Where You Can Find Me by Fiona Cole


Bzzzz … Bzzzz … Bzzzz.

Jack rolled away from me to answer his phone. As he pulled away, he took the warmth with him, leaving a cold chill that fully woke me up.

Groggily, he answered, “‘Ello?”

I curled up tighter in a ball on my side and pulled the blankets with me trying to stay warm as I heard a voice on the other end of the phone.

“Another one? Are you sure it’s the same guy?”

I felt Jack tense and begin moving out of bed to find his clothes. I rolled over to see what was going on and saw his eyebrows furrowed. The conversation didn’t sound pleasant, and I couldn’t help but be curious if it had to do with the case Jack was working with the police. Was it another murder? Just the thought of it sent chills down my spine. The thought of Jack being a part of such a gruesome case and placing himself in the sights of a possible serial killer made my stomach churn. What if something happened to him? What if I lost him?

“Where at?” He paused, looking up at me while he pulled on his pants. “Okay. I’ll be there in a few.”

My mind started turning toward the worst-case scenario, and I knew I needed to stop that train. I couldn’t do that to myself, or I would be alone forever.

After he hung up, he pulled his shirt on and gave me an apologetic look knowing he had to leave me so soon after our night together.

“This is not how I wanted our morning to go.” He placed a knee on the bed and leaned in toward me. I sat there with the blankets clutched around my shoulders, waiting for his kiss. “I wanted to wake you up with kisses.” He pecked my lips. “All over your body. Ending in between your thighs. I wanted you to wake up to an orgasm from my tongue.” My breath puffed out of me against his lips that brushed against mine as he spoke. “Then I would have mounted you and fucked you hard to make sure you were nice and awake. And while you laid there exhausted once I was done with you, I would have made you breakfast and coffee.”

He really needed to stop talking. Otherwise, I would keep him here and make him late. In the breathiest, sluttiest voice I could muster, I leaned toward him and replied, “I can’t believe,” kiss, “that I’m missing out,” kiss, moan, “on,” kiss, “coffee made for me.” I rolled away with a wink, leaving him leaning over with a dropped jaw. “I mean, I’m sure the oral sex would have been okay. But coffee?” I closed my eyes and bit my lip for effect while I moaned. “Coffee is the only thing I need in the morning. Who needs a man when you can have a hug in a mug?”

I opened my eyes just in time for Jack to tackle me to the bed as I let out a yelp in surprise. “You don’t need me, eh?” He began tickling my ribs. Laughs tore from my throat, and I gasped for breath, trying to remain stubborn and true to my word.

“No!” I squeezed out between laughs. “I don’t! All I need is … coffee!”

He tickled me harder.

“Stop! Oh, my gosh. Stop!” Tears began rolling down my cheeks from laughing. “Please!”

“Not until you tell me you need me to eat your pussy more than coffee.”

“Never!” I couldn’t breathe. Being tickled was the worst. “Coffee!” My short air supply reduced me to gasping words.

“Say it. You need me. Say it!”

After holding out for another ten seconds, I relented. “All right, all right.”

“All right, what?” He finally stopped the tickling and pinned my hands up by my head, looking in my eyes, waiting for an answer.

I stared back, pausing for a moment to be amazed by his blue eyes and the happiness I saw there. Not just his happiness, but mine too.

Barely whispering, I gave him what he demanded. “All right. I need you.”

A smile lit up his whole face, beginning in the creases around his eyes. His irises lightened to a brighter blue until finally, his lips lifted, and the lines in his cheeks appeared. He leaned down for a quick peck and said, “Good. I need you too.” And with that, he rolled off of me and proceeded to collect his things. “Now, stay relaxed in bed. I’m sure you’re sore after being with me last night.” He delivered that line with a cheesy ass grin and a wink.

“Oh, yes.” I fell back dramatically and threw my arm over my eyes. “I’ll be surprised if I’m able to walk today.”

“Well, I hope it was worth it.” I pulled my arm back and gave an enthusiastic nod. Then his eyebrows lowered, and the smile slipped to a serious line. “I really am sorry that I have to leave like this. I wouldn’t if it wasn’t an emergency. But I promise to give you a call later, and we can make plans for this week. Okay?”

I leaned up on my elbows and nodded my head. “Just be careful, okay? I just…” I looked down, trying to formulate what I wanted to say. “I just want you to stay safe, and I’m sure tracking a killer can put you in a line of danger. So … just be safe.”

He sat down on the bed and pulled me up into his arms for a hug. “You have nothing to worry about; I’m safe. I’m technically not even on the case. No one knows.”


“All right. I’m out of here, but I will talk to you soon.” He gave me a lingering kiss before letting himself out.