Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Eight

“Alright, what is going on?” Jynx interrupts and I’m grateful. “Since when are you okay with people touching you?”

“I’m not, just her.” Atlas replies, kissing me once and then letting me go.

Pride swells in my chest, just me.

“Well then, that’s unexpected.” Jynx grins. “Although not that surprising since its Ever.”

“How do you guys know each other?” Cash asks, as I walk over to him and plonk myself down on his lap, his arms immediately wrapping around me.

Jynx’s smile widens as she winks at me.

“We grew up together.” Atty replies flippantly before turning back to Jynx and crossing his arms over his chest as he assesses her. “You could’ve told me about Liam’s shipment over the phone, why are you here?”

“Oh well, one of the guys D sent me after suddenly took a detour up here,” She replies frowning, “Not actually sure why. Do you remember Rusty?” She asks me.

I grin, “Yeah, sleezy fucker, how’s his finger?”

“It had to be removed.” She chuckles.

At the guys curious looks, I decide to elaborate, “He didn’t quite understand the word no, so I took a blade to his finger.”

“Savage,” Rage says, his eyes heating. “I like it.”

“See, I knew you liked me.” I grin triumphantly.

“I said I liked it, not you.” Rage replies, his guard flying back up in a second.

Atlas frowns at him.

I don’t know what I’ve done, but I clearly have some work to do where Rage is concerned. Fortunately, I kind of enjoy back and forth teasing.

“Want to pay him a visit with me?” Jynx offers grinning.

“Fuck yeah.” I jump up.

“No.” Trick growls, and I turn to him raising my eyebrow.

“I think what Trick means is that it’s not safe for you to leave the Academy grounds.” Luc says calmly.

“He’s right, Dragonfly.” Rafe adds, “Not while Atlas’s dad is after you.”

“Fuck, you’re on Liam’s radar? How the fuck did that happen?” Jynx asks.

“Apparently, my dad worked for him.” I sigh, sitting back down on Cash and he rests his head on my shoulder, pulling me in closely.

A steaming mug of hot chocolate appears in front of me and I glance up at Riot smiling softly, as my eyes drift to Rafe stirring a pan on the stove, I hadn’t even notice him move towards it.

“Well in that case, I’m definitely not risking your life by taking you with me.” Jynx says, finally hopping off the counter, “Whelp it’s been a pleasure, but I really should get going. Places to be, people to kill.”

She grins dangerously as she salutes us and strolls towards the front door. “Ever, get my number from Atlas, we need a catch up.” She yells back before the door slams behind her.

“Was she serious?” Luc asks.

“About me calling her? Definitely.” I reply, knowing damn well that’s not what he meant.

“No, about her having people to kill.” Luc retorts, smirking.

I shrug, finishing off the last of my hot chocolate before replying, “Most likely.”

“Jynx is the best at what she does.” Rage adds in.

“Impressive.” Trick says thoughtfully, his eyes trained on me.

He’s starting to figure out how me and Jynx know each other. Not all the details but the vague idea at least. I’m not ready for that conversation. They’re reaction to knowing what Jynx does gives me more hope that they’ll be understanding of what I did, but I’m still not ready.

“I’m going to bed, guys.” I say, standing up and stretching.

“Good idea, Princess.” Atlas starts, “The fuckers at the school are ruthless, do not let your guard down.” He warns.

The guys all make sounds of agreement and I nod before making my way upstairs. I get ready for bed in a daze, sleep fully trying to take hold. I have no idea who ends up in bed with me, I’m fast asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


I wake up sprawled across a tattooed chest that can only be Atlas’s. To my absolute horror, I realise that I slept so deeply that I fucking drooled all over him.

Fuck my life.

I try to move really slowly so I don’t wake him, moving my hand so I can wipe the drool off. The chest beneath me suddenly starts vibrating and a chuckle sounds from behind me. I groan. Seriously?

“Sorry I drooled on you.” I mutter, tilting my head up to meet Atlas’s gaze and flipping Jensen off as I wipe the drool off Atlas’s chest.

Of course, my acknowledgment of it just makes them laugh harder and I grumble as I try to untangle myself from the both of them.

“Aw, where are you going, Angel?” Jensen says, pulling me back down and snuggling me back between them.

“Away from you laughing hyenas.” I snark back, trying to hide my grin.

“I don’t mind if you drool on me, Princess. At least it means you got a good night sleep.” Atlas reassures me and I tilt my head up, asking for a kiss.

He devours me, pulling me closer as his hands tangle in my hair. Jensen’s hands start to run up my back, the soft touch making my core clench. I moan as his lips start to follow the same course his hands just took. I pull myself up, moving so that I’m straddling Atlas, his hands flex in my hair and he growls as I grind my soaked, panty clad core against his hard as fucking steel dick. Without any warning he flips us, as he starts to kiss down my neck, strong fingers grasp my chin. Jensen’s eyes are wild with desire as he plunges his tongue into the heat of my mouth, my back arches when Atlas bites down on one of my nipples.

“More, I need more.” I pant.

They are more than happy to help a girl out, as I’m suddenly gifted the glorious view their naked and damn right fucking delectable bodies. Atlas slowly works my underwear down my legs, planting hot and teasing kisses along the inside of my thigh. He licks my clit once, making me moan into Jensen’s mouth, as he palms my boob, pinching my nipple and riding that pleasure pain line perfectly. I reach out as Atlas blazes a trail of searing, hot kisses up my body and grasp hold of Jensen’s dick, he trembles as I start to move my hand in long strokes. Moving so he’s lying next to me, where I can still reach him. He starts to kiss down my neck, still expertly rolling my nipples in his fingers and leaving my mouth free for Atlas. My hand starts to move faster, making him groan and filling me with pride.

Atlas kisses me hard, nipping my lip at the same time as plunges deep inside me. My walls clench around him, my hand gripping Jensen’s cock firmer.

“Fucking hell, you feel so fucking good.” Atlas growls, staying still as I adjust to his considerable size.

I smirk up at him. “No need to be gentle with me, I’m not gonna break.” I challenge, his eyes flare and my gaze moves over to Jensen.

“Fucking perfect.” He growls.

Atlas pulls nearly all the way out of me before thrusting back in. My back arches and I cry out, my hand moving quicker on Jensen. Atlas sets a relentless pace. Jensen dips his head biting my nipple and swirling his tongue around the taught peak, all of the different sensations have me hurtling off the edge and into a truly earth-shattering orgasm. My hand speeds up on Jensen’s dick as I cry out, making him groan as he falls over the edge with me, shooting hot cum all over my hand. Atlas bites down on my neck his hand gripping my thigh tight enough to leave bruises as he pulls my leg up, the new angle allowing him to go impossibly deeper. The extra bite of pain has the tendrils of another orgasm building again my hips rise up to meet his, as his thrusts become harder. I scream as I fall into oblivion once again. Jensen biting my lip and adding the sensations drowning my body. Atlas stills above me roaring his own release before we all crumble into a breathless and sweaty pile.

Atlas slowly pulls out of me, making me groan before he wraps his arms back around me as Jensen lays his head on my chest. All of us enjoy the aftershocks of having sex as we try to catch our breaths.

“That was a fucking awesome way to start the day.” I comment.

“I think we should do it every morning.” Jensen smirks, leaning over me and kissing the tip of my nose.

“I need a nap.” I reply, yawning.

“No time for that princess, we’ve got school.” Atlas says kissing my shoulder before getting up.

“Fuck, how much time do we have?” I groan stretching as I sit up.

“Only enough for one shower.” He smirks.

“Well, I guess we’re sharing!” I call after him, jumping off the bed and grabbing Jensen’s hand, pulling him with me.

“Thank fuck these showers are so big, or we’d never all fit.” Jensen adds, wrapping his arms around me just as the door bangs open.

“Looks like I missed a damn good time.” Trick grins his eye travelling over my naked form appreciatively.

“No time for that brother.” Jensen smirks.

“Later,” I wink at him, walking up and giving him a soft kiss.

His hands trail over my curves and I sigh softly before stepping back and making my way over to the bathroom, Jensen following closely behind. I hear him groan and grin, loving the effect I have on him. We rush through the shower, and apart from a few lingering touches, manage to behave ourselves before getting out and getting dressed.

“Good morning, Il mio cuore,” Cash greets me as we walk into the kitchen. He hands me a steaming hot cup of coffee, doctored with cream and sugar.

It was only a month or so ago that I was drinking my coffee black in order to save money for food. My life has changed so much since then. I’m in more danger than I probably ever have been but I’m not alone, I’ll never be alone again.

“Hey, where’d you go, Sunshine?” Riot asks, brushing some hair back behind my ear. “Are you okay?”

“I’m good, just thinking about how much has changed in the last month or so.” I admit, sipping my coffee.

“For the better, right?” He asks, vulnerability clouding his eyes for moment.

“Of course, never doubt that.” I reply firmly.

“Good.” He replies simply, his eyes warming with relief. He kisses my lips softly before making his way over to where Rafe is putting the finishing touches to our breakfast. He leans over and gently captures his lips. Making them both smile blissfully.

I glance around the kitchen table at them all, immensely glad that I’m here. My eyes land on a surly looking Rage and I can’t help but want to poke the bear.

“Good morning, Rageykins.” I sing.

Rage’s eyebrows lower into a deep scowl as the other guys all burst out laughing. Trick shakes his head at me as he smirks.

“It’s too early for this shit.” Rage grumbles, ignoring me and turning to Atlas. “When are we going to do that job?”

“In a couple of days. He sent me more information earlier; we should be able to get to him then.” He replies, not looking that comfortable talking about this in front of us.

“Are you bringing them?” Rage asks.

“It’s time dude. I know we’re here sooner than you thought we’d be, but we all agreed that when we saw you again, you’d bring us in.” Trick says firmly, crossing his arms over his broad chest, his grey eyes hard.

“You’ve told us what you’re trying to do, and I can speak for all of us when I say, that we are all in.” Luc adds in.

Atlas stays silent as he looks over each of us, his walls fully up until they land on me and they suddenly drop, allowing me to see the fear and hesitation in their ice blue depths.

“You know they can handle it.” I say softly, keeping my eyes locked on his, “I can handle it too. This is what family does Atty, they fight for each other and they fight side by side. From what I can tell, you’ve been dealing with this shit for a really long fucking time. Until Rage came along it was by yourself. What you’re trying to pull off is a massive undertaking and you’re going to need all the loyal people you can get. I’m not naïve, I know there’s still some things that you haven’t told us. Just like I know that there’s some things the guys haven’t told me, and I haven’t told any of you.” I take a breath making sure they’re all listening. “I also know that you know exactly what they’re capable of, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m happy to prove to you that I can stand toe to toe with the fucking best of them.” I grin savagely. “I don’t run from the monsters in the dark, I end them.”

I take a sip of my coffee as I let my words sink in.

“She makes a fucking good point, man,” Rage says into the tense silence. “You’ve been talking about needing the skillset the guys have since this started. As far as Ever’s concerned, dude, I saw the guy that was sent back to Liam, the only person better than her with a blade, is fucking shadow and no one even knows who the fuck he is.”

My mouth goes dry as my heartbeat pounds in my ears, I school my features praying that none of them notice the reaction that name causes within me. They’re all focused on Atlas and his reaction though which gives me time to bury the memories back in the dark hidden box within my mind.

Not today Satan.

“You’re right.” Atlas sighs heavily running a tattooed hand over his stubbled jaw. “You all need to understand though, despite the fact that we have someone on the inside, with the feds, who gives us the information we need. If we get caught, we will be on our own, he can’t protect us. It’s not legal even though the people we take out are the scum of the earth. The things they’ve done are truly vile. Like I said before there’s various reasons why the authorities can’t take them down themselves and that’s where we come in.”

“We’re focused on disbanding and getting rid of as many of Liam’s associates and crew as possible, weakening him so it’s easier for us to take over. That’s not to say that when we finally take over the business will be entirely legal, the majority of it will be but Liam’s made such an impact on the criminal world that we’d be sitting ducks if we completely legitimised.” Rage adds in.

“The feds are aware of this. There’s an agreement in place. We will occasionally take out those that are on the feds’ radar, but nothing to do with Liam. As well as the jobs that are linked to Liam,” Atlas warns.

“Sounds like what we do lead by Jensen already, just on a grander scale.” Luc shrugs.

As they talk, I start to wonder who this fed is, he’s putting a lot on the line to pretty much be an informant. It wouldn’t just be us that would be in some seriously deep shit if we got caught.

“It’s not always bloody, sometimes it is just information gathering. Catching the fuckers out so that the feds have concrete proof and can put them away.” Rage shrugs.

“Are you in?” Atlas asks, his face sombre.

“Fuck yeah, sounds like fun.” Jensen immediately responds bouncing on his toes as if he’s ready to go now, the feral darkness I love, darkens his green eyes.

The others nod their agreement a little more calmly but there’s an unmistakeable glint of excitement in each of their eyes.

“I can’t take you all on this job with me, there’s too many of you. Rage has got something else that needs his attention and only he is qualified for tonight. You want any back up?” He asks him.

“Nah, I’m good, it’s a simple drop off.”

“Alright then, Trick who do you want to send? I only need one of you.”

There’s a readiness threading through all of them as Trick looks over them, deciding who needs to go. His eyes land on Jensen, unlike the others he’s still bouncing on the balls of his feet, his eyes gleaming with darkness.

“I think that it might be a good idea for Jensen to go.” He says finally.

Jensen’s grin is dark as he nods once in acceptance.

As much as I’d like to go, I’m starting to get that itch for a fight. More than that, the itch to protect. This is the longest I’ve gone without having to protect someone or doing a job for my father. While I’m grateful for the reprieve, especially in regard to the latter, protecting people and fighting has been my normal for so long now that it has become a comfort and a need for me.

I’m craving it.

Unfortunately, my current circumstances of being pretty much confined to the academy grounds, means that it would be incredibly irresponsible of me to go. I’d put myself and Atlas at risk, including the job itself. Looks like I’m going to be benched for the foreseeable future. I really fucking hope that the combat class here is worth it because I’m going to fucking need it.

Jensen clearly needs this more than me, he’s wound so fucking tight.

“I want to know all of the details before I send both of you in.” He adds, firmly leaving no room for argument.

“Deal. We can go over the details tonight after school.” Atlas agrees. “Speaking of which we have definitely missed first period.”

“Won’t be an issue.” Rage smirks.

“Grab your shit, we should make it for second period.” Trick orders and we all start to stand.

I’m pretty much ready to go, my mind swirls with all the extra information we’ve just been given. Excitement fills my veins and I’m once again confronted with the fact that my response is not normal in this situation, but then again, I’ve never claimed to be normal and I’m so fucking grateful my boys aren’t.