Where You Can Find Me by Fiona Cole


Christmas morning passed uneventfully.Jameson came over, and we exchanged gifts before I made breakfast. I got him a nice bottle of whiskey, the last season of Game of Thrones, and a saccharine-sweet brother/sister book that left places open for me to personalize. He told me it was lame in the most brotherly way, and I agreed, but I needed him to know how important he was to me and how much I cherished him in my life, no matter how corny. After breakfast and watching the Christmas parade, he left to go get ready for the bar that night. I told him I would be in later.

I enjoyed our Christmases. I loved their simplicity and the calmness of it all. I did miss the chaotic Christmas morning we’d had when we were younger with Mom and Dad, but being able to sit back and relax with my coffee and just enjoy my day made me feel calm and content with life. Besides, it might be the last one I had like this. What if next year, Jack wanted me to go to Texas or have his family here? My heart rate picked up with the thought of change. I didn’t do great with change, and I liked my patterns, but somehow Jack eased his way in and became my new pattern. I wasn’t so sure how that would translate to changing the routines around my holiday traditions. Then I laughed because it had only been a couple months, and I had let my mind wander off to La-La Land.

Later that evening, I got dressed in my skinny jeans and low-heeled ankle boots. I paired it with a simple green V-neck T-shirt. The V dipped low enough to show my cleavage without shoving it in someone’s face. I liked to try and get as much money in tips without feeling like a hooker—the more money I raised, the better since I donated it all to the local homeless shelter. My job paid me plenty, and I had very few financial obligations. Our parents left us all a good portion of money, which now only went to Jameson and me. I could easily afford to donate my tips for a good cause. I even wore a push-up bra, and damn, I looked good.

I took a quick picture of myself, remembering my conversation with Jack earlier. He called to wish me a Merry Christmas and asked me to send him a picture of myself before I left for the bar. He wanted one right then, but I still wore my pajamas and hadn’t showered. I pulled my long brown hair into a quick messy ponytail. I didn’t want my hair on my neck later when the heat in the bar increased with the crowd.

I pulled up to King’s two hours after they opened, and already cars filled three-quarters of the lot. Not all the customers were people alone on the holidays. Although I struggled with the concept, a lot of people worked on Christmas and met up with family at the bar for their own tradition. I think it gave Jameson a sense of pride to know he gave everyone a place to go on the holidays. He said he knew he didn’t have to be open and that most bars shut down, but he wanted to provide a cheerful holiday-filled place to those who didn’t have one.

As I walked in, it showed. There were the guys who were only there to get shit-faced drunk, sitting at the bar. There were large groups of friends sitting in the corner booth as well as a couple slow dancing to Dean Martin’s Baby It’s Cold Outside on the open floor. It felt like a home away from home. Jameson was working the bar and gave me a quick wave gesturing for me to work the other side. I quickly set my stuff aside in the back and bumped into Angela on the way back out.

“Oh, hey, girl. Merry Christmas.” Angela gave me a big smile. She worked Christmas Day with us every other year when she didn’t have to travel to her brother’s house for the holidays. Her perky, blonde ponytail swayed when she tipped her head to the side and asked, “Why are you here? I thought you would be spending Christmas with your hunky new boyfriend.”

I laughed and shook my head. “No. He went to Dallas to see his family, and I don’t think I’m ready to change up my holiday traditions for someone I just met.”

“Whatever you say. If it were me, I would be glued to him like white on rice. But it’s been a while since I’ve been close to someone. So a few months could be wedding bells to me. Maybe that is why I haven’t had a boyfriend in so long.” We both laughed as we made our way back out to the bar.

The place filled up fast, and the hours flew by. I swear if I didn’t love science so much, I could have been a bartender. It was fun meeting people from all walks of life. Even though a few of them could be really weird and creepy, the majority were interesting. I saw two new customers fill a spot on my side of the bar, and I made my way down to take their order. I stopped a little short when I noticed Detective Shane Daniels and the newbie cop that Jack had told me about. Instantly, I was alert and a little nervous around the guy, considering what Jack told me a couple weeks ago. I shook off my hesitation and reminded myself not to be a big scaredy-cat. It’s not like anything bad would happen to me while I served them.

“Hey, guys. What can I get you to drink?” I didn’t openly greet Shane because I didn’t know if he wanted me to act like I knew him. The last time we talked, he wanted me to keep everything hush-hush. I decided to play it safe than assume the wrong thing.

They both turned to look at me, and instantly my nerves rose again. The younger cop’s pale green eyes looked me up and down, making sure to take extra time to stare at my chest. By the time he reached my eyes his held disgusting interest paired with a creepy-ass smile. He might have been trying to be flirtatious but instead came off as a creeper.

I didn’t return his smile.

I might have even scowled.

I crossed my arms and turned to look at Shane. Recognition crossed his features, and while he didn’t smile, his face softened from the frown. “Hey, Luella. I didn’t know you worked here.”

“I don’t usually. This is my brother’s bar, and I work it every Christmas.”

“You know her, Detective?” Creeper cop asked. His tone implied how impressed he would be if Shane knew me. Ugh! What an ass.

“Not really. This is Luella, Jack’s girlfriend. Luella, this is Aimes Bennet.”

“Nice to meet you, sweetheart.” Aimes reached his hand out to shake mine, and I reached to grab glasses for their drinks. No way in hell would I touch him willingly. Whether Jack’s gut was right or not, I did not like the vibes this guy put off. I didn’t miss the slight tension that tightened his shoulders at the mention of Jack’s name.

I nodded my head and asked again what they wanted to drink. To be a bitch I asked for Creeper cop’s ID. In all fairness, he looked about twelve. I thought I even saw Shane’s shoulders shake with a suppressed laugh. I got their drinks and then moved down the bar to serve other customers. I rarely took my eyes off Aimes. I wanted to report back to Jack and give him every detail.

I felt like I should have had my own spy song going in the background as I mentally cataloged details. Then I laughed at myself for being stupid. I had no idea what I was doing, and Jack would probably laugh at me for mentioning it. During a slow period, I went to refill their drinks and asked Shane, “What brings you guys in here on Christmas?”

Shane took a drink and looked as though he was about to brush off the question when all of a sudden, Aimes answered for him. “We were actually working late on a new murder we discovered today. We decided to stop for a drink before heading home after such a gruesome scene. I’m sure Jack has told you all about this case he is trying to take over.” He rolled his eyes and kept going. “So you know about the serial killer going around and getting more and more loud with his victims. You should see what he does. It’s actually pretty impressive.” He started talking faster, showing his excitement about these murders. It sent chills down my spine just watching him and listening to someone seem happy about the horrifying case. I’d watched Jack grow tired and irritable as the case took its toll on him, and here was this guy going on and on like he was talking about his latest crush. “I mean, this guy has to be a genius, right? He’s been getting away with this for years. At least, until I caught on.” He actually placed his hand on his chest as if in awe of himself before continuing. “He pushes the limits and challenges us to find him. Each murder is becoming more obvious. I swear, he’s so good, he could kill someone in the precinct, right under our noses, and the department wouldn’t even know. Not even Jack.

I peeked at Shane to see him just staring into his glass and looking like he was counting to ten as he took a deep breath. “I mean, sweetheart, the one we saw tonight had this chick wrapped in Christmas lights like some kind of gift to us.”

My eyes widened in horror right before a hand slammed down on the bar. I jumped and looked at Shane. He focused his rage on Bennet, with his eyebrows drawn as low as they could, over his eyes that appeared black in his state of anger. The right side of his upper lip curled in disgust as a muscle twitched in his jaw. “Shut the fuck up, Bennet,” he growled out between clenched teeth. As Bennet stammered out an apology, Shane finished his drink in one swallow. “Let’s fucking go.”

He threw more than enough cash on the bar and gave me a quick nod. “Sorry about that, Luella. Make sure you stay safe. I’ll see you around.” He turned to walk out, not even bothering to check to make sure Aimes followed. He did follow, but not before he turned one last time to give me a lecherous perusal of my body. “See you around, sweetheart.” With a wink, he turned and followed Shane out.

I felt so dirty after the whole encounter. Luckily, Angela announced last call, and the stragglers would be leaving in the next hour. I finished out my shift, and Jameson followed me home. He did it every time I worked the bar late at night to make sure I got home safe. Just another way he looked out for me.

I immediately showered to try and feel clean again. But no matter how much I washed my skin, I couldn’t erase the image of Aimes’s joyful excitement over the murders and the poor dead woman, wrapped in Christmas lights.