Taken by E.M. Leya


Faith stood as a doctor walked into the waiting room. She waited just a moment to make sure he wasn't looking for one of the other two families sitting there, then approached. "Did you just operate on a John Doe?" She held up her camera. "Was this him?"

The doctor took her phone and looked closely at the picture. "Could be. Did this man have any other identifying marks we could compare?"

Faith's hope grew. "A nine-inch scar down his right calf muscle from crashing his bike into a metal grate. He also has a small scar on his forearm from an old dog bit when he was younger."

Matt stepped up beside her. "Also a small tattoo of a dagger on his right shoulder blade."

"He does?" Faith turned to face her father. "How come I never saw it?"

"Because he doesn't show it to many people. I happened to walk in when he was changing shirts one day and saw it. He was very uncomfortable about me having seen it and said it was a story he didn't share with anyone." Matt looked at the doctor. "Is it him?"

The doctor gave a single nod. "From what you've told me, we can assume it is."

"How is he?" Xander came up behind Faith, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You're his family?"

"Yes," Faith answered immediately, she wasn't about to play this whole game of patient privacy. If they did that, she'd have to wait for Beau to get there to hear anything and he was busy at Children's Hospital dealing with things she didn't even want to think about. "I'm his sister. My brother will be here later to join us. The rest of these guys are as close as family to him." She waved her hand at the group.

The doctor nodded. "The patient came in with two bullet wounds, one to the shoulder, the other to the thigh. The shoulder was a clean in and out, but the thigh did quite a bit of damage. He lost a lot of blood and it was touch and go for a while. We've managed to repair both wounds and gave him some blood. He's malnourished and dehydrated, has severe bruising over many parts of his body, and a gash across the back of his head that took a couple of stitches. Right now, he's in recovery, then we will move him upstairs to a room."

"Can we see him?" Matt asked.

"That will be up to hospital security. I was informed he is included with several other patients who will have guards on their rooms. You'll have to talk to them to see if visitors are allowed."

"I'll clear it with Jason and make sure you're all on the list, but they may limit the time you are allowed in there and how many can go in at a time," Noam said as he walked into the room.

"Noam." Faith met him first and hugged him.

"This is your brother?" The doctor asked her.

"No, another friend." She smiled as she stepped aside so Kasey could get to Noam. "They all work together."

"Your parents?" The doctor asked.

"Both passed." She let her voice dip a little as if it hurt to talk about them. Truth was, Trenton never mentioned them. He only mentioned his brother.

"You work with the police?"

"Retired, but still consulting. I just left the man who is in charge. He'll be with your security team here shortly to make sure all the patients being brought in are protected."

"That's good. We were alerted to the patient's status during surgery. I wasn't even sure I should come out here and talk to you, but it would help us immensely if we can identify the patient and get a medical history." The doctor looked at Faith. "Is there anything we should know about your brother?"

"He's healthy as ever." She knew because she'd been with Beau when he did the mandated team physicals the last few years. "At least he was before this." She sighed. "When can I see him?"

"As soon as he's out of recovery and I have security clearance to let you in. For now, I'm going to let the nurse know you will be able to fill out a patient information form for us. Of course, we will need you to do a physical identification once you are able to confirm it's your brother, but I feel confident the man in that picture is the man I operated on. Everything matches, down to the tattoo." The doctor looked around at the group. "He's going to be in recovery for a while. Go get some coffee or something to eat." He turned and left them.

Noam looked at the group. "Seven dead. Five of them guards, two of them hostages. Two cops were injured but in stable condition. Three hostages with gunshot wounds, Trenton's were the worst. All of them expected to recover. We had sixteen kids that we sent Beau's way. Two in serious condition, the rest weak, malnourished, dehydrated, and various injuries. The youngest was four. Thirty-two women, twelve men total. A team is collecting evidence as we speak. We found a ton of ledgers, computers, and weapons. What we didn't find was the leader, Isaac. He was either alerted to our arrival or he has some damn good luck. From what we hear, he had been at the mansion all night and left to buy a pack of cigarettes shortly before we got there. I think we have a leak somewhere in the department, but we were careful. Even SWAT didn't know until right before what they were walking into."

"Can your friend get me approval to visit some of the kids?" Faith asked.

Noam's features soften. "I don't think that will be a problem once we make sure they are stable. Which could take a day or two. We're trying to contact parents, but many of the kids are too young to know names or addresses. We're going to have to rely on fingerprints and missing person's reports for them."

"What can we do to help?" Bryon asked.

"For now, focus on Trenton. He's going to need us. After, maybe help Jason track down parents for the kids. Our team has a database unlike any other when it comes to missing kids, especially from this area. If Jason gets leads on who frequented the mansion and I can get a look at that list, we'll have plenty of work to do. You already have that list Ben gave us." Noam rolled his shoulders. "Listen, I need some coffee. It's been a long night for all of us. Why don't we take that doctor's advice and head down to the cafeteria? I'll text Jason and make sure he lets those in charge know to make sure you guys can see Trenton. This hospital doesn't want the fight it's in store for if they try to keep any of you out."

Faith grinned. It was true. They'd all end up in jail if anyone tried to keep them out. They could be patient for now with Trenton in recovery, but once out, all bets were off.

As they walked down to the cafeteria, she wished she'd gone with Beau to the Children's Hospital. She wouldn't be allowed to do much there, but she could give support somehow. Even the nurses and doctors would feel the stress. She could keep the coffee going or something for them at the least. She remembered her own pain and anguish the days after being rescued. She'd only had one abuser. These kids could have had many more. They would need someone to help them get through the adjustments to being free again, to help them see they aren't to blame, and to let go of the shame. If she hadn't had the team to help her, especially Katie, she would have really struggled with things more than she had. She hoped all the kids had families who would support them.

Xander settled an arm around her shoulder as they walked to the cafeteria. "You doing okay, Stripes?"

She grinned at the nickname. "Yeah, was just thinking about what Beau is dealing with and wishing I could help him."

"It won't be easy. That's a lot of kids to examine. Hopefully, Parson is using some of his connections to help ease the process. I like to focus on all the families getting that important phone call tonight instead of thinking about the negative stuff. I remember your dad's face the day we figured out where you were. Some of those families will have a hard time. I think you and your dad can help them. You've lived through this." Xander tightened his arm in a sort of hug as they continued to walk.

"And we survived." Matt bumped his shoulder to hers as he came up on the other side of her. "I'm going to head outside for a minute and call Trenton's brother and give him an update. He should know we found him."

Faith nodded. "Mention I lied about being their sister. Tell him not to blow my cover."

Matt laughed. "That was quick thinking."

"Too many nights around the hospital with Beau. If you're not family, they won't tell you anything." Faith shrugged.

"I'm glad you were on top of it. I'd have had to wrestle it out of the doctor." Xander paused and kissed Matt softly. "I'll get you a cup of coffee."

"Thanks." Matt waved as he turned and walked off.

"I guess I should call Ben too. He'll want to know." Xander kept Faith at his side.

"Let me call him. I need to let him know a few things to make sure our stories match. It's not a huge worry, but to protect the team, I just said Ben came to me asking for help since I work with the online predator program." Noam pulled out his phone. "But first, let me make sure you guys can get in to see Trenton when he's able to have visitors." He nodded toward a small waiting room. "I'll meet you downstairs in a few."

As tired as she was, Faith focused on everyone around her. So far, the team was holding up well, but she worried once they saw Trenton, witnessed the weight loss, the bruising, the emptiness she was sure would fill his eyes, then the team's anger would kick in. They would want vengeance. They were used to hurting the people who abused others. This time, they'd had to sit back and let others take control. It wasn't going to go well once emotions overrode the common sense. If they had a list of names or received one, then they would focus on that list until every person on it suffered for what they'd done.

She didn't blame them for that, but she needed to make sure none of them went off the deep end putting the team at risk. Someone had hurt one of their own, and that was an unforgivable act. She wondered if she was overstepping her bounds to ask Katie to insist on extra therapy sessions the next few weeks.

"Faith…" Kasey narrowed his eyes at her. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

She grimaced. "What makes you think anything is going on?"

"We know you. You're a fixer. You're probably thinking of every problem that might pop up in the next few weeks and looking at how you can fix it." Kasey raised a brow at her as if daring her to deny it.

"She won't be fixing anything. She has a life back east to go back to. She has classes to get ready for," Xander stated.

"I don't start classes for over a month yet. I'll be just fine. I'm not leaving here until I know everyone is okay. Trenton's going to need me to cook for him. I can't leave him with you fools and let him continue to starve." She was only partially joking. The guys would fill him up on fast food and delivery. He wouldn't starve, but it was hardly home cooking.

"You only feeding him?" Bryon smiled at her.

"That depends on how nice you are to me." She smirked back at him. "Becca cooks for you when she has time."

"And she can cook for Trenton too if you go back to school," Xander argued.

"Again, school doesn't start for a month. I'm already set to go. I won't be missing anything. My rent's paid, and my roommate will be just fine alone for a few more weeks. Becca is busy enough." She smiled at Becca, hoping she'd have her back and agree.

"Let her stay a while. At least give her a week. We have no idea how long Trenton will be in the hospital, and you did tell Ben to promise him that Faith would make him meatballs. I heard it on the recording when you met with Ben. Don't let him down." Becca gave her a supportive smile.

"Thank you." Faith grinned.

"Fine, we'll play it by ear for now, but don't get comfortable. I know how badly you miss being here, but you can't pass up—"

She turned and stared at Xander. "Do you remember how badly I want to be a doctor? Yes, I miss the hell out of you guys, but I'm not going to mess up now. If I don't go back, Trenton will blame himself. I just want some time with him first. Some time with all of you."

Xander sighed and grasped her shoulders gently. "I'm sorry. We're all worried and under a lot of stress. Sometimes I forget you're not a little girl anymore."

"I love you, Xan. Even when you're an ass." She stepped into his arms.

With that said, he hugged her tightly, then as a group, they headed the rest of the way to the cafeteria. She loved these guys. They were her family. No matter what the next week would bring, they'd get through it together just like they always did.