking hide for lying to him. Work, his ass. She’d hung out with her best friend last night and ditched him.

As the crowd talked and laughed about the singles nights, he quietly fumed. If there was one thing he expected, it was honesty. No, they weren’t doing emotions or commitment, but he would be damned if he would be in any type of arrangement with a submissive where trust and honesty weren’t at the forefront.

He drew his phone from his pocket and shot off an angry text before he thought better of it.

So. You had to work last night? You sure about that?

He put the phone back in his pocket. It buzzed two minutes later. He checked the screen.

Yep. I worked past midnight.

Like hell! Brody thumbed out a single worded response. Lies.

What??? I’m not lying.

It took everything in him not to ring her up and give her the tongue lashing she deserved. Sophia just addressed the Doms at our meeting. You were with her last night.

Yeah, working for the club. I have an arrangement with Gabe for my membership fee. I do all the techie stuff for the club when it’s needed. Meaning it’s work.

Brody was not mollified in the slightest by her explanation. From here on out, you will explain the work you are doing when you cancel on me.

Don’t get all butthurt over it.

Oh, ho! The woman was asking for an impressive punishment. Careful, sweetheart. You’re already cruising for some epic discipline tonight.

She sent a gif of a woman rolling her eyes.

Are you trying to piss me off?

Nope. It’s just an unintended bonus.

You know, I was going to go easy on your punishment tonight but I’m revising that assessment.

I’m not apologizing for needing to work last night, so you can forget it. You don’t control any part of my working life. Work comes first. We discussed this when we made the deal. Unless you want to back out?

No backing out. But I demand honesty. If you have some work that pertains to the club that you’re canceling meeting me for, I demand to know the reason. That way, I’m not blindsided in a meeting with the truth that you were in one place when I thought you were in another. And omitting where you were last night is lying.


Don’t think you’re off the hook.

I know.

My place. Six on the nose.

We agreed on seven.

I’m changing the time. Be there at six, and don’t forget the overnight bag. Not that you will be wearing anything.

You’re the most infuriating man alive.

Right back at you, babe. Six. Don’t be late. And I might let you come tonight if you’re nice to me.

I’m always nice to you.

“You and Reegan, huh?” Levi murmured beside him with a lopsided grin and nod at Brody’s phone.

“What? No, I…” Shit.

Levi smirked. “I won’t say anything. Figured it was odd that both of you wanted to be tested the same week.”

“It’s not like you think.”

“So, you’re not screwing each other?” Levi asked with such quiet and knowing control, Brody felt like he was being questioned just like a sub.

“We have an arrangement. It works for us.” Brody sighed. For the most part, anyhow, when he didn’t want to throttle the woman.

“An arrangement? That’s what you call dating?”

“We aren’t dating. We have no plans to date. We have a physical relationship, nothing more.” For now. He had plans to woo her into wanting more with him, making her ask him for more, but that was going to take time and inventiveness on his part.

Levi shook his head. “Never figured Reegan for the committed hookup.”

“The two of you have scened with each other?” Brody shouldn’t feel territorial. He and Reegan both had pasts. He was sitting in a room full of Doms whom she had likely scened with at some point.

Levi nodded in affirmation. “A couple of times. She’s a good sub, if a bit mouthy, and is likely a switch. Don’t tell her that though. Woman would sooner bite off her own hand than have someone else define her.”

Brody had thought that as well. It was part of what fascinated him. She had all these dichotomies. She was fiercely independent but had a complex network of insecurities surrounding that independence. She was a bedroom submissive who loved pain. But it also made him wonder if she had ever had a Dom be tender with her. Knowing Reegan, she probably bit off the guy’s head for trying, and ended up with a red ass.

“Looks like lunch has arrived.” Levi jerked his chin to the food being set up on the bar, with Xavier barking at anyone trying to move into his territory.

Brody’s phone buzzed. Levi gave a deprecating laugh. “And you think you’re not dating.”

Levi left him on the couch as the gang broke for lunch, curious about the message Reegan had sent him. He opened it up, and almost dropped his damn phone. Pressing the pause button, he rose and headed into the empty locker room, thankful that everyone had been talking loudly enough that none of them had heard or noticed a naked Reegan on his screen.

Once he was certain he was alone, he pressed play on the video. Reegan was reclining against a headboard with a mound of pillows behind her. She was completely bare. Her thighs were spread wide as she fingered her cunt while her other hand cupped and kneaded her left tit. Like a hungry man yearning for a speck of food, Brody watched her masturbate. Entranced, he couldn’t look away, even if he wanted to. She writhed and undulated her hips, plunging two digits inside her dewy cunt. The moment she came, she tossed her head back and issued a throaty moan, lost in ecstasy. She was fucking gorgeous when she came. He didn’t think he would ever tire of watching her climax.

And he was so hard, he could cut diamonds with his dick.

Then she glared at the camera with a clear piss off vibe. Those blue eyes were bright from her climax, and chock full of defiance. “See? I came. Because you don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

The video ended with her giving him a middle finger salute.

Shock riddled him for all of two seconds. Rage welled up inside him to mythic proportions and turned into a living, breathing entity. He kept himself from throwing his phone at the wall to watch it shatter, but just barely. The woman was going to pay for that little stunt. Who the fuck did she think she was?

Stalking from the locker room, Brody headed straight to the elevator. He was too infuriated to eat. And if someone tried to talk to him in his present state, he would take their head off. Gabe would end up giving him a suspension from the club, given the volatile nature of his emotions. Waiting by the closed silver doors was Ryker.

The dude had his long dark hair pulled back into a low ponytail. He had a few inches on Brody. Even though it was the middle of the summer, he wore a long-sleeved black tee shirt, jeans that were ripped at the knees, and shit-kicker boots, likely because he had ridden one of his motorcycles to the club today. Ryker’s brows rose when he spied him. “Okay there, Brody?”

“Fine,” he seethed, and strode onto the lift without another word the moment the doors slid open.

Ryker sauntered in after him, eyeing him speculatively. “You’re not staying for lunch either?”

“Have things to do,” Brody bit out. He liked Ryker. He was a good Dom. But he was in no mood for inane chit chat.

“I understand. Dakota and Skye are waiting on me for lunch.” Ryker pressed the button for the parking garage.

Ryker was the one Dom who had surprised everyone by shacking up with Gabe’s assistant, Dakota. Brody had scened with Dakota once. She was a sweet sub, eager to please, but there wasn’t any deep connection between them. He was happy for them both. “Tell Dakota hi for me.”

Ryker cocked his head and grinned. “Who is she?”

“What are you talking about?” Brody pretended ignorance and kept his face impassive. There were some things he would rather not discuss. The fact that he planned to take Reegan over his knee and wallop her ass until it was bright red wasn’t anyone’s business but theirs.

“Don’t play dumb with me. Which sub has your boxers in a twist?”

“None of your business, that’s who,” Brody replied as the elevator arrived at the parking garage level. The doors slid silently open and let in a blast of heat.

Ryker snorted. “Well, whoever she is, give her a big kiss from me. The fact that she has you this twisted up in your underwear, I think is fantastic.”

“You always were a sadistic son of a bitch.”

“Takes one to know one.” Ryker climbed onto his Harley and buckled his helmet on. He revved the engine and took off.

As he passed by, Brody gave him the finger, and was left with Ryker’s dark laughter and thrumming motor echoing in the space.

Reegan had best prepare herself for the reckoning that was about to happen that night. And if she didn’t show at his house, Brody would wind up on her doorstep. She wasn’t getting out of the punishment cruising her way, or the dire straits she had put their arrangement in with the stunt she had pulled.

She didn’t think he had any control over how she acted. The woman was in for a rude awakening. Because she was his, even though she didn’t realize it yet.