Just For A Moment by Kate Carley

Chapter 17

Even though Gracehad listed off several tasks she’d planned to accomplish Sunday once Aaron left, she’d spent the day hanging out with Madalyn. First, the coffee shop and then, a shopping trip to Cass Harbor. And once Grace got back home, she hadn’t wanted to do a thing.

But honestly, how was she supposed to think straight after the night she’d spent with Aaron?

Her entire body tingled with the memory of what they’d done together. Of how Aaron had loved her so completely. She’d felt possessed by him, as if he had claimed her—marked her—and now, she was all his. The way he’d made love had been freeing and exhilarating and downright erotic. And she wanted it over and over again with him.

Would she ever get enough? At this point, it didn’t seem likely.

She’d replayed her favorite part of the night over and over. After they’d made love on the library table, they had slowly stripped the remaining clothes from one another’s body. Naked, they’d made their way toward her bed. The stairs had never seemed like a place to enjoy sex, but now, she would never climb a flight without thinking of his talented mouth.

“God, you’re beautiful,” Aaron had whispered between kisses. They clung to one another as they took one step, kissed, and then took the next. Halfway up the staircase, he pulled her down to the step beside him.

“Stay right there.” Aaron backed down a few steps until he had settled between her legs.

“What are you doing?”

“I need to taste you. I want you to come with my tongue.”

“Good grief. I just orgasmed like five seconds ago.” Grace remembered the way she’d tried to discourage his efforts, but Aaron, she’d learned, was quite demanding when it came to the way he made love.

“Hush.” He’d leaned up and traced his lips over hers as the heavy weight of his balls brushed against her leg. And then he’d moved away, and his mouth had been on her.

Before Aaron, Grace had never experienced that type of pleasure. Wave after wave, building higher and higher until she’d been ready to explode. It was almost embarrassing to remember how loudly she’d moaned, but his touch and his tongue had swept her up into some weird storm of emotions and sensations. The explosion had been all consuming, and in that moment, she hadn’t been able to think beyond Aaron and the storm he’d created.

When it was over, he’d sat beside her midway up the staircase, kissing her breasts and her lips until she could stand and make it the rest of the way up the steps.

With those kinds of memories, how was she supposed to focus on something as mundane as website designs?

But bright and early Monday morning, she set to work. She completed one website and found a request from another potential client in her inbox. Grace was thankful it always turned out that way. Her work was steady. She wasn’t sure how people heard of her business. Maybe word of mouth or social media. Or maybe the fact that she was on the second page in most search engines. With a goal of the first page, she tinkered with her code to optimize for increased search performance.

Then, after she’d forced herself to focus on her work for two hours, she turned her attention to calling local auction houses and searching for warplanes, including buying full planes and replacement parts for them.

No matter the text she used in the search bar, there were five sites that seemed to be the heavy hitters in the market, and she studied their websites to see what she could do for them before she realized she needed to figure out what they could do for her.

With a quick glance at the time, she pushed back from her spot at the table. If she wanted to stop at some businesses around town to post business cards and surprise Aaron with lunch, she needed to get moving. Later today, she could make some calls about the Tigercat.

About an hour later, Grace stepped into the aircraft hangar. “Hello! Aaron are you here?”

“I’m here.” He appeared from his office door and met her midway across the hangar floor. “I love hearing you call out my name. Reminds me of how you sound when you come, and it makes me want to sink into your warm pussy.”

“Aaron!” Grace glanced around to check if they were alone. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“It’s the truth.” He shrugged off her concern. “Did you bring me lunch?”

“Of course. I’ve got to take care of you.” With her hands on his pecs, she pressed up on tiptoes and kissed his lips.

“I just pulled my lunch out of the refrigerator, and it is pretty uninspiring.” He clasped hands with her and led her back into his office, moving a chair that sat against the far wall and placing it close to his chair at the desk.

“Today, I asked Madge for your favorite.”

Aaron laughed. “Not worried that we’ll be connected in Oak Bend’s gossip mill?”

“No, Aaron. I like you a lot. And I’m okay that everyone knows it.”

He leaned in and pecked a kiss to her lips. “I don’t care what people think or know or share. All I care about is spending time with you. So, what did Madge say I liked?”

“She said you almost always get whatever the special is.”

Aaron casually lifted his shoulders in agreement. “She’s probably right. What was today’s special?”

“A Rueben and fries. I also ordered a Greek grilled chicken wrap. Which one would you like?”

“The Rueben.”

“Perfect.” Grace lifted the items from the bag and set the sandwich in front of Aaron, keeping the wrap for herself. As she opened the paper wrapping, she said, “I have a list of places I plan to call later today.”


“Places that may have parts for the Tigercat. And maybe some places that might be able to list the other two planes for sale.”

“And you haven’t called yet? I’m surprised.”

“I’m trying to actually keep my business afloat, even though my mind is still a mess after you gave me all those orgasms.”

“You loved every last one of them.”

“I did.”

“And you’re dying for the next night we can spend together.”

“I am.” Warmth crept up her cheeks. After everything they’d done together on Saturday night, why blush now? She met his eyes. “How was your morning?”

“Mondays are always busy. If aircraft could be stacked five high, it would happen on Mondays. Or maybe Fridays.”

“Busy is good, right?”

“Absolutely. And the day is halfway over. So, tell me about your morning.”

“I called an auction house to come out and take a look at all the treasures.”


“They’ll be here in a few days. I’m not interested in completely removing everything from the house. There are some gorgeous pieces that I plan to keep. Like my granddad’s favorite desk in one of the spare bedrooms. It was obvious from the stacks of current bills and such that it was more than just a beautiful piece of furniture to him. He used it.”

Grace took a bite of her chicken wrap and released a groan as the Mediterranean flavors burst in her mouth. “Mmm. This is so good.”

“When the auction house is there, stick to your guns. Keep anything you think you might want. Later, after you’ve thought about it for several months or years, you can always move it along at that point.”

“That’s a good idea. There’s so much that it’s very tempting to just get rid of everything. But I don’t need to feel like I’m in a rush.”


“One other thing I plan to keep is my grandmother’s china. Even though I never knew her, that set holds so many memories. Completely sentimental, because I don’t have three reasons. I just want it.”

“That’s a good enough reason.”

“That’s what I figured. You know which room is going to be the hardest?” Grace reached for a few of his fries and popped them into her mouth.

“Which one?”

“Win’s library,” she said when she was done chewing.

Aaron laughed. “I’ve always loved that room. And now, I absolutely love that table in there.”

“Yeah, that table is my work desk, dude. Now, I’m thinking about sex all day long.”

“Welcome to my world, babe.”

Grace laughed. “But that room, more than any other room in the house, really showcased who my granddad was. It’s the space that sparked the most memories for me.” Suddenly, the overwhelming responsibility of all she had on her plate zapped every ounce of happy energy she had.

Aaron reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. “This is a process. Take your time. Do it right.”

She shook her head. “Two months ago, I didn’t own a fully furnished, bursting-at-the-seams, four-bedroom home that needed to be emptied before I could move in.”

“I can help.”

“Not to mention the fact that I now own a hangar with two serviceable aircraft and a World War II bomber that needs an engine overhaul before I can fly it or sell it for something more than scrap metal.”

“I’m going to help you with that, too.”

“Aaron, I’m out of my element and totally overwhelmed.”

“It’s okay, Grace. You’re not alone.” He squeezed her hand again, and this time, she allowed herself to squeeze back.