More Than This by Dominique Wolf




ow could I go to Mala Mía?

I would have to see him and that thought alone brought on a wave of unexpected nausea. Sergio and Katrina were having their engagement party tonight and I was stuck in my bedroom trying to talk myself into going. Sergio explained that Giovanni offered the club to them for the evening. They were having a private party tonight in the VIP section with all their friends and then a lunch with both their families in the next week or so when Katrina and Reyna's parents arrived.

Both Katrina and Sergio told me that they would understand if I chose not to join, but how could I do that to them? How could I not go and celebrate with them? They were two of the closest people in my life and I needed to suck it up and be there for them. I was dreading having to leave the apartment tonight, but I kept reminding myself that it wasn't about me. This was their night. The thought of seeing Giovanni again riddled me with nerves though. How would I react? Would I have to say hi? Of course, I'd have to say hi, I couldn't be rude. Or was I supposed to avoid him? Would he avoid me?

These thoughts continued in my head and I needed to take a seat on my bed to stop the dizziness that occurred. I lay back against my bed and closed my eyes.

In and out.

I focused on my breathing in an attempt to get it under control. I was not going to be able to get out of going tonight and for the sake of my friends, I had to push everything aside and remember that.

This was about Sergio and Katrina.

After a couple of reprimands from the voice inside my head, I finally managed to get a handle on my breathing.

You will be fine, Isabella.

I hadn't quite figured out exactly what I was feeling towards Giovanni. Obviously, my heart was broken, that much was clear but there was a hint of anger too. I was angry that we were in this situation. I was angry that Casey was pregnant. I was overwhelmed with emotions - anger, sadness, hurt, but overall there was still love. That hadn't changed. How could it have? A few weeks ago I was the happiest I had ever been and completely in love with him. Now, I didn't have him in my life anymore, but my heart still belonged to him. I will be civil tonight. I was going there for them and I would be polite if I had to, but overall I planned to avoid him. I had to. I couldn't be around him without the constant reminder of what we used to have.

“Izzy?” Reyna shouted from outside my door.

“You can come in, Rey.” I sat up as she strolled into my room with a towel wrapped around her and a bottle of tequila in her hand.

“What the hell is that for?” I asked, my face inadvertently pulling to form a look of disgust at the thought of the taste.

“This is for you and me,” she announced. “I know you're worried about seeing Giovanni tonight and quite frankly, you could use something to take the edge off and me being the great friend that I am, I can't let you drink alone.”

I chuckled. “Oh sure, that's the only reason.”

“Okay fine, you caught me. You know how much I enjoy tequila.”

She placed the shot glasses on top of my draws and opened the bottle as she filled the glasses to the top.

She handed one over to me. “You'll be fine tonight.”

I smiled and took the shot from her. “Thanks, Rey, I appreciate you.”

We both brought the glasses to our lips, tilting our heads back allowing the burning liquid to travel down our throats. I couldn't help the face that I pulled. The taste was awful, but I knew it would help. It was an unhealthy escape, but it was an escape nonetheless.

“Come, let's find you something to wear,” Reyna said, turning to my cupboard.


Three shots later, we pulled up to the entrance of Mala Mía. Reyna had me wearing her tight long sleeve black dress that clung to my curves in ways I never would have wanted, but the alcohol in my system was giving me this newfound confidence. I stepped outside the taxi and I could feel I was already tipsy. The alcohol had made its way through me and my movements were more delayed than I expected. I was surprised at how low my tolerance was but it probably had something to do with the lack of food in my system.

Pull yourself together, Isabella.

I pulled my coat closer to me and took a deep breath in. I can do this. Tonight was about celebrating Sergio and Katrina and I was focused on doing just that. Reyna linked her arm with mine and led me into Mala Mía, reminding me of the first time she brought me here. I was consumed by it that night - loving every moment of the on-going drinks and handing ourselves over to the music. I will never forget that night.

The first time I met Giovanni.

Instinctively, I scanned the area for him and was disappointed to find he wasn't anywhere in sight. The music was blaring through the club as we pushed through the crowds to get to the VIP section that was booked out just for us.

“You're here!” Katrina shrieked and threw her arms around Reyna and me. “I'm so happy to see you guys.”

“Let's see the ring.” Reyna reached for her hand, displaying the huge diamond that now had a permanent residence on her left ring finger.

“It's so beautiful, Kat.” I squeezed her arm before pulling her in for another hug. “I'm really happy for you guys.”

“Thank you, Izzy.”

Sergio stumbled into the conversation, wrapping his arms around his fiancé's waist. Katrina was glowing with a new refound happiness. The two of them were completely smitten with each other and it reminded me that I needed a drink. Now.

“Congratulations, Sergio.” I pulled him in for a quick hug. “I wish you guys nothing but the best.”

“Thank you. That means a lot.” He smiled. “And hey, listen I'm sorry about Giovanni and everything that's going on.”

“You don't need to apologize.”

“I know bu-”.

I politely cut him off. “Seriously, it's fine. I think we should all get a drink though.”

I needed a subject change. I didn't want to be that sad friend that everyone pitied. I wanted to forget all about that and focus on celebrating them. We strolled over to the bar and Sergio ordered us a round of drinks. I tapped my nails on the bar nervously. A part of me was dying to see Giovanni, just to get a glimpse of him again. That was all I wanted. Just one last look and then I could move on.

As if it was that easy.

I knew it wouldn’t be, but I could at least try. Diego arrived just as we took our shots and I was suddenly very aware of the fact that I was a fifth-wheel tonight. I hated it. I grabbed my drink off the bar and downed a bit of it. I didn't want to think right now - I wanted to forget it all. I took one more sip before placing it back on the bar and pushing my way through the crowd. I wanted to dance. I stopped and signalled Reyna to let her know I was headed to the dance floor. She nodded and turned back to say something to Diego before following behind me. I turned down the stairs and made my way to the middle of the dance floor that was already packed with people. I was under the big chandelier and I threw my hands in the air, allowing the music to overcome me. I moved my body from side to side and focused on nothing, but the beat surrounding us.

I didn't know how long I had been on the dance floor for before Reyna escaped back upstairs to grab our drinks. I managed to push everything out of my mind and there was nothing else but the music consuming me. Until I closed my eyes and all I saw was him. Fragmented thoughts of his hands on my body entered my mind and the way he would pull me closer to him, moving side to side. I ran my fingers through my hair and down my neck, tracing the places he used to leave kisses against. I was being suffocated by the memories of him. I never realised how much I needed his touch before now. The only man to light my body and soul on fire. I slowly opened my eyes and there he was.


He stood at the top of the stairs overlooking the dance floor. His gaze met mine and my breath caught in my throat. Fuck, he looked so good. Even from this distance, I could see he was wearing that leather jacket that he wore the first night I met him. He knew how much I loved that jacket on him. I couldn't think of anything else, but that first night with him. My body awoke at just the mere sight of him. I couldn't control my thoughts anymore - not in this inebriated state. Every inch of me ached for him. It had been so long since I had my body set alight and that was all I wanted right now. I wanted his hands on my body, his lips against mine.

I missed him.

I missed him so much it hurt. I couldn't look at him any longer. I turned away from him but the aching in my chest reappeared and I needed to make it go away. I didn't want to feel like this anymore. The heat from all the dancing spread across my body and I suddenly needed some air. I pulled my coat off me and turned towards the exit. I was so aware of his presence. I couldn't go back to our section now. What would I even say to him?

The world was spinning as I stumbled up the stairs, finally pushing through to get outside. I leaned against the wall to help get my balance again. Heels and drinking were a terrible combination. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall, trying to regain my composure. I focused on the cold wind that hit my arms. It was refreshing. For a moment I focused on nothing but my breathing. My heart was beating erratically in my chest. In and out. I knew I had to go back inside and I was going to have to face him. I had to make sure I could keep it together. There was no way I wanted to lose control around him. Not again.

After a few minutes, I was feeling better. I finally started to get my breathing under control and the cold air helped get rid of the unnecessary amount of heat I was feeling. I was going to be fine. I would go back upstairs and focus on celebrating with Katrina and Sergio. If I bumped into Giovanni then I would politely greet him otherwise I would avoid him as best as possible. It seemed like a solid plan and I was adamant to follow it.

I turned to make my way back inside as Reyna stepped outside, drinks in hand. “Are you alright?”

I nodded. “Sorry, I just needed some air.”

She handed me my drink as we turned and made our way back inside.