More Than This by Dominique Wolf




alfway through my latest binge-watch on Saturday night, Reyna's excited shrieks echoed through the apartment. I jumped out of bed and quickly ran to the lounge where she was on a video chat.

“Reyna, what's going on?”

She shrieked again and turned the phone to face me, Katrina's beaming face greeted me.

“I'm engaged!” Katrina cried out.

My jaw dropped. “Oh my god, Katrina, congratulations!”

A chorus of excitement surrounded us as Reyna and I huddled closer to both face Katrina on the screen. She had tears of happiness streaming down her face as she covered her mouth in shock, her huge engagement ring now on display.

“Kat, that ring is stunning!” I exclaimed.

She placed her hand closer to the camera so we could get a better look. Sergio had done well with the size of that diamond. A single band surrounded the oval-shaped diamond and fit perfectly on her skinny finger.

“I am so happy for you, hermana!” Reyna shrieked.

Another wave of tears rushed over Katrina. I mirrored her happiness and excitement, but a large part of me was infested with jealousy at their happiness. I would give up anything to feel the happiness they were feeling right now. Don't get me wrong, I was so happy for them. Sergio and Katrina were perfect for each other, but their engagement just reminded me of how far I was from that again. I had nothing.

“Where's Sergio?” Reyna asked. “Let us congratulate him.”

Sergio popped onto the screen.

“Congratulations!” Reyna and I said together.

“Wishing you two all the best,” I said.

“Thank you guys so much.” Sergio was beaming. “We're going to have a proper celebration so I hope you guys are ready.”

Reyna continued the conversation with Sergio as I strolled over to the kitchen in search of a bottle of water. My mouth was dry and I was using all the self-control I had to control the tears that were starting to form. Thoughts of Giovanni entered my mind and I couldn't stop them. I thought of a happier time with him - there were so many moments. I had spent so much time in absolute bliss with him that the reminder I was completely alone now was starting to tear me apart inside again.

I found a cold bottle of water in the fridge and took a sip. The cold liquid forcing me to focus on just that for now.

Reyna walked over to me. “Say goodbye to the happy couple.”

I said my last goodbyes to Sergio and Katrina before the call disconnected. Reyna placed her phone on the counter and pulled herself onto a stool.

“Did you know Sergio was going to propose?” I asked.

She nodded. “When he flew out to Madrid it was because he wanted to chat to my parents and get their blessing.”

“And you didn't tell me?” I lifted an eyebrow at her.

She averted her eyes. “With everything going on with you and Giovanni, I didn't know if I should.”

I felt guilty. I didn't realise that my own sadness had kept me from being involved in the happiness of others.

I reached out for her hand and squeezed it. “No matter what's going on in my life, you know that I'm happy for Katrina.”

She smiled at me.

“Your little sister is getting married before you,” I teased.

She rolled her eyes. “I always knew it would be like that.”

“I'm really happy for them.”

A small lump started to form in my throat so I took another sip of water. I didn't want to get emotional right now. It wasn't about me. I already felt bad about how I had allowed my own sadness to get in the way.

“Who would have thought? A whole engagement from a one-night stand.” She chuckled at the thought. “If you know, you know.”

She was right.