Midnight Renegade by Anya Summers


It was a huge fucking gamble.

The deal he had made with Reegan. Given the animosity that existed between them, Brody was shocked that she had even agreed to scene with him in his dungeon the other night, let alone consented to his proposal—which, even by his standards, had been outlandish.

Adjusting the finishing touches on his design for a client, Brody strove to maintain focus on the ever present backlog of work for his architecture and construction firm, BD Schmidt Builders, and not his dick. Normally, concentrating on the architectural layout for a new building project wasn’t a problem. He tended to bury himself in work to the exclusion of all else. It was what had kept him sane when his mom got sick. And it was his way of coping with life’s more difficult aspects because it gave him an escape.

And yet, ever since Saturday night with Reegan, his thoughts strayed to her supple form constantly. The memory of that night—from the little sounds she made when she came, to how she had felt gripping him tight while they had torn up the floor in his dungeon and then later, his bed—played on repeat.

And hell, but he was looking forward to doing it all again. Couldn’t wait to get his hands on her fucking killer body, feel her come apart beneath him, above him, and every naughty way his mind could think of through his lust-steeped haze.

It was Reegan, for fuck’s sake.

The woman who had spent the last thirteen years treating him like he was something disgusting she had scraped off her shoe. Not that he had been much better toward her either over the years, because he hadn’t been. They had lost touch after he’d graduated and headed off to graduate school. But then five years ago, they’d run into each other at The Eros Pit, much to both their chagrins. Although the bulk of the animosity could be laid at his feet. He knew that. Knew that he had hurt her. He couldn’t turn back time and undo his actions.

But the opportunity to enact his plan had finally presented itself. Now that Brody had had her, he was more resolved than ever not to let her slip away a second time. It would take a boatload of finagling and fine tuning on his part to make her see that they were better together than apart. In truth, until the other night, he had begun to doubt the voracity of his obsession.

The intercom on his desk phone buzzed. Swiveling slightly from his drawing table, he hit the button and said, “What’s up, Samantha?”

“Boss, I made that appointment for you.”

“When?” he asked, more than ready to discover the way Reegan felt bareback. The mere thought of it made his dick twitch. He shifted in his seat.

“The earliest Doctor Mitchell could squeeze you in that also works with your schedule, is noon on Thursday.”

If he could, Levi would fit Brody in sooner. If that was all that was available, he would take it. “It will do. Thanks for getting that done. Is that all you need?”

“I’m heading out to lunch. Want me to pick you up something?”

Brody glanced at the clock on his desk and shook his head. His entire morning had sped by while he had been working on the plans for an upscale art gallery. “Yes, that would be great. A burger loaded, fries, and house salad from wherever you’re going.”

“Will do, boss. Be back in an hour.”

“Thanks, Samantha.”

She was the best assistant he had ever had. He had met her at the club. While they were in a pocket room talking and getting to know each other before a scene, he discovered she was an executive assistant looking for a new job. It had come at the most opportune time, too, because two weeks prior to their meeting, he’d been forced to fire his assistant. The night had quickly altered from being one of pleasure to one where Brody ended up conducting an interview while wearing leather pants.

They had opted not to do the scene once it was decided that Samantha would come to his office the following Monday for a formal interview. That had been six years ago, and he didn’t know what he would do without her. Samantha kept his work life running smoothly.

And now the deal with Reegan would ensure his personal life was squeaking along, and eventually would help him keep his promise. The start of his relationship with Reegan may not be exactly what he had promised his mom before she died last December, but for now, it would do. Because eventually, Brody would maneuver Reegan into committing to him long term. Before the year was done, she’d wear his collar.

With that in mind, he grabbed his cell phone off the mahogany desk and shot off a text to Reegan.

Tonight. Seven. My place. Don’t be late, or you will be punished.

Three dots appeared on the screen. I can be there at seven-thirty.

Are you trying to test me?

No. But work comes first. If you don’t like it, then this deal won’t work out.

He ground his teeth. As much as he wanted to assert more control, they were at the beginning, and he didn’t want to fuck it up. Not when he was getting what he needed in spades.

Fine. Seven-thirty.

Got it. And I wouldn’t mind a spanking, Sir.

The minx. At her words, the image of her supple ass over his thighs danced through his mind. He remembered the way it had looked after taking the crop to her milky flesh: stunning, and erotic as hell. It was why he’d taken her from behind. The sight of her abused, reddened ass had made his dick hard enough to cut glass.

You’ll get a spanking when I think you’ve earned it, and not before.


Stop trying to top from the bottom.

Or you’ll what?

Deny you an orgasm.

Figures you would be a jerk.

Take off your panties.

I’m kind of at my desk.

Go to the bathroom and remove your panties. As proof that you’ve followed my directions, take a picture of your pretty bare cunt and send it to me.

He sat back, waiting to see if she responded. As the minutes ticked by, he started to wonder if he had messed the whole thing up with his demand. She was at work, and the last thing he would ever want to do was get her fired. That would toss a wrinkle of epic proportions into his plans. His cell buzzed on his desk.

He opened the text with the attachment. The first was the image he had requested, but she had gone so far as to spread her labia for him in the picture. It made him want to demand she leave work and meet him at his place just so he could eat his fill. The second texted attachment was a thirty second video. Watching it made his blood simmer and, by the time it finished, his erection was straining the confines of his slacks and he was desperate for more. He played it again, entranced, as Reegan rubbed and stroked her pussy. Her small, quiet gasps as she pleasured herself were the biggest damn turn-on.

I want more. He pressed a palm against his erection, shifting himself a bit to make it more comfortable.

Can’t. I’m at work.

He didn’t give a damn. She had taken his instructions a step further to tease him. Confounded woman. Two could play this game, only he would play it better. Go to the most remote place in your building.

Dude, I have a meeting in ten minutes. That clip will have to satisfy you until tonight.

The little brat was not only teasing him, she was also denying him too. She had probably made the video simply to drive him out of his damn mind with lust all day. Frustrated, horny as hell, he replied, Now you’ve earned a fucking spanking.

See you at seven-thirty.

Before Brody could respond, Samantha pushed his office door open after a quick knock. She had her hands full. The tasty aroma of the burger and fries infused his office. His stomach grumbled at the mouth-watering scent. Well, if he couldn’t sate one hunger, he would satisfy another.

“Thanks, Samantha. If you would hold my calls for the next thirty while I eat?”

“Sure thing, boss. Can I get you anything else?”

Reegan. But he didn’t say that, only shook his head. “I’m good.”

And before the night was done, Reegan would know he wasn’t a Dom to fuck with, and would thank him by the end. He would make sure of it.

* * *

At seven-thirty-five,Reegan rang Brody’s doorbell. In the dwindling light of day, his house was even more incredible than it had looked from the brief impressions she had gotten Saturday night. The arched windows and doors, sandstone bricks in a variety of shades ranging from fawn to tawny in a complex pattern, and lush foliage surrounding the property, almost made one forget that this was high plains territory. But in her defense, she had been a little bit more occupied with the man than with his living space.

At the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the door, her belly quivered.

Reegan still wasn’t wearing panties beneath her skirt, per his command from earlier that day. She had been forced to sit through two meetings and a virtual conference without underwear. She was adventurous, but usually avoided going commando at the office. The last thing she wanted to do was give any of the guys on the team—who already didn’t care for the fact that she was the lead hacker—any fuel against her.

What manner of madness had driven her to egg him on with the short video, only to deny him further? Her actions were akin to waving a red flag in front of a bull.

She had no clue other than she had problems with authority outside of the bedroom. In some ways, she guessed it was her way of thumbing her nose at him when he decided to enter extreme overbearing territory.

All she knew for certain was that she had enjoyed their night together. So much so that she had agreed to this absurd plan because she wanted a repeat. Hell, truthfully, she wanted to use Brody as her very own personal live action sex toy. And the man was more than obliging.

The heavy oak door opened with nary a sound, only a dispelling of the air.

Reegan damn near swallowed her tongue.

Six solid feet of displeased Dom, his dirty blond hair wet from a shower, and his gorgeous contoured chest completely bare, stood before her. She soaked in the defined lines of his pecs and washboard abs, dusted with chest hair that arrowed down and disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans. He hadn’t even buttoned the jeans up all the way. They rode indecently low on his hips while still cupping his most cuppable body part, all while providing her a premiere view of his victory lines. The last time she had seen them, she had traced them with her tongue.

“You’re late,” he said.

“I don’t control traffic, dude. It’s five minutes, it’s not a big deal.”

He held the door wide enough for her to enter with a stern expression on his chiseled face. She sashayed in, thinking that she would head back to his dungeon and strip so that they could get this booty call show on the road tonight.

But Brody had other ideas.

The door thudded shut. Then she heard the audible snick of the lock behind her before she realized his devious intent. Immovable hands grabbed her. The man tossed her over his shoulder in a barbarian style move that should have pissed her off but only served to ignite coiling heat in her belly. His woodsy scent enveloped her as she scrabbled to hold on from her upside down position.

She gasped. “What the hell are you doing?”

Ignoring her entreaty, the dratted man stalked straight into his living room, carting her over his shoulder like she weighed less than a sack of potatoes. She was contemplating biting his flank for the rough treatment when a hard swat landed on her bottom. The brute force and resulting shock of pain stole her breath.

“Quiet.” The Dom order washed over her being. It called to every submissive molecule in her body, and had her purring. Dominant arrogance in small doses was hot as hell, and turned her on like nothing else. She was not slave material by any means. Nor was she submissive outside the bedroom. It was the only place where she willingly gave up control.

And Brody’s dominance was a cut above the rest.

Brody sat on the leather sofa and shifted her body in the process. The repositioning was so smooth, she was face down with her ass over his powerful thighs before she could lobby any type of protest. He didn’t speak as he shoved her skirt up to her waist and placed a strong forearm against her lower back, effectively trapping her against his thighs. Not that she would have moved if she could have. She wanted this—needed it, even.

“You’ve earned every single swat.”

That was all he uttered before he peppered her behind. His big hand cracked against her bum. The burn speared through her veins and coiled with the heat already present in her sex. As the spanking progressed, with the force increasing in intensity, she began to tilt her hips up in greedy expectation of the next hard whack. Who would have guessed that Brody was this controlled and domineering?

She moaned at the next hard series of whacks. Moisture seeped from her pulsing sex. Reegan loved a good discipline session. And perhaps that was why she had egged him on today—because she needed discipline in the worst way, and the man was checking off all her boxes.

She had lost count of the number of swats he had administered thus far.

She whimpered when the spanking ended. It could have gone on to infinity, and she would have been fine with it. Even when she knew that he had tanned her hide well enough that sitting at her desk tomorrow would be rather uncomfortable.

Brody massaged her butt, his fingers teasing her crease. He was so close to the promised land. Just a half an inch and a few hard flicks would send her hurtling over the edge.

She lifted her hips, begging for surcease without saying the words. His dark, sadistic, husky chuckle set her teeth on edge.

“It’s not going to be that simple, babe. Your punishment isn’t over yet.” He dumped her on the leather couch and rose. Sitting on the ottoman facing her, he ordered, “I want to see more of the show you put on for my benefit earlier.”

Oh, was that all?

Biting her bottom lip, she cast him a seductive grin, leaned against the back rest on the couch, and spread her thighs wide. She drew a finger through her drenched slit, studying his reaction. A muscle ticked in his jaw. His eyes blazed with the heat of a thousand suns as she circled her clit with a fingertip.

As she rubbed and stroked her pussy, pleasure built inside so that she crossed the line from putting on a show for him to reveling in the bliss-infused sensations flooding her. The first tendrils of an orgasm danced within her reach as she flicked her swollen pearl faster and faster.

Through it all, she kept her gaze trained on him, watching the lust darken his eyes until they were nearly black. She noticed the huge bulge pressing against his jeans, and licked her lips.

“Stop.” Brody issued the command seconds before she climaxed.

Two warring factions set up camp within her. One wanted her to ignore his arrogant demand. Who the hell was he to tell her to stop so close to climaxing? The other wrapped around her need to submit, and had her withdrawing her fingers from her sex without question.

“On your knees.”

Reegan didn’t hesitate this time. She slid onto the plush rug at his feet as he stood, and gazed up at him with greedy hunger.

Brody unzipped his jeans, freeing his thick member. The smooth shaft jutted from his pelvis with a pearlescent drop of precum that had her licking her lips. His cock was beautiful, long and wide, with the end curving slightly upward.

“Suck it.”

Reegan needed no further urging. She gripped the base of his staff and squeezed slightly, thrilled at his low hiss of pleasure at her touch.

Leaning forward, with her gaze trained on his face, she licked his shaft from root to tip. She swirled her tongue over the head, tasting the salty musk of his precum. His eyes darkened with lust. Then she enveloped the head in her mouth. He was so wide that it strained her jaw, but she ignored the slight discomfort and sucked his shaft deep inside until his crown hit the back of her throat.

“Fuck me.” At Brody’s dark groan, a maelstrom ignited inside her. She didn’t mind giving head. In fact, she adored it. Because at the end of the day, while he might have ordered her, thereby exerting his dominance, she was the one in control. She had made giving them an artform, with many hours of study. Although, she doubted one could give a bad blow job.

She bobbed her head and brought a hand up to play with his heavy testes—much to Brody’s delight if the dark grumble of pleasure that rattled through his chest was anything to go by. His fingers threaded into her hair as he began to resume control.

Pumping his hips, he fucked her mouth.

But she still had the power. Granted, she gladly ceded it over because she knew that once she had made him come, he would turn his attention on doing the same for her. His thrusts grew less controlled and more hurried, meaning he was extremely close to climaxing.

Reegan decided to push him over the ledge, and used the caress that always made a man blow his load. She rubbed his perineum as she sucked his cock.

Brody’s grip on her hair tightened. He lengthened and swelled inside her mouth. She redoubled her efforts, hollowing her cheeks as she took him in.

“FUUUUCK!” he roared loudly enough that, if he had close neighbors, they would have heard.

Brody’s cock jolted between her lips. Warm splashes of semen flooded her mouth as he pumped his hips. She worked her mouth over his shaft, swallowing his spunk in greedy gulps until the final drop slid down her throat. Brody stilled, his hold on her slipping. When his cock softened, she finally removed her mouth.

Sitting back on her haunches with her skirt bunched at her waist, her nipples beaded points beneath her blouse, she stared up at him, her chest visibly moving with the force of her desire. Brody’s green eyes blazed with carnal passion. Without a word, he stepped out from his jeans that had pooled around his ankles, scooped her up off the floor, and carted her down the hall.

She recognized where they were headed from the other night. She admired the beige hardwood floors and grand, cream, arched stone walls. The artwork on the walls were bright splashes of color that popped against the understated background. Brody took her through his bedroom with the vaulted ivory ceiling and dark espresso wooden buttresses, directly through the bathroom, and into his dungeon. The fact that he brought her here after everything they had already done so far spoke volumes. He wasn’t done with her yet tonight.

Unmitigated heat unfurled through every corner of her being. Her desire for him, and his brand of bed sport, was astronomical. All this time they had spent hating one another, when what they should have been doing was each other.