Mine to Take by Lila Fox

Chapter Seven

Savage sat beside her on the sofa and wiped his fingers on the napkin she handed him. “This was good. I haven’t had pizza from this place before.”

“It’s a small Italian restaurant. I love everything they make.”

“I’ll have to take you there for dinner some time.”

“I’d like that.”

He caught a look in her eye. “Are you going to be embarrassed to be with me out in public?”

He was glad when her mouth dropped open in shock.

“Of course not. Why would you think that?”

“You got a look in your eye.”

“I’m apprehensive about Ms. Finch seeing us, but I’m not going to let that affect my personal life.”

“Good.” He studied her for a moment. “How many dates do we have to go on before you let me into your tight pussy?”

Her mouth dropped open again. “Jeez, Savage. Where’s the finesse?”

He grinned. “I’m the type of guy who likes to get to the point and not beat around the bush. So?”

She snorted. “I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’ve always heard a woman has to wait until the third date before sex or she’s considered a slut.”

“Jesus Christ. Are you kidding me?”

“You’ve never heard that?”

“Fuck no. For one thing, I don’t date.”

“Then what is this?”

“Let me say in the past, I’ve never dated. Every time I wanted pussy, they usually just lay down and spread for me.”

She pressed her hands to her face. “Oh, my God.”

He chuckled. “But since I’m dating you, I wanted to know your rules.”

She dropped her hands. “Fine. Three dates … maybe.”

“You can’t back out now.”

“But you can’t push me either,” she said.

He rolled his eyes. “Since today is Thursday and you work Friday, do you have to work Saturday or Sunday?”

“No, it’s not my weekend to work. Why?”

“I want to pick you up here after you get off work. I want to take you to the club.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yeah. There’s a cookout Friday night and Saturday. I want to take you on a ride during the day. Saturday night, they’ll be a party, but it will be tame since Amelia and Tara will be there. I think you’d like them.”

“I’m excited and anxious to meet them.”

“Don’t be. You three are a lot alike.”

“In what way?”

“I guess you could say you’re all civilians. You’re not a part of the club itself.”


“But you’ll still have to follow the rules.”

“I’m good at following rules.”

He snorted. “I just bet you are, little miss librarian.”

She scowled at him, stood, and grabbed the pizza boxes to take into the kitchen. Then she came back and crossed her arms.

He grinned and stood. “Jesus. I get the hint.”


He loved the way her eyes widened and her face flushed with desire when he stalked her until her back hit the wall. He set his hands beside her shoulders on the sheetrock and bent forward.

“Why are you always doing that?” she asked and pressed her hands to his chest.

“I want a kiss before I leave.”

She swallowed and nodded. “Okay. A small one.”

“Sure,” he said and smiled. He almost laughed when her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Before she could say anything, he dove in and took her lips.

The kiss turned out to be anything but small. He started thrusting his tongue inside of her mouth and dueling with her tongue. When he lifted his head, he’d had her at eye level, and her legs were tight around his waist. He had one hand on her ass to hold her up and braced them with a hand on the wall.

“That … that was not small, Savage.”

He grinned and shrugged. “It was the best I could do.”

She pushed at his shoulders to be put down. Before he did, he pressed his hard-on against the junction of her legs and watched her eyes slide shut. A soft moan escaped from her mouth.

“When you finally give me this,” he said and humped against her cunt a few times, “I’m going to tear it up, babe, and you’re going to love every bit of it.”

He slowly slid her down until her feet touched the floor, and he held her until she was steady before he stepped back. “I’ll be here tomorrow.”

“Give me time to shower, so come at six.”

“Okay, I can do that.”

She smoothed her shirt. “Thank you for the pizza.”

“You’re welcome.” He made his way to the door and turned before he walked out. “By the way, tomorrow will be our third date.”

Before she could open her mouth, he walked out and shut the door behind him but not before he heard her gasp. He chuckled to himself as he started his bike.

She was so much fun to tease.

Before he turned to drive out of her driveway, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eyes, but it was gone before he could focus on it or whoever it was down the street as they walked behind a house.

Maybe it had just been one of her neighbors, but his instincts told him it wasn’t.

He called Fury. “Hey, man, can you send a few prospects to this address? I want them to watch to make sure Zoe gets to work in the morning.”

“What’s going on?”

“The hairs on the back of my neck are standing straight out. I told you about what happened when I met her.”


“I don’t think those guys are going to give up even though I threatened them. They seem to think since their dad is a cop, they’re above the law.”

“You got it. I’ll send two over. I’ll tell them one in front and one in back. They’ll watch out for her.”

“Good. Tell them to park a few streets over, and if they catch anyone around her house to bring them to me.”

“Man, if they are a cop’s kids, we have to be careful, or we’ll have the whole department down on our heads. The few contacts we have can’t hold them all off.”

“I know, but I’ll kill them if they touch my woman.”

“I get that. Let’s call church tomorrow and figure out our best course of action.”

Savage sighed and wiped a hand down his face. “Fine. I’m going to wait here until they get here, and then I’ll be home.”

“Okay. We’ll talk soon. By the way, when do Amelia and I get to meet her?”

“Tomorrow night. She’ll be spending the weekend with me.”

“Good. I have to tell you that Amelia doesn’t believe you haven’t scared the woman away yet.”

Savage snorted. “You need to beat her more.”

Fury chuckled. “Oh, I’m going to beat her, but in the best possible way.”

Savage rolled his eyes. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
