The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Twenty

The panic Mercedes had been stifling down threatened to spill out. Every eye in the room was on her, crawling over her body, igniting every nerve. She’d known it would be bad. The dead coming back to life to take down one of the worst humans on the planet? There was just no way to get out of this unscathed.

But all the prep she’d done to get ready for this moment was out the window the second she’d learned she’d lost Alec. Now she didn’t know what the hell she was doing.

Mercedes walked to the front of the room and held up her hand to take her oath. The shouting continued, and she lowered her hand, waiting for any cue that told her what she needed to do.

Just breathe.

Alec’s searing gaze was on her, and she fought the urge to look at him. It was hard enough to keep her knees from giving out. One look at his face and she would shatter.

The gavel cracked over and over, but the court was in a frenzy. Mercedes looked around, not able to hear the judge’s order. Noah was suddenly at her side.

“He called a recess. We need to find a safe place for you.”

Mercedes nodded and focused on the part of the wall that wasn’t swimming in her vision. She lifted her chin and walked the way she’d come in. The press followed along, shouting questions. Cameras were restricted here, but she ducked her head against Noah just in case anyone was hoping to snap a picture of her.

“Where have you been?”

“What testimony do you have against Marcus Cooper?”

“Did you know Alec McKinley is with another woman?”

That one caught her attention. Not only because it ripped her soul into tiny shreds, but because it made the media’s focus become clear.

Alec had just testified and there was no doubt it was heart wrenching. Mercedes’s sudden appearance and Alec’s new relationship was just the ticket to make an already spectacular scandal an absolute ratings sensation. Whoever could get the scoop on this little triangle would be king.

This media drama wasn’t an accident, it was orchestrated.

Fucking Whitley.

Noah guided her to a restricted hallway, and she gratefully ducked inside. The shouts became distant as she hurried as fast as the stilettos and her aching thigh would let her. Mercedes entered the small office space and sat in the nearest chair, burying her head in her hands.

She’d been dreading this day for so long. Being dead had its advantages and now she’d just thrown them all away. The momentary peace was going to be eclipsed by reality. And that reality was shittier than she could have ever imagined.

A knock at the door and Lauren came in. She handed Mercedes a bottle of water. “You did really well out there. I know that was tough.”

That didn’t even begin to cover it. “How long is the recess?” She opened the water and drank deeply, her throat parched.

“He adjourned for the day. Noah’s already gone to get your car.” Lauren sat across from her. “Cooper’s council is up in arms, trying to suppress anything you might have.”

“Of course, we knew that would happen.” Mercedes sat up, trying to catch her bearings. “Did Whitley talk to you?”

Lauren scoffed. “No, he brushed me off again. But I did pass along your message. I was told ‘they would make arrangements when they could’. Then he and his team jumped right into a meeting down the hall. Probably working out Cooper’s defense strategy.”

Mercedes sat upright, her gaze falling on Lauren. “Whitley’s down the hall?”

“Yeah. In the large meeting room.”

Mercedes jumped up and was out the door before Lauren had finished her sentence. If that asshole thought he could hide from her forever, he was dead-ass wrong.

She could see Whitley through the window, grinning from ear to ear. Rage pulsed through her veins. He was collecting congratulations from his minions while they buried her and the people she loved in misery.

Mercedes ripped open the door. “Brenden, you son of a bitch,” she growled.

Whitley did a double take, his grin fading from his face. “Ms. Elliott . . .”

“Don’t give me that shit, Brenden, we’re on a first name basis, remember?” Whitley stepped back. “Or is that only when you need something from me. Shall I call you Mr. Whitley when you won’t take my fucking calls?”

A flush appeared across Whitley’s cheeks. “There really isn’t a need . . .”

Mercedes interrupted him. “What the hell have you done?”

A tic developed under Whitley’s eye. “What do you mean? I’m trying to win this case.”

“By lying to me and everyone I care about? Or will you win it by using us to create a media circus? Do you have any idea how dangerous this ploy for attention is?”

“It’s not a ploy for attention.” Whitley stepped up to her, his own voice raising to match hers.

“Oh, right.” Sarcasm thickened each word. “And the over-the-top press coverage isn’t being helped along by your office?”

Whitley held up his hands and shook his head. “The press is going to do what the press is going to do. What do you want from me, Sadie?”

“Don’t fucking gaslight me. I know what I’m looking at.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say.” Whitley shrugged.

“What about my family?” Mercedes’s voice broke. “You and I had an agreement.”

“And I kept my end of it,” Whitley said. “You have a problem with how it played out, that’s on someone else, not me.”

Mercedes shot him a look of disgust. “Just answer your goddamn phone.”

“Will do.” Whitley’s smug face looked down on her like he hadn’t a care in the world. And he didn’t. This was all playing out beautifully for him.

A sudden awareness washed over her. She’d been so pissed she hadn’t looked at anyone but Whitley.

But he was here. They all were.

For the first time since she’d made her existence known, she turned her gaze on Alec.

He knocked the breath out of her.

His vivid blue eyes were crestfallen. The pull to him was so strong she nearly crossed to him, longing for the safety of his arms around her. But a slender hand wrapped around Alec’s bicep, snapping her back to reality. Mercedes only looked into the woman’s brown eyes for a second, but the message was sent loud and clear.

He’s mine now.

Mercedes blinked to clear away the sting of tears. She said to Whitley. “My lawyer told me you agreed to help make the arrangements I asked for?”

Whitley sighed, “Yeah, that’s what I was told.”

“Good. Make sure it happens. Tonight. Or tomorrow you’re going to have a significantly more hostile witness on your hands than you planned on.”

Looking at the gaping onlookers, Mercedes walked to Charlotte, grabbed her arm and tugged. “I’m taking this one now.”

Mercedes strode out of the room, Charlotte walking quickly behind her to keep up.

They walked to the office she’d just left. As soon as she’d shut the door, Charlotte launched into her arms, just like she used to do when she was little. Mercedes held her tight, feeling each wrenching sob in her bones. She stroked her hair and murmured softly anything that might comfort her.

“Where have you been?” Charlotte hiccuped.

“I can’t tell you.”

“You can’t tell me?” Charlotte’s mouth dropped open. “Jesus, Sadie. Do you have any idea what we’ve been through?”

Mercedes drew back and wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. “I know, honey. I’m so sorry. Nothing happened the way I was told it would. We don’t have a lot of time, but I promise I’ll tell you everything when I can.”

Mercedes’s gaze traveled down to Charlotte’s belly. “Oh my god, you’re just the sweetest. I’m so happy for you.”

Charlotte smiled and swept her hand over her bump. “It’s a girl. Her name is Mercedes Clare.”

Mercedes covered her mouth with her fingertips, tears streaming down her face. “I don’t even know what to say.”

“Just say you’ll still be around to be an auntie to her.”

Mercedes nodded. The danger hadn’t passed yet, but the light was shining through the end of the tunnel. “They told me once my testimony is over, they’ll relax my security. I can come over and see you, or maybe you can visit me.” When Charlotte nodded, Mercedes added. “Can you pass on a message to Alec?”

“Alec?” Charlotte blinked at her. “Why didn’t you bring him with us?”

Mercedes thought of the glare she’d gotten from the woman at his side and choked on the words. “Because he wasn’t alone.”

“Oh, Sadie.” Charlotte’s expression turned to sympathy.

Mercedes shook her head, fighting her heart’s desire to fall completely apart. “Can you tell him I’m sorry and I swear I didn’t know. And warn him we’ve become the story, so he needs to be careful. He probably knows, but I want to make sure.”

A knock sounded at the door, and Noah poked his head in. “I’m so sorry to cut this short, but our transport is here. We need to go now if we are going to keep you out of the press’s eye.”

Mercedes looked at her sister. “I love you. And I promise I didn’t want either of you hurt. Can you tell him, please?” At Charlotte’s nod, she walked to the door. Noah and Lauren waited for her in the hall.

Alec stood in the door of the meeting room. She walked past him without looking at him. It hurt too damn much.