More Than This by Dominique Wolf




ow far are we from your shop?” Lorenzo asked.

We were walking side by side along the promenade as I led him in the direction of the coffee shop. He parked underground and the parking was a couple of blocks away from where we were headed. We continued our casual conversation. The sun was still shining down on us and the reflection against the sea in the distance brought on a wave of calmness that I needed.

“It's at the end of the road on the corner.” I pointed in the direction. “You could have parked closer.”

“I don't mind the walk.”

We sat at the cafe for a while before our stomachs started needing something more than caffeine. We ordered a couple of pastries for the table as we continued our getting to know each other. He circled back to wanting to see the coffee shop so I suggested we headed over there. Neither of us had anywhere else to be and since I didn't feel like being alone, I was happy to continue to enjoy company.

“Now, I have to prepare you because the place is a mess,” I explained. “We only just finished up with the painting of the walls so there's stuff scattered everywhere.”

He chuckled. “That's really fine, Isabella.”

I pulled the keys out of my bag as we reached the door. I quickly unlocked it and we were welcomed by the smell of fresh paint. There were plastic covers across the floor and counters.

“Welcome to-”. I stopped to think for a moment. ”Uh, we actually don't have a name yet.”

Lorenzo smiled and stepped inside, taking in the surroundings.

“It's quite a big space,” he commented.

I closed the door behind us and placed my bag on the counter. “It is. It was falling apart when we first got it, but it's getting there.”

He casually placed his hands in his pockets as he strolled across the room.

“I'm actually thinking of putting a couple of bookshelves along that wall over there.” I pointed to where he was. “We can sell some classics and maybe a few new ones.”

“That's a great idea. You can actually line them up across this whole area.” He pointed to the vacant area. “If you have them spread out, there will be enough space.”

It wasn't a bad suggestion. Reyna and I had plenty to discuss when it came to the direction of this place so I made a mental note to include that.

“That's a good idea. We are going to have a couple chairs and tables here.” I gestured to the area in front of the counter. “And probably a couple outside for when the weather is good.”

He nodded and strolled over to me. “I think it's going to be great.”

“Thank you. I'm hoping that we can get this going soon enough. I'd be happy to work here full-time.”

“Well, you can count on my support.” He pulled himself up onto the counter.

I leaned forward against it, facing him. “The view here isn't as magical as where we just were.”

He looked over at me. “I beg to differ.”

My gaze met his and the heat began to spread across my cheeks again. He wasn't afraid to continue his flirting, but I wasn't sure how to react to it. I was careful to never give him the wrong idea and focused on just enjoying his company. He was easy to be around and this day was turning out better than I thought it would be. It was probably selfish to want to be around him knowing his clear interest, but he was the perfect distraction.

Before I could answer, his phone started to ring and I was thankful for that.

“Sorry, it's my sister. Can you give me one sec?” he asked.

“Of course.”

He jumped off the counter and brought his phone to his ear. “Hola, Milana. ¿Qué pasa?”

I pulled myself onto the counter thinking back to the last time I was on here. That day with Giovanni was one that I would never forget. His spontaneous energy and care-free nature was something I couldn't help but fall for. He made me laugh. He was sexy in so many ways but he had me hooked with his humor. Between his witty charm and dirty jokes, I fell for him. Hard.

I sighed and allowed the sadness to seep in for a moment. It was the only way to remind myself that what we had was actually real.

“Sorry about that,” Lorenzo said, quickly bringing me out of my thoughts before I sunk too deep into them.

“Don't apologize. Is everything okay?”

He nodded. “I just have to go and fetch her though. She has a flat tire and my dad is out of town so I'm the next emergency contact on her list.”

I chuckled. “Big brother problems.”

“You'd be surprised how often things like this happened.” He smirked. “I’m sorry to have to cut this short.”

“That’s okay,” I said, but a part of me was disappointed at just the thought of being alone with my thoughts. There had to be something I could do to continue the distraction I needed.

“Can I drop you at your place on my way out?” he offered.

I nodded. “That would be great, thank you.”