Gulf Coast Wedding by Maggie Miller

Chapter Twenty

Travis took in the smell of pizza that permeated the living room. The happy sounds of light-hearted conversation gave the place a party atmosphere, despite the drone of the local news on the big screen. Besides him, Lilly, Griffin, Mia, Sam, Levi, Denise, and Clayton were all gathered. Chloe was in her carrier on the floor next to where was Griffin seated on the loveseat. Georgia was in the kitchen getting drinks, about to join them.

The mode was about as festive as you could get for a Monday night.

Travis couldn’t help but be a bit reserved, however. He had no idea what tonight’s outcome would be and while he wasn’t one of those guys who would be destroyed by losing, he’d be lying if he pretended it wouldn’t be a blow to his ego.

More than that, however, he’d also feel like he’d let everyone down. Not just Georgia and Sam, but all of the townspeople who’d come out to support him. That would be the hardest thing to deal with. That sense of disappointing those who’d rallied around him.

“Here we go,” Georgia announced as she came in with a tray bearing a pitcher of lemonade and cups of ice. “Anything new yet?”

Travis shook his head. “They just did the weather. Supposed to be a cold snap next week. Might dip into the upper forties.”

“That is chilly.” She set the tray down on the big coffee table next to the boxes of pizza and stack of paper plates and napkins. “We might as well dig in. No sense in letting the pizza get cold. Besides that, my stomach’s rumbling.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Griffin said. He flipped open the first box. “Who wants pepperoni?”

Clayton’s hand shot up first, making everyone laugh. “Me!”

“Hang on, buddy.” Sam got him a slice on a paper plate and handed it to him.

He looked at it, then at her. “Mom, I could eat two, you know.”

“I’m sure you can, but how about you make this slice disappear first?”

As the pizza got handed out, Georgia sidled up next to Travis. “You look like you’re waiting for a shoe to drop.”

“I kind of feel that way. This is all so surreal.”

“It is, I’ll give you that, but it’s going to be an epic victory for all of us. The town included.” She kissed his cheek. “What kind of pizza do you want?”

“Just cheese, I guess.”

“I’ll get it for you.” But she didn’t go anywhere. “I wasn’t going to say anything, but it’s bound to come up in conversation so I might as well tell you. Lavinia showed up here today, trying to shut things down with some nonsense about needing a permit. Kelly debunked all that and Lavinia left in a huff, but with the way she’s behaving? She knows she’s lost.”

He took a breath. “Maybe. That does sound like a last-ditch kind of effort to make trouble.”

“I thought so too. I told her as much.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You did?”

Georgia nodded. “I told her I felt sorry for her and the small life she lives. I also told her it’s not too late to make amends for all the things she’s done and that she ought to go home and think about that.”

He would never stop being impressed with the woman beside him. “What did she say?”

“She didn’t really say anything so much as make a noise that could have been disapproval or gas. Hard to say.”

Travis laughed. “I love you, Georgia.”

She grinned. “Me too, you. And I hate to ask, but have you heard anything more from Jillian?”

He shook his head. “Not since she showed up. Thankfully. No clue what happened to her.”

Georgia took a breath. “I guess that’s good. Okay, pizza coming up.”

They got their slices and settled in to eat along with everyone else. Clayton was well into his second slice when the news ended, and a game show began. A scrolling tape across the bottom carried election results for the town, but the numbers were still showing zero.

Until about 6:30.

Travis stared at the numbers that had just recalculated. Around him, everyone went still and silent as well. Except for Clayton and Chloe, who were oblivious to what the screen was showing.

“Travis,” Georgia said softly. “Those numbers.”

He nodded, unable to take his eyes off the screen. “I see them.”

“Dad,” Sam said excitedly. “They’re predicting you as the winner!”

Lilly exhaled. “I knew it.”

“Thank you, Lord,” Denise whispered.

Levi whistled. “That is outstanding, Mr. Taylor.”

Travis reminded himself to breathe. “You know those figures could change.” Only about ten percentage points separated him and Lavinia.

“I predict they will,” Georgia said, pointing a finger at the screen. “Because that margin is going to grow.”

Griffin grabbed a slice of sausage pizza. “They totally will. There’s no way it ends up that close. Watch.”

And watch they did. But as the minutes ticked by and the pizza disappeared, the delta between his votes and Lavinia’s grew. Half an hour later, the local news anchor broke into the programming to call the race.

Everyone erupted with cheers and applause. A few seconds later, Travis’s phone rang.

He stood up as he answered. “Hello?”

“Evening, Travis. It’s Bill Turner. I’m sure you have the news on.”

Travis nodded. “Hi, Bill. Yes, I do.”

“Well, I’m calling to make it official. Of course, the ballots won’t be certified until the final tally tomorrow, but for all other purposes, you’re the new town councilman. Congratulations.”

“Thank you. And thanks for calling. Have a good night.”

“You too.” Bill hung up.

Travis turned to face his family and friends. “That was Bill Turner. It’s official. Or as official as it can be until the certification tomorrow.” He shook his head. “I won. I can’t believe it. I really won. I won’t take office until January, but that doesn’t matter. Lavinia is now a lame duck!”

Georgia jumped up and hugged him. He closed his eyes and held onto her, letting the moment sink in. “I knew you could do it.”

He pulled back just enough to see her face. “You believed in me from day one.” He looked at the rest of them. “You all did. Thank you. We did it.”

Georgia kissed his cheek, then let go of him. “I’m getting that champagne! It’s time for a toast. And maybe some ice cream.”

Sam and Mia both got up to help and followed her into the kitchen.

Levi stood, sticking his hand out. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” Travis said, shaking the man’s hand. “Same to you. I’m very happy you guys got the house.”

Levi nodded, smiling big. “I just hope you’re not going to be too busy to help us now.”

“I’m ready to get started on it just as soon as you want.” Travis clapped him on the shoulder. “And I will never be too busy for family.”