Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Six

Considering that it’s still freaking cold out, I decide that jeans and my bike jacket is the way to go for this party. Plus, I can easily hide my weapons in my jeans, not so easy in a dress‚ although not impossible. As I walk back down the stairs the doorbell chimes and I skip down the final few to answer it. Checking the little monitor by the door I see that it’s the food delivery that Cash ordered this morning. I buzz them in and open the door waiting for them to make their way up the drive. I have a feeling the Atlas wouldn’t want them in the house, so I get them to leave it all by the front door.

After making sure that they’ve left and the gate’s closed behind them I start picking up the bags of groceries and taking them into the kitchen. I’ve got no idea where the guys are but apparently it takes them a while to get ready. Having nothing else to do I start to unpack the bags putting the food away where I think it should go and hoping that Atlas doesn’t mind, since it didn’t look like anything had a place anyway. As I sort through the shopping, I go through my mental index of recipes that I’ve picked up over the years.

I’m fairly certain that I got all the ingredients to make homemade pizza. As I sort, I set aside all the things I need to make the pizza dough and several different toppings. It takes me no time at all to put it away and make the dough. Whilst its proving, I make the tomato sauce for the base and sort the various toppings into bowls so it’s easier to make them. Once that’s done, I send out a text on the group chat asking everyone what they want on their pizza.

The front door opens, which must be Rage back from getting changed at his place. As far as I’m aware, he was the only other person that has the code. He steps into the kitchen just as I start to hear movement on the stairs.

“Hey, what do you want on your pizza?” I ask Rage, he glances around the kitchen almost as if he’s wondering who I’m talking to.

“Oh, are you ordering in?” He asks staying near the doorway.

“No, I made them.” I reply smiling and trying to make amends.

“Yes!” Jensen suddenly yells, striding into the room and walking straight over to me. “Can I make mine?”

“Sure, here,” I hand him a ball of dough that I’ve already sectioned so there’s one for each of us. “You want to make yours?” I ask Rage.

“No, it’s okay. Can I see what you’ve got?” He asks cautiously, still standing by the door.

I feel like his hesitation now is about more than the knife incident, something that doesn’t really have anything to do with me. I nod and he comes up beside me standing close so he can see all the toppings. The hairs on my arms stand up and I frown at my reaction. Clearing his throat, he quickly steps back.

“Could I have, pepperoni, cheese, onion, black olives, and Jalapeños please?” He asks sounding unsure.

“Sure.” I smile. “I’m sorry for throwing a knife at you. If it makes you feel any better, I have very good aim.” I apologise before he walks off.

“Don’t worry about it, Puddin’.” He smirks.

The other guys trickle in one at a time and soon all of the pizzas are ready, and the table is set. Rage looks around at the table confused and slowly takes a seat. I think it’s going to take him longer than most to get used to the little family that he has now. Because make no mistake, he’s Atlas’s family and that means he’s ours too.

“That was delicious thank you, Il mio cuore.” Cash compliments‚ leaning over and kissing me.

“Wait did you guys get groceries?” Atlas suddenly asks.

“Dude, way to be observant.” Jensen chuckles, earning the finger from Atlas.

“Yeah, Cash ordered them this morning. Along with arranging a courier for our cars and my bike.” I explain, standing up and starting to clear the table.

Rage gets up to help.

“Thanks.” I say quietly and receive a grunt in return.

After everything’s cleared and loaded into the dishwasher, we all load up in one of the SUVs and follow the line of cars that are making their way off campus. It’s a twenty-minute drive until we reach a large clearing down a dirt road. It’s already busy and we stick together as we walk through the thin ring of trees, leaving the SUV parked in the clearing with all the other cars.

“Whoa, I did not expect that.” Riot mutters as we get a good look at the track laid out before us. It’s a proper track, with spectator stands and everything although I’m assuming that it hasn’t been used in a while since it’s not in the best condition.

A row of motorbikes are set up near the start line and everyone’s milling about. One guy in particular is weaving through the crowd taking bets as people dance with drinks. It all looks very familiar and reminds of the events that I used to race in for my father.

“I’ll go grab us some drinks, beer alright for everyone?” Atlas asks.

“Sure.” I reply as the guys all nod.

“I’ll help you carry.” Cash offers.

“Thanks man.”

I watch them walk away, enjoying the way their jeans hug their asses.

“Hey, look guys, it’s the whore that thinks she can survive an all guys school.” Some idiot calls out from our left.

Within seconds, Jensen has him pinned up to the wall by his throat, the darkness that I love surrounding him. I let go of Luc’s hand getting ready to intervene.

“S-s-sorry man, just a joke.” The asshole rasps.

“Jensen.” Trick orders lazily and Jensen reluctantly let’s go of the guy who immediately bends forward and rubs his throat gasping for air.

“Damn you are fucking quick.” Rage smirks.

“You haven’t seen anything.” Rafe grins and Rage’s eyebrows hit his hairline before he chuckles, looking impressed.

I’m glad that he seems to be getting on with the guys fine and it’s just me that he seems to be standoffish with.

“Open your legs for any fucker won’t you, maybe I should give it . . .”

The guy is immediately cut off as Jensen swings round his eyes wild‚ he nails him with one punch knocking him out cold and making him crumple to the floor. His so-called friends’ eyes widen, and they all stumble off‚ leaving their friend on the floor and clearly drunk.

“I leave for two fucking seconds and you have all the fun without me.” Atlas mumbles as he comes back with Cash carrying beers for everyone.

“Threatened Ever.” Jensen says stiltedly, and Atlas watches him carefully.

“Did he now.” Atlas takes a swig of beer as his eyes connect with Jensen’s. “We can teach him some manners, later?” He offers.

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” Jensen grins viciously and I smirk.

“That really doesn’t bother you?” Rage suddenly asks and we all turn to him.

“Nope.” I smirk taking a sip of my beer and grimacing.

“Sorry Princess, they didn’t have any whiskey.” Atty grins.

“Seriously, you know they’re going to beat the shit of him for threatening to have a go with you, that doesn’t bother you?” Rage pushes.

“Nope, I’d offer to teach him some manners myself but honestly, I think the boys need this more.” I reply.

Rage just stands there, frowning at me as if he can’t figure out if I’m manipulating him or being real. It sort of makes my heart hurt for him.

“She’s not like Daisy, man.” Atlas says challenge in his eyes.

“Leave it.” Rage growls back storming through the crowd and down towards the bikes.

“Is he okay?” Luc asks.

“Yeah, shit in his past like most of us.” Atlas replies, “Do you want to go and check out the bikes, Princess?”

“Definitely.” I grin taking his hand.

It’s interesting walking through the crowd with Atlas, they all part immediately scrambling to get out of his way. He clearly carries a lot of influence over the surrounding schools and colleges judging by everyone’s reactions.

“Ah nice,” I comment as we stop near one of the bikes, “A Yamaha YZF-R1.”

“Read that in romance book, did you?” Some guy comments smirking. “Bet you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you actually had to ride one.”

I turn slightly so only the guys can see me and wink. They relax immediately and Jensen smirks as Atlas watches me warily.

“I think you’re probably right; I mean I’m quite small and these are all big‚ heavy bikes that go pretty fast. I’m not sure I’d like that.” I say my voice sugary sweet and so different from my usual one that one of the guys behind me chokes. I’m using the same routine I’ve done a thousand times before when my father sent me to hustle races further afield, we couldn’t have angry people in our home city but in others he couldn’t give a shit.

“No, these bikes aren’t for women.” The guy says smugly, running his eyes down my frame.

Inside I roll my eyes and scoff. They’re all the same, it’s like shooting fish in a fucking barrel. The guys tense at his look, but I pop my hip and giggle like the airhead I’m pretending to be.

“Oh, I bet.” I say laying it on thick and batting my eyelashes. “Maybe I could try though?”

“You want to race?” He says smirking and sharing a grin with the guys around him.

“Well, yeah.”

“Sure.” He replies.

“Hold up. It’s not a race without a bet. Not here, you want to mess around, do it on your own fucking time.” Rage says appearing out of nowhere and pushing his way through the crowd his eyes widen when he sees me stood facing off the guy.

“Fair enough, if you win, you get all my winnings from tonight. If I win, I get you for the rest of the night.” He grins lecherously.

“Fuck no . . .” Rage, Jensen and Cash all say at the same time while the other guys, growl their dislike at the idea.

“Deal.” I say in my cutesy voice and causing the guys to start to protest again. I was expecting a deal like that to come out of his mouth it’s usually the same with these dickheads.

A thrill goes through me, it’s been so fucking long since I’ve raced and holy fuck do, I miss it. The danger‚ the speed.

“You can use my bike.” Rage growls, coming over to me and hustling me over to his bike, which is gorgeous.

He shoves his helmet at me, and I grin happily.

I suddenly find myself surrounded by eight very angry men.

“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at, agreeing to a deal like that!?” Rage explodes before any of the others can although they all nod in agreement.

“What, it’s what they normally ask for. I would be more surprised if they asked for money.” I shrug, pulling my hair back so it’s out of my face.

“What the fuck does that mean?” Rage again explodes, I open my mouth to answer but he shakes his head, the guys all watch him, Atlas looking shocked.

“You know what, never fucking mind. Watch the second bend. I fucking hope you know how to ride.” He grabs the front of my helmet and pulls my head to face him.

Luc steps forward along with Atlas but I hold my hand up to them. He’s not hurting me.

“Puddin’ you better fucking win, I’m not in the mood for murder tonight but you can bet your fucking tight little ass that if you lose, that man will lose his life.” He threatens, his aqua blue eyes flashing dangerously and adding to the thrill. “Be fucking careful.”

Damn, he’s just a little bit fucking hot.

“Aww, you do care.” I tease pulling a face.

“Fucking hell, Ever.” Jensen chuckles.

“Only you would find it endearing when a man offers to kill for you.” Trick shakes his head as Rage grips my helmet harder.

“Promise me.” He practically begs and Atlas’s head whips in his direction complete and utter shock over his features.

“I promise.” I say seriously. “I’ve pulled this con thousands of times before.”

“You done making out with your boyfriend little girl? You won’t be needing him tonight.” He chuckles.

The guys tense and I smirk before winking at them.

“Sure I am.” I giggle, the sugary sweet voice back in place.

The lights go out and I’m off.


My heart is in my throat as I watch her speed off. I have no idea what’s fucking wrong with me and I’m man enough to admit that I’m apprehensive about turning around and facing Atlas and the guys. He explained it to me, and I know that they’re all together.

Not that I like her like that. I tell myself, the words sitting heavy in my stomach.

I just spoke to her like I gave a shit though and I shouldn’t have. It wasn’t my place, but there’s something about her that triggers all my fucking instincts. I wasn’t fucking lying when I said I’d murder the fucker before he got his hands on her. I know I won’t be the only one not willing to let her go through with that bet. The ease that she made it though was telling.

“Well, who knew our Dragonfly was such a good actress.” Rafe chuckles.

I reluctantly turn away from the track, I have to admit, she’s fucking flying and easily keeping pace with the out of towner. I brace myself to be hit but there’s nothing like that. Atlas studies me harder than usual seeing straight through to what, I don’t fucking know because I’m confused as fuck. Jensen the fucker smirks at me and the others just nod.

“It’s hardly surprising what with who her dad was.” Cash replies.

None of us can take our eyes off the track for long.

“She said she raced before?” I ask hoping for some reassurance.

“Yeah.” Jensen replies tensely.

“She any good?” I ask unable to stop the worry from creeping into my tone.

“We don’t know, we’ve never seen her race.” Trick says his eyes catching mine as we share a look of worry.

“I meant what I said.” I reassure them.

“We know and you won’t be doing it alone.” Jensen growls his reply.

“Guys fucking look at her go!” Riot suddenly yells.

My heart practically flies out of my chest as I think something’s happened to her but instead, I find her flying around the last corner, knee almost touching the floor and at least a bike length in front of the out of towner. As she passes over the finish line the clear winner, she raises her arm in the air and sticks her middle finger up behind her.

I let out a relived chuckle. That’s my girl.

Oh no, fuck right off, that’s dangerous thinking right there. Not mine, she won’t ever be mine and quite happily has seven men. She doesn’t need to add a broken one into the mix and I’m fairly sure one that she’s going to hate when she realises what I’ve done.

Fucking idiot.

The guys all rush to her and I force myself to go at a slower pace. That is until I see the dick head pull up beside her, fling his helmet to the ground and charge her. None of us are close enough to get to her before he does but we all start to run. The guy is mad as hell and is clearly looking to take some of his anger out on her. I swear if he fucking lays one finger on her, it will be the last thing he ever fucking does. Murder is very definitely back on the table.

In a blink of an eye, Ever has him pinned to the floor, one blade at his throat and the other by his dick.

“Tut tut,” She grins. “That’s not very good sportsmanship.” She goads.

A massive grin crosses my face as I listen to her, completely unfazed by the big bastard she’s got pinned to the floor.

Fucking hell, this girl is something else.

The guys create a semi-circle at her back making sure that no one catches her unaware not that I think they could. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rolly approach, the guy that holds all the money and nod as he approaches.

“Now, if I let you up, are you going to be a good boy?” She practically purrs and Jensen shifts next to me his eyes riveted to her.

“I fucking love it when she lets this side of her out to play.” He mutters and I find myself humming in agreement before I can stop myself.

I watch the guy closely, hoping that Jensen didn’t pick up on my little slip up. The smirk that tilts his lips tells me otherwise, but I ignore it. The guy on the floor is absolutely fucking fuming and I don’t trust him.

She gets up and moves back towards us. He immediately jumps off the floor and takes a step towards her before glancing over her shoulder and seeing us stood behind her, ready to take his fucking arm off if he takes one more step.

“She fucking played me.” He growls to Rolly, wrongly assuming that he’s in charge of this event.

“Dude it’s not my fucking fault you got played.” He replies chuckling and setting the gathered crowd off.

“She owes me a night.” The dickhead tries again.

“No, she fucking doesn’t, regardless of whether she played you, she still fucking won.” Rolly retorts.

“I demand to speak to whoever runs this shit show.”

“That would be me.” Atlas growls, quietly.

“You, you’re a fucking teenager.” He scoffs but pauses when no one else joins in and steps away from him.

“Wrong.” Atlas replies stepping closer, I step up on his left and Jensen steps up on his right.

I glance at Ever, worried that this is scaring her, but she’s just watching it all unfold looking highly amused as she plays with one of her knives, she sees me watching and her grin widens before she winks at me.

The girl is fucking trouble.

Atlas is right, she’s absolutely nothing like Daisy. She was manipulative and had a cruel streak a fucking mile wide. Not only that, but she pretended to be completely fine with who I am, encouraged me to show her the real me. As soon as she saw the raw, broken me, she bolted. It’s understandable, it’s a lot for someone to take.

Ever, is something else entirely and that’s frightening.