The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Twenty-Two

Alec sat at the conference table, nausea crawling through his gut. He stared at the paper on the table, his finger running over her signature at the bottom.

“I can’t believe she did that to you,” Kristin said. “Are you okay?” Her brown eyes were soft and understanding.

He gave a slight nod, knowing it was a fucking lie. How could he be okay?

Mercedes had agreed to let him rot in his grief. He’d been so broken for so long. Not a single word to the ones she claimed to love.

Anger swelled in his chest.

She’d let him suffer.

There was no coming back from that.

Charlotte was glowing when she returned to their meeting room. She jumped into Luke’s arms, laughing through her tears. Luke held her tight while she buried her head in his chest.

Alec’s conflicted emotions battled inside him. Through his darkest days, he had dreamed of this very thing happening. She would show up, and he’d realize the nightmare wasn’t real.

But Alec had done so much work to move past that. He’d allowed himself to live that shell of a life until it seemed to fit. Now she was here, and his fragile world had come apart again.

Mercedes had walked right past him without acknowledging him. Not even a word as they whisked her out of the building. He hadn’t even been worth a moment of her time.

Charlotte came to sit next to him. “Alec, she wanted me to tell you she was sorry and that she didn’t know. She didn’t have time to explain anything, but she wanted you to know you need to be careful of the media. That you both should avoid them the best you can.”

Kristin’s eyes widened. “Why would I be a part of this?”

Charlotte shrugged, but her gaze never left Alec’s.

Alec knew exactly what Charlotte was saying. “We’re adding a layer of drama to this circus.”

The bastards weren’t done using him. Bitterness boiled over. “Nice of Sadie to convey that message since she couldn’t even be bothered to talk to me herself.”

Charlotte’s brow knitted together. “Alec . . .”

“It’s alright, Charlie. I get it.” He pushed the paper across the table at her. “She’s shown us both what we mean to her.”

Cressida stepped forward. “I know you’re hurting, Alec, but you might be jumping the gun a little.”

“I don’t think he is,” Kristin cut in. “What kind of woman fakes her own death and says nothing to the people grieving for her. It’s unforgivable.”

“Says someone who’s never been on the run from highly skilled assassins,” Cressida snapped.

Kristin scoffed and looked away.

“Court’s out for the night. Let’s go back to our house and take a breath,” Luke said, worry creased his eyes. “Charlotte needs to get off her feet and we can all stand to get out of this building.”

Alec couldn’t agree more. Pushing his chair back, he followed the others as they headed for the parking garage. Kristin walked at his side, and he was grateful she didn’t reach for him. His nerves were raw as hell, and her touch irritated his skin.

He didn’t miss a look that crossed between Cressida and Declan. It was the same one they’d throw at each other when he was so lost in grief he couldn’t think straight.

Maybe he wasn’t thinking straight now. It was possible. His nearly healed wounds had been ripped open, dropping him to his knees again. The pain of it was blinding, and he didn’t see a way to free himself of it.

* * *

After the incidentwith Nick and the SUV, Luke and Charlotte’s house had become a fortress. Declan had taken care of the details, calling in several operatives to monitor who came and went from the house.

Kristin hadn’t left Alec’s side since they had arrived, and she kept shooting him glances. He tried to smile for her, but his mind was far too enveloped in the moment. What he needed was a few minutes alone to process everything. But the house was filled with energy and well-meaning people.

Declan, who had been talking quietly on his mobile, hung up and joined Alec at the counter. “Ezra’s here.”

Just fucking great. Alec hadn’t seen the bloke since the funeral, and he really didn’t want to be around Mercedes’s ex at the moment.

The door burst open, and Ezra rushed in. “Charlie?” His green eyes searched the room until they spotted her. “Is it true?”

Charlotte’s face broke into a grin, and she nodded. Ezra let out a huge breath and pulled Charlotte into his arms. She laughed, and they held each other.

Alec envied their happiness.

Instead, his mind was consumed by a battle between fury and longing. His soul screamed to see her again, to touch her and know she was real. To forgive anything and everything she’d done just to hold her.

But the bite of betrayal was far too deep.

Maybe Charlotte didn’t mind that Mercedes had kept her in the dark, but he did. Months of being broken by grief and guilt wouldn’t leave him. She was supposed to be his partner. Someone who loved him so completely that she would never do anything to hurt him.

Kristin laid her hand on Alec’s shoulder. Her lovely face was creased with worry. No doubt their relationship had taken a huge hit. But the pull to Mercedes was too fucking strong to ignore.

But Kristin didn’t deserve that. None of this was her fault, and he’d be damned if he’d treat her like shit because this screwed up situation had blindsided him.

Another knock, and Alec’s eyes shot up. Declan moved to the door and seemed to expect whoever it was. Alec cursed himself for not having his head in the game. But he was grateful someone was there to pick up the slack.

Declan opened it, and the tall figure of Noah Ramirez appeared in the entry. He was still in full gear, the same as he was at court.

He gave Charlotte a warm smile. “I’m so sorry for intruding on your evening, Mrs. McKinley.”

Charlotte waved him off. “That’s okay. Do you have news about my sister?” She peered past him. “Is she here?”

Kristin stiffened on his arm. His pulse picked up.

“I’m afraid not, but she asked me to tell you she’s hoping they will let her have dinner with you soon. We’ll let you know when that’s approved.”

Charlotte’s shoulders slumped, but she nodded.

Noah scanned the room until his gaze landed on Alec. He walked to stand in front of him. “I’m Noah. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Alec,” he said, shaking his hand.

“I’m here to offer you the chance to have a private conversation with Mercedes.”

The room grew silent, and all the eyes shot to Alec. Kristin’s hand tightened on his arm.

“Now she wants to talk to me?”

Noah tilted his head and frowned, clearly puzzled by Alec’s tone. “This was a deal she struck with Whitley and my superiors. She was to have a moment to speak with you in exchange for not giving Whitley hell on the stand tomorrow.”

Ezra chuckled. “That’s awesome.”

A flash of anger reared up and Alec stared at Noah. “What if I don’t want to meet with her?”

Noah’s brows shot up, and Cressida hissed his name.

“Uh, well. That’s your choice and she’ll have to deal with it. I want to let you know this may be your only opportunity for privacy. I can’t guarantee anything past tonight.”

“Hell, if you don’t want to go, I will,” Ezra said. “I have a lot I need to say to her.”

Noah looked at Ezra and his eyes narrowed. “Who are you?”

“I’m Ezra. Ezra Coulter.”

“Ah.” Understanding spread across Noah’s face, and Alec wondered how well this man knew Mercedes. “Sorry, but she only wants Alec.”

Noah turned back to Alec with an expectant look. Then his gaze trailed to Kristin, and he pursed his lips. “I’ll step outside and give you a minute to work it out.”

He walked to the door and stepped onto the front stoop, the latch clicking shut behind him.

The warring factions in Alec’s mind were spinning him in circles. He was so damn pissed at everything and everyone, but he fucking needed her. There would be no peace for him if he let this chance pass by.

He looked at Kristin and said, “I’ll be back soon, aye?”

“Alec . . .” Kristin’s eyes were pleading, begging him to stay with her.

A surge of guilt brushed through him. “I have to Kristin. I can’t go on without clearing this up with her.”

Fear was etched on her face. “What am I supposed to do?”

“I’ll make sure you get to your hotel room,” Declan chimed in.

Kristin waited.

“I’m sorry, I have to do this.”

“Okay.” Her face resigned. “But, come to my room when you’re done so we can talk.”

She raised to her tiptoes and kissed him. Alec made it brief and pulled away. Kristin was doing all she could to hold on to him, but he was already letting go.