Taken by E.M. Leya


Trenton sat beside Ben on the balcony of their hotel room, watching the waves as the sun seemed to melt into the ocean. He sighed contently, feeling more relaxed than he had in a while. "We should have done this sooner."

"I agree, but I'm not sure you were ready. The airport and plane were a bit harder on you than we expected." Ben took Trenton's hand. "You did amazing facing your fears."

It was true. The airport had been so busy, and the plane so confined. Even with first-class tickets, he'd struggled with the thought that he was trapped with nowhere to run if someone was after him. It wasn't until they were on the ground and Ben had pulled him off to a quiet area outside the airport that Trenton had started to relax.

"At least I won't have to deal with it again for two weeks." He didn't want to think about the flight back right now. He liked that the hardest decision he'd have to make was what to have for dinner.

The trial had taken almost six months once it started, and while Trenton only had to testify once, he'd paid attention to all of it. With Ben and the team's support, he'd sat in front of everyone and told in detail everything that had been done to him and by who. The police chief now was sitting with a life sentence in the state prison, and a huge list of other elite and political names were also serving time. Ben's captain had a shorter sentence, but that was only because he'd made a deal in exchange for giving up information on other political and police leaders who had been involved. The one thing he regretted was they'd never found Isaac. His team was looking, and he trusted if there was a lead they'd find it, but he wished he'd been caught.

As expected, the chief had decided to keep the undercover team at the mansion until Isaac had sold off everything to traffickers in Spain, Mexico, and Canada. Things had gotten too hot for Isaac in Los Angeles and he had planned on moving to Arizona, closer to the border. Trenton was sure Isaac would have killed Ben and any others he didn't trust once things had been closer to shutting down. If Ben hadn't acted when he did, it could have been deadly.

The worst news he'd found out at the trial was that Ian had committed suicide several months after being rescued. As hard as it was to hear, Trenton understood why. If it hadn't been for Ben and the support he had from the team, he could have ended up the same way. If Ian hadn't had a good support system, it would have been hard to move forward. Trenton wished he'd contacted him after. Not that he could have been much help, but he could have maybe got him talking to Katie or someone.

"You up for a walk on the beach once the sun goes down and the crowds ease?" Ben asked.

"I'd love to." He looked at the expanse of sand in front of them and smiled at the thought of walking hand in hand with Ben. He really liked this relationship thing. Ben was so patient with him. They both struggled at times with nightmares, but together they would talk through things, being bluntly honest about their feelings and find a way to handle things.

They were comfortable together, and while they had yet to have sex in the most literal way, they had been exploring and touching each other more often, testing what worked for Trenton and what didn't. He was sure that being taken from behind would never happen, but he at least now had a little hope that sex might be a part of his life again someday.

"What are you thinking about?" Ben smirked. "Your eyes only get that look when we're making out."

"Funny, because that was exactly what I was thinking about." Trenton grinned.

"You were thinking about us making out?" Ben slid to the edge of his seat. "Tell me more."

Trenton laughed. "I was just thinking how nice it's been exploring things and how I think in time we can maybe try…" He shrugged.

"Maybe try?" Ben moved and came to kneel between Trenton's legs, brushing his palms up Trenton's thighs. "Kissing?" He brushed his mouth over Trenton's, then licked his bottom lip before sucking on it.

"Definitely kissing." Trenton spread his legs wider, allowing Ben to settle closer.

"Touching?" Ben asked as he ran his fingers down the front of Trenton's shirt, teasing at his nipples through the thin material.

"God, yes." Trenton arched into his touch.

Ben leaned closer and whispered in Trenton's ear. "How about my mouth on you?" He moved his hand to press against Trenton's growing hardness. "Are you ready for that?"

They'd masturbated in front of each other, then even jerked each other off a time or two, but they hadn't gotten to blow jobs. It was something Trenton wanted, but he feared the memories of being forced to do it would overwhelm him. The smallest things triggered his memories and brought on anxiety attacks.

His cock was ready. He was rock hard and fully aroused at just hearing the words. When he started in on the visual of it all, he moaned. "Yes, think so." Trenton stared into Ben's eyes. "Are you okay with it?"

"Oh yeah. I've wanted your taste on my tongue for a while now." Ben kissed a trail up Trenton's neck as his hands slid to the button on his shorts and popped it open. "If it's too much, stop me."

"Yeah, okay." He arched his neck back, enjoying the feel of Ben's mouth on his skin. No man had ever made him feel this way. Ben made it seem as if he enjoyed giving the pleasure just as much as he did receiving it.

"I love the sounds you make when I lick right here." Ben licked his neck, just under his ear.

Trenton moaned, then laughed. "I like when you do that."

"I can tell." Ben slid his hand into Trenton's pants. "Your cock reacts when I do it." He licked the spot again and wrapped his fist around Trenton's length at the same time. "I wonder how your cock will react when I lick it the same way."

Trenton closed his eyes, letting himself get lost in the feeling of being touched. He was safe. He was with Ben. He enjoyed this with Ben. No one was forcing him to do anything. He only had to sit and enjoy what was happening.

Ben nipped at Trenton's lip, then smiled. "Lift up for me so I can get your pants out of the way."

Trenton did. He liked that Ben kept kissing him as he also got him half-naked. He was aware they were on the balcony, but the chances of anyone seeing them were slim. The nervousness added to the excitement and didn't scare him like he thought it might. As his pants slid down his legs, he stared into Ben's eyes. "You make me crazy."

"Do I?" Ben smiled as he stroked his cock.

"Fuck…" Trenton arched.

"I want to make you insane." Ben sat back on his heels and smiled right before he bent and licked a circle around the head of Trenton's cock.

"Yes…" Trenton focused on the pleasure and nothing else. His hands gripped the arms of the chair he sat in as he closed his eyes and concentrated on the feel of Ben's wet mouth surrounding him. He groaned his approval as Ben's mouth lowered down his shaft, taking him deep into his throat.

One of Ben's hands came up, sliding under his shirt, and teasing a nipple as his mouth worked up and down his shaft, teasing with his tongue, and humming around him.

Opening his eyes to watch, Trenton reminded himself to breathe. He was so caught up in the feeling that it was easy to hold his breath as he anticipated more. Ben's gaze raised to meet his, and he saw the emotion in them. God, he loved everything about this man. He never dreamed he could care about anyone the way he did him.

Trying not to thrust into Ben's mouth, he reached out with one hand, running his fingers through Ben's hair. He wouldn't push or try to force him deeper. They never did hard or rushed. It wouldn't work for them. He liked the slow build, the teasing, the intensity of watching everything happen. The way Ben's full lips looked around his cock, the wetness left behind as he slid between those lips, the feel of his breath against his wet balls.

"I'm not going to last long. If you don't want to swallow you better stop." He had to warn him even though he knew Ben wouldn't pull away. He meant it when he said he wanted to taste him.

The thought of his cum filling Ben's mouth pushed him over. He fought hard for a moment, trying to hold back, but his body wasn't having it. His cock pulsed and he grunted as seed spilled from him. Ben's mouth continued to work up and down him, swallowing around him, taking everything that Trenton gave him.

It wasn't until Ben had licked all signs of Trenton's release from him, that he released his cock and settled back to look up at him. "Watching you come is amazing, but tasting you is even better." He leaned in and kissed Trenton.

Trenton kissed him back hard, taking his own taste from Ben's mouth and savoring it. He was weak, his legs like jelly as he wrapped his arms around Ben and held him close. "That was amazing."

"Yeah, it was. It was hot as hell." Ben smiled.

"I love you," Trenton said the words, then blushed. "I didn't mean to say that for the first time with my pants around my ankles."

"It doesn't matter when you said it. I've known you felt that way for a while now. I love you too. You're my world." Ben kissed him.

As he kissed him back, sitting there half-naked in spent bliss, Trenton knew he'd be alright. He might never be who he'd been before he'd been taken, but that was okay. He had Ben with him now and that made everything better. The evils of his past could be forgotten as long as he had the happiness of his future to look forward to. He wrapped his arms around Ben and swore he would never let go.