Mine to Take by Lila Fox

Chapter Ten

Savage’s beer stopped halfway to his mouth when the back door opened, and all three women filed out. He couldn’t believe how he felt when Zoe came out smiling at something one of the others said.

He’d never had such tender feelings for anyone in his life. Hell, he concentrated just on surviving most of the time. His childhood had sucked, and he had been aimless until he ran into Fury and Traeger. He fell right into the club life like it was where he was supposed to be all along, and he could admit to himself that he really did appreciate the family they’d made together.

“Fuck, man, he’s got it bad for her.”

Savage turned to Traeger. “Fuck off. I just think she’s hot.”

Traeger snorted, and Fury laughed, making him grit his teeth.

“Calm the fuck down,” Fury said. “We know how you’re feeling, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

“Hell, I panicked when I fell so hard and fast for Tara and just about lost her because of it,” Traeger said.

Savage grinned. “Yeah, I remember. You were an asshole.”

Traeger grunted but agreed. “Don’t make the same mistake I made. Loving a good woman will not make you weak. I can promise you that.”

“I think it makes us stronger,” Fury said. “We have them at our back, taking care of us and bringing peace into our lives. I think I would have had a heart attack before now if it weren’t for Amelia.”

Traeger nodded. “I can agree with you there.”

Savage looked over to see the three women laughing as they got everything organized. He turned back to Fury. “What time is it?”

“Six forty. Why?”

“Fuck. I have to wait three hours before I can take her upstairs.”

“Why?” Traeger asked.

“Because it’s not a third date until you’re together three hours.”

Both men looked at him perplexed, making him smile. He turned and walked away before they started asking him a bunch of questions.

The women had their backs to him. He chuckled when Zoe jumped as his arm came around her from behind.

She slapped his hand. “Would you please stop scaring me?”


She snorted.

Savage looked at the other two women who stared at him like he had two heads. “What the fuck is wrong with you two?”

“It’s just … we’ve never seen you … you know … laugh,” Amelia said.

He rolled his eyes and looked over his shoulder at Fury. “Hey, man, you need to beat your woman more.”

Fury raised his beer and nodded. “You got it.”

Zoe’s mouth was open when he turned back.

“Why did you say that?” Zoe turned to the women. “He wouldn’t really do that, would he?” she asked Amelia.

Amelia laughed. “No. You don’t have to worry about our guys ever hurting us. They’d lay down their lives for us.”

“Okay. Good.”

Savage slapped her ass. “That doesn’t mean they won’t be spanked, though, if they get out of hand.”

He loved the spark of apprehension in Zoe’s eyes. At the same, some heat filled them.

Damn, he was going to eat her up.

He spent the next few hours talking with the guys, eating with Zoe, and biding his time. He let her mingle but always kept an eye on her and the time because he wouldn’t wait a minute after to claim his woman.

“Give me the time?” he asked one of the men.

“It’s about nine, man.”

Fuck, yeah. He handed off his beer and walked toward Zoe, who was standing talking to Amelia and Tara.

He twirled her around, leaned down, and hoisted her over his shoulder. “Excuse us, ladies, but our date is done, and it’s time for some fun.”

He walked away as he heard the women and several others laugh.

“What in the hell are you doing?” Zoe screeched.

“It’s nine o’clock, babe. We’re going to bed.”

She slapped his ass. “I’m not tired, darn it.”

“Good. It would be better if you were awake, especially the first time.”

He grinned when she slapped him again. He ignored all the shocked looks he got as he walked through the main living area and up the stairs.

When they made it to his bedroom, he shut and locked the door, then tossed her on the mattress.

She came to her knees, sputtering in outrage and trying to push the hair from her face.

Fuck if she didn’t look like the sexiest thing he’d ever seen at that moment.

“Are you crazy? Damn you,” she yelled. “Don’t I get a say in this?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Sure.”

She growled. “I hate it when you say that because I know it’s not true.”

He shrugged. He didn’t want to talk about that at the moment. He needed to be inside her soon, or he’d blow.

“How about we do this? I kiss you, and if you like it, you let me do what I want. If you don’t have any feelings, I’ll let you go back downstairs.”

She slapped her hand down on the mattress in frustration. “That’s not fair because you know I love the way you kiss.”

“Then what’s the problem right now?”

She paused for a moment. “The problem is if I let you … you know…”

“Fuck you?” he asked helpfully.

She sniffed. “Yes. I’ll never see you again.”

His eyebrows rose. “What the hell? I can guarantee you I’m not going to have you out of my system any time soon.”

“Can you guess how much time you’re going to give this, so I have an idea?”

“Babe, I have no idea. I’ve never had a relationship.”

Her eyes widened. “Like … ever?”

“Never. So I can’t give you a time frame.”

“For you, it’s just sex, but for me, as a woman, we bring emotions into it, and I don’t want you to break my heart.”

He leaned down, placed his fists on the mattress, and leaned forward so his face was close to hers. “I will do everything in my power not to hurt you, but I want you to give this a chance. Can you do that?”

She sighed and nodded.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Good girl.” He stepped back, drew off his cut, and set it aside before he reached over his shoulder, grabbed his t-shirt, and pulled it over his head before tossing it to the side.

Savage loved the way her eyes ate him up and the flush of arousal that quickly spread over her delicate skin. Her gaze followed his hands as they went to his jeans.

The snap sounded loud in the room, followed by his zipper. He pushed his jeans down, sat on the edge of the mattress, and pulled them and his boots and socks off before dumping them on the floor. He kept his boxers on because he didn’t know if he’d scare her with his size or not, and he didn’t want to take the chance of her running from him.

He crawled to where she rested on her knees, pressed his hand to her chest to push her down, and came down against her.

He cupped her face and brought it up to his. “I’m going to take such good care of you, babe.”

She used her fingertips and skimmed over his cheek. “I know.”

He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm before leaning in and taking her lips.

Their desire quickly raged out of control, and they were both clinging to each other. He raised his head and looked down at her. The look on her face almost made him lose his control. He’d never see such genuine, honest, and enchanted rapture on anyone’s face, and the fact he was the cause made him feel vastly male.

He knew at that moment he was never letting her go.

Now, he had to figure out how to get her to want to stay with him because he couldn’t see his life without her. He never thought he’d have a person to call his own. He never thought he’d even want one until her.

His teeth bit down on her earlobe, making her squirm. When his mouth came to her neck and he sucked on her tender skin, she cried out, making him smile.

God, he could fucking do this forever and never tire of it.