Mine to Take by Lila Fox

Chapter Five

He couldn’t believe he about lost it. If he could kick his own ass, he would. The fact she was trying to push him away was bad enough, but the thought of another man touching her was what made him want to explode. He’d never had a possessive feeling about anything in his life, and he wasn’t happy it was happening at that moment because he didn’t know how to deal with the emotion.

He cursed himself all the way home and as he walked into the club. His mood was volatile, so he wanted to make it to his room to settle down.

“Hey, Savage, did you find that pussy you were looking for?”

He froze and heard people cursing and moving back out of the way because they knew the look in his eyes.

“Jesus Christ,” Fury yelled from one of the tables. “Take it outsi—”

He didn’t get to finish because Savage swung his fist at Bull’s face, knocking him back. Bull leaned forward and ran at him.

“Just stay the fuck away from this table. We’ve got the girls here,” Fury yelled.

Savage heard the prez as he took Bull down and started to whale on him. He’d grunt when Bull got in a few good shots. Savage stopped when his knuckles hurt, and Bull’s nose was broken.

Bull held his nose as the blood ran down his face. “Jesus Christ, Savage. What the hell did I say?”

Savage stood and looked down at his bleeding knuckles. “Don’t call her a pussy again.”

Bull lifted the hand he wasn’t using to hold his nose. “You got it, man. Sorry.”

Savage nodded at Bull and then looked over at Fury. He felt terrible about the fear on Amelia’s and Tara’s faces. Fuck. Fortunately, Fury didn’t look pissed, and had a look like he understood what Savage was going through, which he did.

Savage tipped his head down, turned, then walked up the stairs and to his room. He pulled off his clothes and jumped into the shower, then washed off quickly. After he dried off, he brushed his teeth and fell into bed.

Jesus, he didn’t know if he could handle being with Zoe if every time she pissed him off he’d tear into one of his brothers. He didn’t know if it was worth it.

He brought his hand to his face and swore that even after his shower, he could still smell her essence on his hand from when he’d pleasured her earlier in the evening.

Goddamn. There was no fucking way he was going to let her go. She would just have to understand not to push him as she’d done earlier.

The hard-on he thought had softened after the fight thickened again, and he knew he’d never sleep with the ache of need he felt. He slid his hand down his torso and gripped his cock while he pressed the fingers that had been in Zoe to his nose and inhaled.

It didn’t take long before he came. All it took was the memory and a slight scent of her. Jesus, when he finally got his cock into her, he didn’t think he’d make it very long before he erupted. He just hoped it wasn’t that way every time he fucked her.

The following day, Savage walked into the library at the same time he’d done before and looked around. When he didn’t see Zoe, he walked toward the desk where the other woman he’d met the day before stood.

“Where is she?” he asked.

The woman paled and glanced over her shoulder before turning back to him. “Listen … the head librarian is here right now, and Zoe—”

“May I help you?”

Savage turned and glanced over as a woman came toward the desk where he stood. He thought she looked like she’d just sucked on a lemon with her face was all pinched. Her gray hair was pulled tightly back into a bun at the base of her skull, and it looked damn painful. Everything about her looked like what he thought a librarian would look like. From her sour expression to her drabby clothes, and he disliked her instantly.

“I’m here to see Zoe.”

The woman’s eyebrows rose dramatically. “And why is that? I don’t think she associates with people like you.”

“Oh, and what kind of people is that?” he asked.


Savage heard the younger woman gasp but didn’t turn her way. “Well, you see, Zoe and I are friends. You can call me whatever you like, and it won’t matter.”

“We’ll see about that. You need to vacate the library. Zoe is working and can’t take the time to socialize. Talk to her after.”

Savage gritted his teeth to hold back his anger. “Will you tell her I was here?”


He turned and started to walk away when he heard the old bag talking. “Go find Zoe and tell her I’d like to see her in my office.”

Jesus, how could Zoe work with that bitch every day? He would have killed her within hours if he’d had to deal with it.

He drove directly over to Zoe’s, parked in the back, and broke into her house to wait for her.