Taken by E.M. Leya


Faith was tired of waiting. It had been five hours since Beau had come out and let them know he'd seen Trenton, now the rest of them waited impatiently for permission to get in to see him. Around the waiting room, some slept, others scanned their phones, while Noam and Kasey worked through a pile of files they refused to let her see. She guessed it was on either the victims from the mansion or the traffickers. Either way, she couldn't see why they needed to hide it. It wasn't as if she was some little girl anymore.

"I'm going to grab a drink." She glanced over her shoulder as she stepped out of the waiting room. She'd been around hospitals enough, she figured she could pull off sneaking past a guard and get in to see Trenton. It couldn't be that hard.

Making her way slowly down the hall, she kept an eye out for what she would need. It didn't take long to find it. Sitting on the back of a chair at the unoccupied nurse's station was someone's medical smock, with their badges attached to the pocket. She grinned as she saw the picture was of a younger, dark-haired nurse named Jamie. Making sure no one was watching, she quickly pulled the smock on over her clothes and pulled it tight around her. It didn't hide the fact that she wore jeans, but maybe the guard would think lab workers dressed down compared to other medical staff.

Moving quickly, but as if she belonged there, she grabbed one of the phlebotomy kits from a cart near the desk, then headed down the hallway as if she was in a hurry. As she neared the guard at Trenton's door, she smiled, then lifted the kit in her hand and gestured to the door. "Just need to get some blood."

"I need to see your I.D.." The man didn't move from his spot in front of the door.

"Sure." She lifted her badge, careful to keep her finger covering the face of the nurse but leave the dark hair showing along with the name. "Any idea how long security will be this tight?"

He wrote down her name on his clipboard. "My guess would be a few days." He smiled. "Go on in." He pushed the door open for her.

Praying Trenton didn't give her away until the guard was gone, she kept her head down as she stepped inside. It wasn't until she heard it click closed that she looked up and tears came to her eyes. Trenton was asleep, I.V. cords going from his hand and up to the bags hanging on the stand. His arms were bare but bruised up to his one shoulder which was wrapped. His chest was partially covered with the sheet, but she could see bruises on what skin she could see there. It was his face that forced her to swallow back the most emotion. A beard covered Trenton's face. He'd never had a beard before that she knew of. He'd always been clean-shaven. She'd never really even seen him with much stubble, but now, an unruly half-inch of hair covered his features. Had she not known it was him, she would have walked right by him.

She set the phlebotomy kit down and walked closer, taking in the way one leg looked thicker under the blanket than the other. Curiosity had her wanting to pull back the cover and look, but she knew it wasn't her place. Beau had already seen him, and she knew if there was anything important to know, Beau would have told them. The team didn't do secrets when it came to each other.

She wiped the tears as she inspected the rest of what she could see. He'd lost a lot of weight. He'd never been heavy, but now he was so thin. Unhealthy. His skin didn't look soft, his hair didn't shine. God, it killed her to think what had happened to him in there. She hadn't heard Beau or any other doctor talk about a rape kit, but she knew they'd had to have done one. As much as she wanted to think he'd been held for weeks and hadn't been raped, she knew better. Her kidnapper had raped her within an hour of taking her and then several times a day while he'd held her captive.

"I'm okay."

Her gaze jerked up to meet his at the sound of his soft voice. She smiled, taking a few steps toward him. "Where can I touch so I can hug you?"

He laughed, then cringed. "Ribs cracked and shoulder wound, other than that you're good to go." He lifted his good arm up to her.

She went to him, careful not to put weight against his chest as she leaned against his good shoulder and pressed her face to his neck. "God, I missed you." She held on to him tightly, fighting not to cry more.

"I missed you too, but you shouldn't have left school." He eased her back a bit to look into her eyes. "You could have worried there instead of here."

She slapped his arm softly. "There's no way I wouldn't come home for any of you guys, besides, I'm on summer break for a few more weeks. I'm not missing anything but a couple of keg parties."

He narrowed his eyes. "Bet you wouldn't mention those to your dad or Xander."

She rolled her eyes back at him. "Of course not. I only mention going to church and sewing circle to them." She eased down so she was sitting on his bed. "Seriously, are you okay?"

He nodded. "Sore, tired, hungry, but I'm okay. All my injuries will heal."

She reached up and tapped his forehead. "All of them?"

He closed his eyes. "In time."

She understood those words more than anyone. "Fair enough." When he looked at her again, she grinned. "I hear you're craving meatballs?"

"God, don't talk about food. They aren't letting me eat yet." He touched his stomach. "I'm starving."

"I'm sure it's just because they don't want you sick after the surgery, but it's been long enough now. They should bring you dinner at least. If not, I'll sneak you something in."

"Speaking of which, he tapped the badge on the smock she wore. "Jamie, how come you're the only one coming to visit me?"

Her cheeks heated. "Because I'm the only one brave enough to lie my way in." She shrugged. "It was way too easy. You need to talk to them about your security being weak."

"Your dad is going to kill us."

"It's not the first time we've pissed them off." She reached out and touched his beard with the back of her fingers. "I've never seen you with a beard. I don't like it."

"Good, because the moment I can find a razor, it's gone. I've never liked beards or mustaches on me." He rubbed a hand over it.

She stood. "Give me a minute." She quickly left the room, glancing at the guard as she swept by. "I just forgot some supplies." She hurried to the supply room, thankful it was empty. She quickly grabbed a couple of razors, a pair of scissors, and shaving cream. As she made her way back, the guard didn't even question her as he opened the door again. "Thanks."

She grinned at Trenton as she held up her stash. "Can I shave you?"

"Seriously? How do you get away with all this?" He laughed, then cringed and pressed a hand to his shoulder.

"I just act like I belong. It's not hard if you've been around the hospitals like I have with Beau." She set the razors on the bed. "So, can I shave you?"

He hesitated.

"Oh, come on. I've given half the team stitches and not killed anyone. I even got to do minor surgery on Becca when she got that glass shard deep in her hand." She knew he'd give in and that he was only teasing her, which made her happy, because if he was teasing her this soon, he would be okay in time.

"Alright, but I like my nose so don't scar me."

"I won't even shave your nose, just under it." She tapped his nose with her finger. "Let me get some warm water and towels."

In no time at all she was back on the bed, a tub of warm water wedged against Trenton's leg, and shaving cream smeared over his face. "It's a good look on you," she teased.

"While I do agree it has to look better than the beard, I'd rather have it all gone." He flicked a bit of shaving cream at her. "I haven't even had the chance to look in a mirror. I can only imagine what I look like after the last few weeks."

"You look tired, thin, but alive. And alive is the only part of that which matters to anyone." She dipped the razor to wet it, then started to shave him.

As she removed his beard, they talked about her life back east, about her roommate, and about which classes she'd be taking once school started in the fall. She told him about parties she'd been to, and talked about her favorite places to hang out and eat. Conversation between them was always easy, and it was important to her that she show him that no matter what happened to him while he'd been held hostage, he was still the same man she knew and loved.

The door to the room opening had them both freezing. She glanced up to see the guard glaring at her. "You're not Jamie."

Faith bit her lip.

"Come on, you know you can't be in here." He gestured her out.

Faith protested. "He's only half shaved. I can't leave him this way." She pointed to Trenton's face.

"He can finish." The guard glared at her.

"He can't. His shoulder is all bandaged on one side, and he's got I.V. tubes in the other hand. Do you want to try to shave with those tubes getting in your way?" She held up the razor. "I'll be done in ten minutes, then you can kick me out."

"Give me the nurses smock at least. She's looking everywhere for it. I won't tell anyone you stole it, but you try to trick me again and I will have you escorted off the property." He shook his head. "I can't believe I fell for it."

She handed him the smock. "Sorry."

"No, you're not." He took it from her and glanced at the badge. "You don't even look like her. Shit, anyone hears about this and I'll lose my job."

Faith made a gesture like she was zipping her mouth shut. "No one will know."

He glared. "Ten minutes, no longer."

"Thanks." She grinned, then went back to work on Trenton's beard.

"You're going to push your luck one of these days," Trenton warned.

"If I do, you guys will rescue me." It was true. The team would do anything for her, a fact she knew and loved, but really tried not to take advantage of too often. "Besides, you needed me to help you. Can you imagine the jokes if Xander saw you growing a beard? He'd start comparing it to his and make all kinds of jokes about your beard stamina or something."

Trenton laughed. "Don't make me laugh. It hurts."

"I'm just glad you are laughing. I didn't know what to expect." She stared at him for a long moment.

"I didn't know either, and honestly, I still don't. There might be a lot of times where I can't laugh right now. It's like I know what happened, know it happened to me, but in a way, it seems like I was watching someone else live through it."

"I did that. My mind would go somewhere else. Katie explains it better than I can, but it's a way we protect ourselves. It's okay to take time to work it all out in your head. When you're angry, punch Xander. When you need hugs, come to me. When you need to work off some energy, go on a run with Kacey and Noam. Just take what you need when you need it and don't let anyone else tell you what is right."

"I hate you're this smart about this subject."

"So do I, but it is what it is." She set the razor down. "Done. Now you look like my Trenton."

"Yours, am I?" He grinned.

"Yep, I claimed you. Besides, you don't want to belong to any of the others. They don't make meatballs like I do."

"Very true." He took the wet towel from her hands and wiped his face. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Now I'm going to clean up and go before your temperamental guard drags me out."

"I'm surprised your dad hasn't come to hunt you down."

"Oh, he's been texting and calling. I responded that I'd be back soon, and shut off my phone." She stood, taking the tub of water over to the bathroom and dumping it, before rinsing it out.

"Your dad's going to kill me."

"Nah, they all probably know where I am. If they were really worried, they would have sent for Beau to check on me or even asked the guard if I was in here. It's not like they can't walk down the hall to your room. It's not that secure." She wiped her hands off and stepped back out of the bathroom. "Need anything?"


"I'll make sure I talk to the doctor and let him know your starving. If he won't do anything, I'll sneak something in." She stood beside his bed again. "Get some sleep. Soon enough, physical therapy will be in hounding you to work your shoulder and leg."

"I take it back. I need a gun too."

She slapped his forearm gently. "No guns in the hospital. You know better." She bent, kissed his forehead. "Rest. The others will be in to hound you as soon as they can." She smiled. "Love you."

"I love you too." He smiled.

She turned and started for the door just as the guard opened it.

"See, told you I'd be done." She waved at Trenton and hurried through the door, glad she'd risked trouble to see him. She needed to know he'd be okay, and now, she knew he would.