Mafia Daddy’s Smart Little by Mary Potter













It would be a lie to say I had forgotten about Jennifer Cole.

How in the world was I supposed to do that? Two days without seeing her had wrecked me. I locked myself in the bedroom and refused to come out.

My days without Jennifer were gloomy. I couldn’t stop thinking about what we had.

“You should pick her calls,” Maddy said when she came in to collect my laundry.

“She’s a con woman,” I answered.

“People change, Holland. I was once a woman with no time for marriage. But here I am, happy that I got married.”

“It’s not the same thing, Maddy.”

She continued to stuff my clothes into the laundry basket. “I believe that woman loves you.”

The next day, I got a call from Jennifer’s best friend, Laurel Spark. I had met her several times and she only radiated a sort of attitude that told me that she didn’t like me.

But, what she had to tell me was worth listening to.

“You have to stop her, Holland,” Laurel said. “Jennifer is going to Washington, and I doubt she is ever going to come back.”

Washington? Jennifer was leaving Leevens? That was when I knew I had to look for her. Maybe it was time to hear what she had to say.

“Holland?” Jennifer said to me as soon as she found me outside the train station. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you,” I said.

She smiled at me, but I didn’t return it. Jennifer needed to know I had not forgiven her yet.

“Can we talk?”

She glanced back at the station. The giant wall clock said it was five minutes to six in the evening.

“I have to catch the train.”

I bit down on my lips. No matter how hard I tried to stay angry with her, I just couldn’t forget that she meant something to me.

“Jennifer,” I started. “I don’t want you to go.”

Jennifer’s eyes immediately watered. “Really?.”

Then she began to cry. “I am so sorry, Holland, for everything.”

“I’m sorry, too, that I didn’t wait to hear your explanation. I want to do that now but, please, don’t go to Washington.”

Jennifer sniffled and wiped her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. “Okay. Where can we talk?”

“I have the perfect place,” I answered and inched forward to hug her. “Why don’t we go back to where it all started? Your father’s pub.”


*** *** ***


I kissed the back of her neck as I fucked her from behind.

Jennifer continued to moan to every one of my thrusts. She enjoyed it and I could sense it.

“Suck on your thumb, baby,” I whispered, kissing her again as my dick slipped into her again.

My girl obeyed, sucking her left thumb. Her nipples were erect when I touched them, spilling out of her pink pajamas that I had unbuttoned.

Tonight, she was my little girl. I had gotten to wear an adult diaper and some baby socks. She had been excited to follow all of my orders.

“Would you be naughty again?” I asked.

It took her a few seconds to mutter an answer. Her body shivered under me, and I loved it. When I spilled my cum, it was into her and Jennifer didn’t object. It was beautiful.

“I’ve got something to tell you,” I began as we laysweaty under the sheets.

Jennifer’s head was resting on my chest. She could probably hear how fast my heart was beating now. I had something important to tell her, but I didn’t know how she was going to react to it.

Some days back, Jennifer had assured me of her undying love for me.. The only reason she scammed the other guys for money was to fund her father’s pub.

They were practically poor, and it made her father worry a lot. Jennifer had had no choice, but it was no justification for what she did. She promised to return every money she stole.

That was all I needed her to do. My girlfriend had turned a new leaf. She wouldn’t be going back to her life of fraud, ever. It was time to think of the future.

“What’s that?”

“I have to go back to New York.”

Jennifer was silent. I didn’t know what she was thinking. She might have been expecting this, considering I was based in New York, and it was time to resurrect my music career. However, it was selfish of me to talk about leaving her when I had stopped her from going to Washington.

“Okay. When?”

“Anytime from tomorrow.”

Jennifer went silent for a long time again. Then she broke the silence and asked, “When will you be back?”

“About that,” I said, sitting up so I could look at her. “Why don’t you come with me?”

I couldn’t see her reaction in the dim light of the room, but I knew what it would look like.

“You…you want me to come to New York with you?”

“That’s what I said. Don’t you want to?”

Jennifer responded with a long kiss.

“Yes, Holland! I would like to go to New York with you.”

I smiled and patted her hair. This would be our future and I was prepared for it.