Mine to Take by Lila Fox

Chapter Nine

It wasn’t long before he turned into what looked like a compound. There was a tall wooden fence topped with barbed wire and a huge open gate.

It looked like something out of the movies, and it made her a bit apprehensive.

The first things she saw were several massive men standing around and talking with beers in their hands, and a few were crouched by a bike.

She didn’t start getting nervous until they all stopped and turned their way.

Savage snorted when he saw the expression on her face. “They’re not going to hurt you, babe. They know I’d kill them.”

She turned back to him as he lifted her off his bike. Gripping his arms to steady herself, she stared up at him. She knew he could be a mean son of a bitch, but could he really kill someone? “You’re kidding, right?”

He grinned. “Sure.”

“Yeah, he’s a regular teddy bear. Hi, I’m Bull. I was with him in the alley.”

“Yes. I remember.” She was horrified by the bruises and swollen nose. “Good heavens, what happened to you?”

Bull and a few of the guys laughed. “I ran into a fist.”

“What? How…”

Savage cleared his throat, tucked her against his side, and started walking her toward the building. “Come on, there are some people I want you to meet before I take you upstairs.”

She skidded to a stop outside the doorway. “Wait. Is your bedroom upstairs?”


She crossed her arms and whispered. “I know exactly what would happen if I do that, and I already told you about the three-date rule.” She ignored the chuckles behind them, hoping they weren’t listening to them.

“This is our third date.”

She shook her head. “No, it’s just starting.”

He cursed a few times and ran his hand through his hair. “Fuck, how long do you consider a date to last?”

“Three or four hours.”

“Jesus, woman, you’re driving me crazy.”

She lifted her chin. “You could always take me home.”

He yanked open the door. “I’ve never had this much trouble getting pussy before.”

She turned back to blast him and then stiffened when she caught sight of all the scantily clothed women. Her eyes widened at a man and a woman making out heavily on one of the sofas.

“I forgot to warn you, babe.” He wrapped an arm around her waist. “These are the sluts or sweetbutts. They’re here to take care of the guys sexually.”

“All these women live here with you?” Oh, hell. He was surrounded by pretty women and could have sex by snapping his fingers. How was she going to be able to handle knowing they were here all the time?

“With the club. Not just me.”

“Why are you wasting your time with me when you can have whatever you want whenever you want?”

“Because I don’t want them. I want you.”

So many conflicting thoughts went through her head. She couldn’t compete with these women. They were not only beautiful, she knew they had the sexual experience that men liked.

She shook her head and turned to him. “I can’t be like them, Savage.”

“I don’t want you to be like them. I want you.”

“I can’t be with a man who has sex with several women and me at the same time. I won’t be like that.”

“Fuck. We should have talked about this before. I haven’t been with one of them in a very long time. I’d rather use my fist than dip my cock into something fifty other guys have.”

She tried not to cringe at the way he talked. It was a part of him, and if she wanted to be with him, she’d have to get used to it. For now, she decided to put this talk aside and get to know the people important to him.

“Who did you want to introduce me to?”

Savage looked around. “They’re either in the kitchen or out in the back. Let’s check it out.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her along. Her head swiveled back and forth. In the kitchen, they found two pretty women talking and organizing buns and chips.

“Hey, this is Zoe.” He looked down at her. “The one on the right is Amelia. She belongs to the prez, and the one on the left is Tara, and she belongs to the vice-prez.”

She smiled at the ladies and relaxed when they smiled back.

“It’s nice to meet you. Can I help with anything?” Zoe asked.

Amelia nodded. “Sure. We’re going to carry this out to the table in the backyard where a few of the guys are cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs.”

“I’ll be out back, babe.”

Zoe nodded.

They watched the door close behind Savage and turned their attention on her.

“What?” she asked when they just stared at her.

“We just can’t believe he has a girlfriend and one as normal as you,” Tara said and chuckled.

Zoe shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you. He’s a nice guy.”

Both women’s mouths dropped open.

“Seriously?” Tara asked.

Zoe looked confused. “Yeah. Why?”

“His name is Savage for a reason,” Amelia told her. “I’ve maybe seen him smile three times since I’ve lived here, and it’s been over a year now.”

“Oh. I see him smile all the time.”

“I’m so glad he found you. He needs someone like you in his life,” Tara told her.

“We’ll see. There’s still a lot we have to talk and learn about each other,” Zoe said. “I just found out about the women living here.”

“I can honestly say I’ve never seen him with any of them,” Amelia said. “I worried about them too in the beginning, but now I know I’ll never have to. I don’t think some of the guys here see them as human.”

“Yeah, I’ve thought that, too,” Tara said. “I cringe when they treat them like shit, but it’s never bothered them.”

That made her feel better about the situation.

Amelia grabbed the buns. “Let’s get these out there, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Us girls have to stick together.”

“Even the other women?” Zoe asked. She watched the girls glance at each other.

“You’ll learn more about them later. The majority of them ignore us. A few are nice, but their only job is to satisfy the men.”

Zoe glanced at the door she and Savage had just come through. “I can’t imagine that life.”

“It’s what they want. They have a lot of choices, but here they are,” Tara said.

Zoe shook her head, grabbed a few things, and followed the other women outside. She had a lot of questions because that place seemed like a whole other world in some respects.