Gulf Coast Wedding by Maggie Miller

Chapter Twenty-two

After looking over the plumber’s work, Lilly gave the man a nod. “Fantastic. Looks great.”

It was really something to see her new house coming together. Being reborn, really, from a clichéd beach rental to a permanent home filled with life and personality. She liked that very much.

She left the second bath to move deeper into the house. She was checking the wallpaper hanger’s progress in the master bedroom when a familiar voice rang out over the sounds of the other workers in her new house.

“Aunt Lill?”

“In the bedroom, Mia,” she called back.

Mia showed up a couple seconds later, red-faced, and sweaty in spandex running leggings, a long sleeve spandex shirt, and sneakers, with her sunglasses pushed to the top of her head and her hair swaying in a high ponytail. “Hey.”

“Hey to you. Don’t you look sporty. Where have you been? The gym?”

She shook her head. “No, I started running again today.”

“Good for you.”

She patted her stomach. “Back on low carb too. All of Coffee’s amazing food is making me pudgy.”

“Well, we can support each other then, because as much as I love that man’s food, it is my wardrobe’s kryptonite.”

“If I had your wardrobe, that would be motivation enough not to stray too far off the diet path.”

Lilly smiled. She adored Mia. If she’d had a daughter of her own, she would have wanted her to be just like her niece. “You and I should do a shopping trip sometime. To anywhere that has a Neiman Marcus. Maybe for your birthday. My treat. What do you say?”

Mia’s brows shot up. “I say if I can get the day off, I’m in.”

“Fabulous. I’m sure we can figure out one day that the inn won’t need you.” She put her hands on her hips and leaned back a little. “What do you think of the space so far?”

Mia looked around, then sighed in a sort of dreamy way. “It’s so cool. Different, but in the best way. It’s really you. Unexpected and totally hip. But then how could it be anything less? I love it.”

“Thanks, honey. I’m pretty crazy about it myself. You want a bottle of water? I don’t have much else to offer you at this point.”

“Sure, that would be great. If you have a minute, I actually came by to talk to you about something.”

“I always have time for you.” Lilly narrowed her eyes as she picked up on the serious tone in Mia’s voice. What was going on? “Why don’t we grab two bottles and go out on the deck so we can have some privacy? The new patio furniture is here now and with the sun it’s quite lovely out there, although the breeze is a little cool.”

“Sounds great.”

“Meet you out there. But mind your step. There are cords and cables and toolboxes all over the place.”

Mia nodded. “I see that.”

As she went toward the deck, Lilly followed, veering slightly into the space that would be her kitchen in a couple of weeks. She snagged two bottles from the cooler she kept supplied for the workmen, then joined Mia on the deck.

She went through the sliders and inhaled, tipping her face into the sun. “Oh, that air is amazing, isn’t it? You can almost taste the salt.”

Mia nodded from her spot on the new white-washed all-weather rattan sofa. “You can. I never get tired of that tang in the air.” She patted the lime green and turquoise patterned cushions. “This is really comfortable, and I love the colors. Goes great with the house. And I love that pair of loungers, too.”

“Thanks.” Lilly sat next to her and put both bottles of water on the round, glass-topped table that also served as a fire pit. “Can’t you just see relaxing on those after a long day, tropical drink in hand?”

Mia laughed. “Sure, just so long as that drink is sugar-free.”

Lilly snorted. “That’s my girl. Now. What did you want to talk to me about? It sounded serious.”

The amusement left Mia’s face. She reached for the closest bottle of water and twisted the top off. “It is. I need advice. Or wise counsel. Something like that.”

“Of course. I’m happy to help, you know that. What’s troubling you?”

Mia took a long drink before answering. “I’m worried that I’m going to get bored with Lucas. Or any guy really, who isn’t…I don’t know…a challenge.”

Lilly nodded. She completely understood.

Mia sipped her water again, sighing this time. “Brandon was a challenge and let’s face it, he was also one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made. But Lucas is nothing like that. He’s such a nice guy and I really do like him. I’m just worried I’ll be the one to mess things up because I don’t have to work at a relationship with him. Is this making sense?”


“You and Uncle Andre have been together a long time. And I know your marriage isn’t exactly conventional, but you must have some advice.”

“Sweetheart, for one thing, your relationship with Lucas is in its infancy.”

Mia exhaled as she shook her head. “I know, I’m overthinking this.”

“I’m not saying that at all. I think you’re smart to consider such a possibility at this early stage, but I mean that generally. That it’s good to work on yourself. Not that I believe it’s an obstacle you and Lucas are bound to face. There’s a lot to be said for a man who treats you like you’re a precious treasure.”

Mia smiled. “You mean the way Uncle Andre treats you.”

Lilly nodded. “We may not spend every waking moment together, but when I need him, he’s a hundred percent there for me. And he never fails to think of me. I see a lot of that in Lucas concerning you.”

“Maybe…I don’t treat him equally then? Because I don’t know if I’m as good as returning that kind of attention.” Mia looked worried. “Relationships are hard.”

Lilly took Mia’s hand. “They are. And they aren’t. Depends on the day. Just keep things easy for now. You’re about to be incredibly busy. Let’s face it, you already are incredibly busy. But when the inn opens, months are going to go by in a blur. You’ll see.”

She leaned in. “Lucas is one of the rare men who will understand that. And not hold it against you. That’s another thing your uncle and I do very well. We let each other have the space we need because we understand how complicated each other’s lives are. Andre’s especially. I don’t even know what country he’s in right now and I don’t mind telling you that’s nothing unusual.”

Mia chuckled.

“It’s true,” Lilly said. “But I know that if I text him, he will answer me the second he’s able. No matter what time zone he’s in, no matter what else is going on. If you and Lucas can have that kind of understanding? You’ll go far. As far as you want to.”

“So you don’t think I’ll get bored with him?”

“You might. No one can really answer that. But what’s so boring about a man who adores you? A man you can trust? A man with a bright future ahead of him? There are thousands of girls who’d love a guy like that in their life.”

Mia smiled. “You’re right. They would.” She sat up a little straighter. “Which means that Lucas is actually a challenge after all.”

Lilly didn’t quite follow. “How’s that?”

Mia’s eyes narrowed. “I’m going to have to be on my game to keep all those thousands of girls away from him.”

Lilly threw back her head and laughed. “There you go. That’s one way not to be bored. Because believe me, in a small town? Men like Lucas are a rare commodity.”

Mia stared out at the gulf. “They are. And I am a very lucky girl. Who really needs to start her day.” She jumped up. “Thanks for the water. And the advice. I’m pretty lucky to have an aunt like you to talk to.”

“I’m the lucky one. Thank you for trusting me to help.”

Mia bent down, kissed Lilly’s cheek, then headed for the stairs. “See you later, Aunt Lilly.”

“Later, sweetheart.” Lilly took a deep breath, content to sit and admire the view for a moment longer.

Then, on second thought, she got out her phone and send Andre a text just to say hello and tell him how wonderful she thought he was.

After all, Mia wasn’t the only lucky girl in Blackbird Beach.