Just For A Moment by Kate Carley

Chapter 16

In Aaron’s opinion,they couldn’t get back to her house fast enough.

Inside, he slammed the door shut and glanced around for the first horizontal surface he could find—the old table in the library. He kissed Grace’s mouth, hiking her skirt up enough to lift her thigh around his hip. Without protest, she let him carry her, her legs encircled his waist until he set her bottom on the edge of the table. She worked the button at the top of his jeans.

“The curtain.” She waved frantically behind him, and he quickly stepped away to block out the view of the front yard and street beyond.

When he turned his attention back to Grace, she’d pulled her shirt off over her head and toed off her boots. She wore a sexy purple bra, her nipples straining against the see-through lace fabric. He jerked the cups down, teasing the mauve colored tips of her breasts—God, that was his new favorite color—until they stood out like hardened pearls.

With his other hand, he released his cock and rolled on a condom. “I said I wouldn’t take you again without getting you naked.” He dropped a kiss on her lips, and she groaned into his mouth. “Next time. I promise.”

“Hurry, Aaron.” Grace seemed satisfied with his promises, lying back on the table, her knees bent sharply and her feet resting on the very edge of the table. Her hands worked her own breasts, plucking at the nipples he’d bared. With her skirt gathered around her middle, the final barrier in his way was the tiniest scarp of purple satin.

He shifted her panties to the side and lifted her bottom to meet him. In a single thrust, he joined them fully. Warm and wet, her inner muscles fluttered, spasming around his dick, erasing all thought, and threatening to drive him over the edge before he could get her off.

“Aaron,” she panted his name, her fingers still playing where his mouth ought to be.

He pulled back and burrowed deep. Over and over, he dragged himself across the ever-important flesh between her thighs, setting a grueling pace where he could ignore the building sensation. No way was he finishing before feeling the rhythmic pulse of her pussy and hearing his name on her lips as she came. Not. Going. To. Happen.

With her ass cheeks in his hands, he needed to double his effort. “Touch yourself, Grace. Show me how you make yourself come.”


“Show me,” he said, gritting out the demand.

Primed and ready to orgasm, Grace hummed her pleasure while her fingers kneaded that tiny bud of her clit with a sense of urgency. All the while, he plunged into her heat.

“Oh, oh, yes!”

Grace’s next words were incoherent. His mind was a blank void as he held back his impending pleasure, anticipating the moment her orgasm took him over the edge.

Several hours later, they lay entwined together in Grace’s bed.

“I don’t know what it is about you.” Aaron caressed her hair back from her face. The room was dim, and he could tell her eyes were closed. After they’d made love on the table in the library, he had pulled her to a stop halfway up the stairs and taken her again. “You make me crazy with lust.”

“It’s not me. It’s all you.” Grace kissed his chest and then ran her tongue over his tight nipple. “I’ve never had a guy do what you do to me.”

Aaron lifted his head trying to make out her expression. “What?”

“Well, I can orgasm with a little attention. But not usually during sex.”

Aaron wanted to condemn the losers she’d been with before him. But as long as they’d provided her with the attention she needed before or after the main act, getting the job done was the goal. It would’ve been a whole different story if they hadn’t bothered trying.

“I want you to come every single time we make love.”

“I want to, too.”

“But I’m being selfish. I want to feel your sweet pussy quivering on my dick. It drives me insane.”

Grace traced her fingers along his left pec, straight down his stomach, and under the covers. Before she could get too carried away, he rolled over on top of her.

“I owe you an apology.”

“For what?”

“For taking you the second we stepped through the door. I promised you something better than that.”

Grace wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him in for a kiss. “You didn’t hear me complaining, did you? I love the way you make love to me, but feeling your skin against mine is pretty amazing, too.”

“But the half-dressed screw wasn’t—”

“I get it, but remember we established that seventy percent of people are horny.”

“I’m no exception.”

We’re no exception.”

* * *

Aaron blinked,and slowly the world came back into focus. But that was how every single time had been with Grace. Intensity zeroed into nothing more than a pinpoint of exquisite sensation only to detonate with an orgasm beyond any sexual experience of his past.

All night long, they’d made love. And no matter how he’d taken her, she came beautifully. Of course, she’d protested each time, her self-doubt showing through. But with the right encouragement, she’d fallen apart with his touch. That fact alone had him feeling about a million miles tall.

With Grace collapsed on top of him, still connected by his sheath-covered dick, he traced a lazy figure eight across her back. He didn’t miss an inch of her smooth skin, all the way down to the top of her ass and back up to her shoulder blades.

“I don’t know what it is about you, or maybe your skills, but I’ve never had this many orgasms in a twenty-four-hour period. It’s definitely a record.” Grace lifted her head as if she were going to look at him but stopped halfway and collapsed again.

“It’s only been sixteen hours,” he whispered against her hair, rather proud of himself for making her come six times. Or was it seven? A lot. But the thing was, he couldn’t brag about it, because it was all her.

It was Grace’s willingness to let him hold her and take her to the next level. He understood for most women, their mind needed to let go and allow their body to do its thing. And he was honored that she would put her trust in him. That meant a lot.

“I need to get going soon.”

“I know. I just hate for this to end. It was a lovely way to start my morning.” This time she lifted her head and leaned in for a kiss, brushing the tip of her nose along the edge of his.

“Yes, it was. What are your plans for the day?”

“Work. I have a new client requesting a website. And if I have time, I plan to look into some of those old warplane websites. Maybe I’ll make some calls about the parts for the Tigercat and see if I can list the Stearman. And before I get started with any of that, I’m meeting Madalyn over at Java by Jackie. What about you?”

“Collecting Piper at the Green’s. Cleaning. Doing some laundry. Nothing as fun as your day,” he teased as Grace rolled off of him. He reached for her and pulled her back for a few more kisses. “Piper and I are planning a shopping spree in Traverse City next weekend. Do you want to come along?

“Next weekend? I’d love that.”

“Piper needs some back-to-school items.”

“Will she be okay with me tagging along?

“Absolutely. Piper likes you. She’s talking about you constantly.”

“She’s a sweetie.”

“Yeah, she is. I hope she was good for her grandparents.” Aaron said, sitting along the edge of the bed and discarding the condom into the petite pink trash can before pulling on his underwear.

“I’m sure she was.”

Aaron reached for his jeans. “Yes, generally speaking, she’s polite, and she can follow rules when asked. But Cal and Dolores spoil her rotten. And they tolerate her excessive energy. And then she’s got me.” He slid his arms into his shirt and worked the buttons as he glanced at Grace. She’d pulled on a fluffy bathrobe that he was already dying to peel from her body.

“You know, woman. I’m never going to leave if you keep up this sexy behavior.” He reached for her and slid the V of the bathrobe open further so one shoulder was exposed. He traced her collar bone with the tip of his finger and then pressed delicate kisses there and up her neck until finally reaching her lips.

“You are the one with the problem, man. This robe is about the least sexy thing I own. It’s old and ratty.”

“You look beautiful in anything. Or nothing at all.” Aaron adjusted her robe for her and pulled it closed at that neck for added security. “There.” He backed up a step and finished with the buttons on his shirt before tucking it into his jeans.

“I think you’re a great dad for Piper.” Grace brought the conversation back to his daughter’s behavior and her grandparents’ and his inability to tell her no.

“I think, given the circumstances, I’ve done okay so far. I worry that I’ve raised her like a boy. That I’ve encouraged her to be rambunctious like I was as a kid rather than to sit and play with dolls.”

Grace grunted and then burst into laughter. “What year did you time-travel from?”


“Your thoughts on gender are severely outdated. What makes you think that a girl should play with dolls? Or that a girl shouldn’t try to balance on the railing of a porch?”

“I don’t know. It’s what I think should happen. It’s what society says should happen.”

“Mel didn’t want a kid after marriage. Does society say she must? No. Marriage does not automatically translate to raising children. It was too bad you both didn’t discuss it prior to getting married.”

“Yeah.” Aaron glanced in the mirror and inwardly groaned at his bedhead. It was better than giving his attention to Grace.

“Each person is a unique individual. I only brought up Mel to show you that some of our thoughts about how people should or shouldn’t behave are just wrong.” Grace stepped up behind him and reached for his shoulder. “It’s okay that your girl would rather climb a tree than sit with a doll.”

“But there is a time and a place.”

“Maybe you could take her to a gymnastic studio. Is there one around?”

“She’d love it. There’s one in Cass Harbor.”

“That would give her a time and a place, Aaron. You could tell her no more crazy swinging from the second-story gutters.”

He snorted. “Don’t give her any ideas, Grace. She’s already a master at finding ways to give me gray hair. But I could use gymnastics to my advantage.”

“Yes, you could.”

Aaron kissed the tip of her nose. “Thank you for the suggestion.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I’m going to look into that. And this is a great time to get involved at the beginning of the school year.”

Together, they walked down the staircase into the entryway. He turned and took her into his arms. “I hate to let you go. It’s going to be a while before we can be together like this again.”

“I know. Will it be okay if I bring you lunch or stop by your work?”

“I’d love that, Grace. That’s sweet of you.”

“No, that’s me missing you even before you’re gone.”

“I’m not going far. You make it sound like I’m leaving town.”

She laughed against his chest. “Sorry. You should get moving. We’ll talk later.”

With a final kiss, Aaron stepped from Grace’s embrace and out into the morning. It was nearly noon, and he needed to stop by his house for a quick shower before rushing over to the Greens’ house. He was eager to see Piper and make sure she was feeling okay. And he wanted to float the idea of gymnastic classes by her. He was certain she’d be thrilled at the idea.