More Than This by Dominique Wolf




was drenched in sweat. Sergio was adamant to keep up our training so after going a whole hour with him in the ring, I was exhausted and ready for a shower. I pulled my gloves off and took a seat on the bench trying to catch my breath.

“You did not go easy on me today,” Sergio muttered as he lightly touched his busted lip.

I shrugged. “Only fair since you gave me a black eye the other day.”

Sergio chuckled and took a seat on the bench across from me. He reached for a water bottle and took a sip, looking deep in thought for a moment. I had known Sergio for years so I always knew when he had something to share.

“I know you have something to say.”

He ran his fingers through his hair nervously. “Yeah, I actually wanted to talk to you about something important.”

I leaned against the wall and waited for him to continue.

“I wanted to tell you the other day, but then you told me about you and Izzy and I wanted to be there for you.”

My face remained unchanged. Every mention of her name reminded me of that burning in my chest at her absence in my life. I didn't know how long had passed without her, but it didn't matter, the wound was just as fresh.

“I'm going to ask Katrina to marry me,” he said nervously.

“Oh fuck,” I gasped.

“Not exactly the response I was hoping for.”

I leaned forward. “Shit man, I didn't mean it like that. I just didn't expect it - you've only been going out for a few months now.”

He shrugged. “We've been together for almost a year, Giovanni.”

Has it seriously been that long? Fuck, I should really start paying attention.

“You could at least say congratulations.”

I stood up and reached for him. “I'm sorry. Congratulations! Seriously, I am happy for you guys.”

He returned my hug before quickly pulling away. “Thank you.”

“I'm serious, Sergio, I'm really happy for you guys,” I repeated. “And hey, once she says yes, please feel free to use Mala Mía for the engagement party. I'll cover it all.”

Sergio was one of my oldest friends and as much as we pushed each other around, figuratively and literally, I would always be there for him. He had changed since being with Katrina - in a good way. She brought out the best in him and I had always thought they were good together. No matter the mess in my own life, I had to be happy for my friend.

“I appreciate that,” he said.

“Do you have a ring yet?”

He nodded. “I've had it for a few months now.”

“A few months?” I couldn't hide my surprise. “So you've been planning this for a while then?”

He shrugged. “When you know, you know, Giovanni.”

He was right.