The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Twenty-One

“How the fuck did this happen?” Marcus Cooper’s voice carried across the limo. “Not only is Jason Hollis still breathing, but Mercedes Elliot is back from the dead. What the fuck do I pay you for?”

Adam winced. He had to admit, this turn had taken him too. “I told you, I lost my connection on the inside when Larissa King died. She was the one that knew the movements of all the witnesses. Hollis is as well-hidden as Elliott has been.”

Marcus growled his frustration into his drink. Straight gin this time, Adam noted. “My lawyers are trying to get her thrown the fuck out of court. It can’t be fucking legal to lie to the entire world and fake a witness’s death.”

The car turned down one of the massive hills and they shifted forward. Adam studied Marcus from under his baseball cap. He already had an unsteady sway to his body as he tossed back another gulp of the clear liquid. Marcus would be sauced in the next ten minutes if he kept up his pace.

“And where the fuck is Mara? Huh?” Marcus shouted, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Are you so fucking useless that you can’t even find one little girl?”

Oh, I can find her alright.

But Adam tightened his lips and did his best to look contrite.

Darkness overwhelmed them as the driver maneuvered the limo into the parking garage. Marcus stumbled out and walked to the elevator. Adam followed along with his head down, hoping he wouldn’t have to carry Marcus’s drunk ass.

They made it to Marcus’s penthouse and were greeted by the other Cooper asshole. Tyler’s petulant face twisted in disgust.

“How the hell did they pull that off?” Tyler’s eyes followed his father as he flopped onto the sofa. Then he glared at Adam. “How is it we have a team of spies on our payroll, and the government could slip right by you?”

“It’s not as easy as the movies make it seem,” Adam said, doing his best to moderate his tone. “Not everyone has a price.”

Tyler stepped up to Adam. “But you do, don’t you? Dad told me the price of your work.” He tilted his head. “How is your wife these days?”

Ice filtered through Adam’s veins. Did this little fuck just threaten him?

“That’s enough, Tyler,” Marcus said, wiping his hand over his face. “We need to regroup and think of a new way of approaching our problem.”

Tyler glared at Adam but backed away. “I think I have a way to at least buy us more time.”

Marcus looked at his son and threw up his hands. “Let’s hear it then.”

Tyler walked to the table and picked up a sheet of paper. “We know all the names of the jurors. We have our people investigate all twelve members and find out what they need. Then, we approach them, one by one and offer them their heart’s desire.”

Adam scoffed. “You think jury tampering is the best way to win this case?”

“We don’t need to win it. At least, it’s not looking like we can right now. But we can delay it.”

“A mistrial?” Marcus narrowed his eyes. “It would give us another shot at remediating our problems.”

Adam had to admit, the little shit had figured out a way to be useful. “There’s no saying any of them will take the bribe.”

“They don’t have to. Even a hint of tampering and the judge may have no choice. Especially if the press were to catch a hint that someone had messed with them.”

Adam rubbed his jaw. “They sequestered the jury for the trial. It won’t be easy to get to them, but if I know where they are staying, I might leave them a little something in their rooms.”

Marcus nodded and stood. “Do what you can. We need something to go our way for once. Come back when you have a plan.” He carried the gin bottle with him as he left the room.

Adam stood as well and walked to the door, when Tyler’s next words stopped him. “My dad trusts you.”

Tyler was studying him.

“I hope so, I’ve busted my ass to keep this shit together.”

“Have you?” Tyler crossed his arms. “It seems like you fucked up more than you’ve helped.”

Adam straightened to his full height. “You have no idea how much of my life I’ve dedicated to the company and to your father.”

“Oh, I know full well.” Tyler tilted his head. “Just make sure you remember how much you owe to him, and now to me.”

Adam jerked open the door and slammed it on his way out. The nerve of that little fucker questioning him. But a little nugget of doubt formed in his mind. What if they knew?