Just For A Moment by Kate Carley

Chapter 13

“You hadsex in Win’s airplane?” Madalyn asked above the pounding beat of the music at The Rox.

“Sshhh,” Grace said with a nod and a scolding look as she leaned across the high-top table they shared. “I don’t usually do that kind of thing.”

“What kind of thing? Sex?”

“No.” Grace glanced around to make sure no one was close enough to overhear. “Something that important—first time sex—so spontaneously.”

“So, second time sex can be spontaneous?”

“No, Madalyn. You’re missing the point. That’s not me.”

“Then why’d ya do it?”

Grace exhaled on a long, slow sigh. That alone was enough to bring back the sensations of the most incredible sex of her life. “When Aaron touches me… well… Let’s just say, I stop thinking.”

“Please let me live vicariously through you. I want details.”

“I’m not sharing details.” Grace picked up her margarita and took a tiny sip. With the way Madalyn was slurping her second serving from the pitcher they were sharing, her friend would need a ride home. After this margarita, Grace was switching over to water.

“But was it good?” Her friend was still on the hunt for more sexy details.

“Incredible.” And that was not an exaggeration. Sex had never been like that with Jeremy.

“When are you seeing him again?”

“We’re planning on Saturday night, but only if Piper’s grandparents can take care of her.”

“She’s a real spit-fire.”

“Yeah, she’s got energy. But she’s sweet, too.”

“I don’t know. I’ve only seen her in the cafeteria or the playground at school. Let’s just say, I’m not looking forward to having her in my fourth-grade class. And I blame it all on Mel.” Madalyn took another drink of her margarita. “I never liked that woman.”

“Geez! What’s gotten into you?”

Madalyn shrugged. “Nothing.”

“What’s Cody up to tonight?”

“Don’t know. He moved out.”

“What? Why? I thought you guys were great.” Grace waited for a response but finally prompted, “The wedding is in like three months.”

“Seventy-six days. And we called it off. Today, I cancelled everything. The venue. The caterer. The photographer. The florist.” Madalyn paused for another gulp. “Non-refundable deposits on almost everything… Can you believe that? Goodbye thousands of dollars. Goodbye future husband.”

Grace wanted to cry for her friend and the heartbreaking situation she was in. “What happened? Why did you guys break up?”

“Cody’s seeing someone from work. He told me he doesn’t love me as much as he thought and that she makes him happier than I’d ever make him. Then, he moved out and took Ansel, our Newfoundland.”

“Jerk.” Grace reached for Madalyn’s hand.

“I’m going to miss Ansel more than Cody.”

“I’m sorry, Maddie Jane.”

“At least I’ve got you, Gracie Jane.” Madalyn let out a sad laugh.

“No wonder you needed a drink tonight.”

“I need more than one,” she said, her words came out slurred. Then, she giggled and took another swallow. “I’ve already had more than one. I can’t drive home.” She dug into the bag beside her and pulled out a keyring with a cute red, sparkly heart. Haphazardly, she slid the keys across the table.

Grace deposited them into her own handbag for safe keeping. “I’ve gotcha.”

Madalyn poured herself another glass. “You need more?” She held the pitcher and offered to top off Grace’s glass.

“No thanks. I’m still working on this one. You’re drinking. I’m driving. Remember?”

“Yup. I’ll be right back.” Madalyn stood and then did the drunk-girl walk toward the bathroom at the back of the bar, flipping her short blonde hair as if she were a runway model.

Grace turned her phone over and glanced at the screen. A text from her mom about wanting a blue glass serving dish and where Grace might be able to find it in the house. “Geez, Mom. Come pick out the things you want,” she said to herself.

There was also a text from Aaron. One she was far more interested in answering.

Aaron: Wish I was out at The Rox with you and Madalyn. I’d spin you around the dance floor.

Madalyn caught Grace’s eye with a wild, drunken wave as she meandered over to the bar and talked to the bartender.

Grace: Madalyn is drunk and getting drunker by the minute. She and Cody called off the wedding.

Aaron: Damn!

Grace: Right. I’m finishing my one margarita, and then I’m the DD.

Aaron: Love to talk. When will you be home?

Grace: Late.

Aaron: Can I see you on Saturday night?

Grace: Are Piper and her grandparents are up to that?

Aaron: Yes.

Grace: I can’t wait to see you again. Madalyn’s back. Talk later.

Grace set her phone face-down on the tabletop as Madalyn returned with a small black tray and two shot glasses of what Grace guessed was tequila, along with a little dish of lime wedges and another with a small hill of salt.

“I got us shots!” Madalyn said at the top of her lungs.

“I see that.”

“You’ll do one with me, won’t you?”

“Not tonight. Next time you and I go out.”

Madalyn licked the back of her hand by her thumb and sprinkled the salt on. “Count me down?”

“Sure. Three, two, one. Drink!” Grace managed to add what she hoped was party level excitement to her voice.

Madalyn seemed oblivious. Lick. Shoot. Suck. A drunken smile curled her lips. “I’m going to have to do yours, too.”


“Let’s do this again on Saturday. That’ll give me a couple days to rest up.”

Grace tapped her phone. “I was texting Aaron while you were up at the bar. We’re going out on Saturday.” She fought the smile that wanted to escape. She hated the idea of hurting Madalyn by not going out again. Or by being overly excited about a new relationship. On a night like this, it didn’t seem appropriate.

Madalyn took the second shot and blinked Grace into focus. “Don’t worry about me, Grace. I’m happy for you. Aaron’s a good guy.” With a shrug, she glanced across the bar and waved wildly to a tall woman with long dark hair.

“Who’s that?” Grace asked.

“That’s CJ. You remember. Crosby. She was in our class.”

“She’s gorgeous. I wish I were that tall.”

“Don’t you even go there. You’re taller than me by a foot.”

“You’re drunk. I’m maybe two inches taller than you.”

“We’re both short,” Madalyn agreed as she poured the last drops from the pitcher and took a healthy swig. “When I’m done with this, we’re dancing.”

Grace agreed, and after they’d made a few tipsy trips to the dance floor, she delivered her friend home.

“Do you need me to come in?” They’d never partied together, so she had no idea of Madalyn’s tolerance. But she actually seemed okay.

“No, I’m fine.” Madalyn climbed out of the car but leaned back in, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“What time do you need me to pick you up tomorrow morning for work?” Grace asked.

“I’ll walk to school in the morning, and then I’ll hike back to The Rox to pick up my car later in the day. Thank God it’s the end of summer school. I love the kids, but I really need a break before the school year starts up again.”

“Call me if you want a ride.”

“I will. Thank you for hanging with me tonight.”

“Anytime, Maddie Jane.”

“Love ya, Gracie Jane.”

“Love ya, too.” Grace reached out her hand with the keyring so Madalyn could unlock her front door. “Need help?”

“Nope. Talk to you tomorrow.” Madalyn closed the car door and slowly hiked up the steps to her condo.

Grace watched to make sure she got in okay and then drove home. After pulling on a comfortable pair of sweats and a long-sleeve t-shirt, she sat down in front of her computer. She tapped in the password and brought up the website she’d designed for Kensington Construction. The client wanted a few changes that wouldn’t take her long. Then, she’d be done with this project. She had four other projects in various stages of design iteration, all waiting on the clients’ input.

Working late at night and into the wee hours of the morning had become quite the habit. So had thinking about Aaron.

Every day, Aaron thoughtfully sent her a text to start her morning—simply to wish her a good day—while she was still fast asleep. Then, they texted throughout the day. She even stopped over at the airfield just to see him for a few minutes most days. All of these things made the long stretch of time until their date—now scheduled for Saturday night—seem almost bearable.