Gulf Coast Wedding by Maggie Miller

Chapter Thirty-three

Staring in the full-length mirror in one of the guest rooms, Sam exhaled in the hopes of calming herself down. She wasn’t nervous exactly. Just…so full of the moment it was almost more than she could take in.

She smoothed her hands over the lace of her dress. The gown was her something old. The engagement ring her something new. The sapphire and diamond earrings, a generous loan from Lilly, served as both the borrowed and the blue.

There was nothing left to do but walk down those stairs on her father’s arm and marry the man she knew in her heart she was always meant to be with.

Griffin had taken his last picture of her getting ready, which she’d done with Georgia’s help, and the two of them had gone downstairs.

Approaching footsteps got her attention. Her dad and Clayton coming up to get her.

She took another breath and went out to the landing to meet them.

Her dad’s mouth came open when he saw her. “Samantha.” He blew out a breath. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

If his eyes seemed a little more liquid than usual, she pretended not to notice as he leaned in to kiss her cheek.

Clayton was close at his side, the pillow with the rings on it clutched tightly in his hands. Travis glanced down at him. “Doesn’t your mom look pretty?”

He nodded, utterly adorable in his navy suit. “You look like a princess.”

She smiled. “Thanks, buddy. You look very handsome, too.”

Travis extended his arm. “You ready?”

She nodded and took his arm, never more sure of anything in her life. “I am.”

* * *

Levi was utterly and completely overwhelmed in the best possible way.

He stood at the side of the little white arch that had been erected at the front of the living room, waiting on his bride. Reverend Bartholomew was just under the arch. Behind them, friends and family sat in chairs, all smiling. Especially his mom.

Flowers and plants entwined in little twinkling lights were everywhere. Summer, the inn’s new housekeeper, played soft music on her guitar, and candlelight bathed the room, washing it in a soft, ethereal glow that made him feel like he was in a dream.

Marrying Sam felt like that. A dream come true. And any moment, she was going to walk down those steps on Travis’s arm and stand beside Levi.

He barely even noticed Griffin and his camera as he captured the moment.

Small footsteps proceeded Sam.

Levi smiled. Clayton in his suit, carrying a little pillow that held the rings. His expression was one of absolute seriousness and concentration. He walked slowly and with great purpose, following the path of white petals that led from the stair landing to right in front of the arch.

He came to a stop next to Levi, looking up for what seemed like reassurance.

Levi smiled at him and whispered, “Great job.”

Clayton grinned, his grip on the pillow never wavering.

Then the music changed to a more familiar tune, and everyone stood, turning toward the steps. Levi lifted his gaze toward the stairs as well, his heart in his throat, his pulse ticking up a notch. He swallowed. This was it. The moment he’d never thought would happen. She was coming. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think.

All he could do was focus on the stairs, looking for the first signs of her.

Travis came into view first as he was on the side closest to the living room. But right next to him was the love of Levi’s life, draped in white lace. Levi exhaled.

As they descended, emotion began to overtake him. His chest rose and fell with the need for more air, and his vision blurred as tears welled up.

She saw him and smiled under her veil.

He smiled back, laughing with the joy of the moment. She was staggeringly beautiful. The most perfect woman he could imagine.

He heard a little sniff and looked into the audience. Both Georgia and his mother were weepy. That only set him off even more. He took a long breath, then exhaled slowly to get his control back.

Travis and Sam reached him. Travis kissed Sam’s cheek through the veil, then shook Levi’s hand, giving him a nod.

Reverend Bartholomew cleared his throat slightly. “Please be seated.” As the audience sat, the reverend looked at Travis. “Who gives this woman to be wed in holy matrimony?”

Travis answered, “I do.” He went back to his seat beside Georgia.

Levi took a long look at his bride. “Beautiful,” he whispered, even though the word didn’t do her justice.

She smiled and whispered back, “You look very handsome.”

Still smiling, they faced the reverend.

He looked up from his notes, which he had resting on the podium that usually sat by the front door, and gazed beyond Levi and Sam to those assembled behind them. “We are gathered here today to witness the joining of this man and this woman in the blessed union of marriage. This is a great moment in their life and while it’s true their journey has not been an easy one, I believe that makes this extraordinary occasion all the sweeter. We are truly privileged to be here.”

Someone behind them let out a soft sob. Levi smiled and glanced at Sam. She smiled back.

The reverend looked at them. There was undeniable happiness in his eyes. “Do you Levi Parker take this woman to be your wife? To love and cherish? To honor and support? Forsaking all others for the rest of your days?”

Levi nodded. “I do.”

“Very good.” The reverend looked at Sam. “Do you Samantha Taylor, take this man to be your husband? To love and cherish? To honor and support? Forsaking all others for the rest of your days?”

She nodded. “I do.”

“Excellent.” The reverend glanced down at his notes. “Marriage is a promise made for a lifetime. Do you each understand that your commitment to each other binds you as partners in life for so long as you both shall live?”

They nodded again.

“Do you also both promise to be the best parents possible to young Clayton? Providing him with the love and support he needs throughout his life?”

“We do,” they said in unison.

Clayton was looking up at them, smiling shyly.

“The rings please.”

Levi glanced at Clayton. “That’s your cue, buddy.”

Clayton held up the pillow.

Levi carefully untied the ribbons holding the rings in place, then handed them to the reverend.

He took them in one hand and held them up. “These rings are a symbol of what love and marriage are meant to be. An unbroken circle. They’re also a symbol of the trust and understanding needed to make a lifelong union work. I ask that God bless these symbols and make them a constant reminder to Levi and Sam of the vows they’ve just taken.”

He handed Sam’s ring to Levi. “Repeat after me. With this ring, I make you a promise that I will love and honor you all the days of my life.”

Levi repeated the words as he slipped the ring onto Sam’s finger. She was trembling slightly. Or maybe that was him.

“Now Samantha.” The reverend held Levi’s ring out to her. She took it and held it in position in front of Levi’s finger. “Repeat after me. With this ring, I make you a promise that I will love and honor you all the days of my life so long as you do the dishes.”

Everyone laughed. Sam repeated the words exactly, getting another laugh. She slid the ring onto Levi’s finger.

They both looked at the reverend again.

He smiled at them. “It is my great honor to pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

Levi lifted Sam’s veil. Her eyes were sparkling with unshed tears, but her smile was brighter than any light in the room. He pressed his mouth to hers, cupping her face in his hands and sealing the vows with their first kiss as man and wife.

She leaned into him, holding onto his arms.

Loud clapping and some cheering swelled up around them and as they finally separated.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the reverend began. “I am proud to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Parker!”

That earned them more cheering. Griffin was in front of them now, snapping pictures from all angles.

Mia stood up, raising her hand to get everyone’s attention. “We’re going to do some group photos first, then the bride and groom and son will do some photos as well. During that time, everyone else can head back to the beautiful dinner that Coffee has prepared.

Coffee got to his feet and gave them a nod. “Congratulations. See you back there.”

“Wait,” Sam said. “You have to be in at least one group shot.”

His brows rose. “You want me in a picture?”


He grinned. “Good thing I wore my best suit.”

Mia clapped her hands. “Let’s go, people.”

Everyone got up.

It took some doing, but Griffin got them all arranged on the stairs with Levi and Sam in the middle, Clayton in front of them, and everyone else surrounding them, then he fastened his camera to the tripod already set up, and quickly joined them.

“Three shots, right in a row,” he said. “So hold that smile.”

The pictures seemed to be endless, but Levi didn’t care. He wanted lots of photos to look back on. Besides that, he’d never been so content in his life. And when at last they were down to just photos of the two of them, those went by too fast.

Griffin checked something in the viewfinder of his camera, then looked up at them and nodded. “I think we’re good here. Let’s get a couple of you guys on the back deck with the hanging lights on, okay? With the beach behind you, they’ll be great shots.”

Levi nodded as he looked at Sam. She was still the only person he could see. “Sounds good to me.”

She stared up at him, smiling. “Yep.”

He bent to kiss her again, almost not noticing the click click click of the camera going off and the moment being captured.