The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Thirty-Five

Agentle knock made Alec jump awake.

“Hey guys,” Charlotte called softly from behind the door. “Whitley’s here. He wants to talk to Sadie.”

Alec checked his watch. He and Mercedes had been sleeping for nearly five hours. They were still turned toward one another, her head nestled against his chest.

“Aye, we’ll be out in a minute,” Alec called softly, hoping not to be too jarring.

Mercedes was waking up, but she made no move to leave his arms. She seemed to sink further into his embrace. Alec stroked her hair and she sighed.

“Did you sleep well?” she murmured.

“Better than I’ve slept in a year,” Alec said honestly. “You?”

“Same.” She drew back and looked up into his eyes. “We should go.”

“Aye,” Alec whispered.

There was a pause, and neither of them made a move to leave.

Alec leaned down and captured her lips with his. Mercedes inhaled sharply, then opened to him, her fingers running through his hair. The kiss was gentle and slow. He savored her tongue stroking his in a soft rhythm. She moaned and heat washed over his body. Alec deepened the kiss, pressing her back against her pillow. His need for her began to fray his control. She must have been feeling it too, because she curled into him, sliding her leg up his and resting it on his hip. When he finally broke the kiss, her breathing was uneven.

He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek. “We really should go.”

Mercedes’s gaze swept over his face as if she was trying to memorize him. He was drinking her in as well, soaking up every second was able to hold her. After the terror of last night, he wasn’t sure he could let her go.

But he had to. For now.

Reluctantly, he released her as she shifted away from him, the absence of her warmth leaving a chill on his skin. She stood and walked to the door. Alec adjusted himself to mask how hard she’d made him.

Mercedes was still a little unsteady, so Alec held her hand as she climbed down the stairs. Charlotte rose from her seat. “We’ll give you a chance to talk.”

To Alec’s surprise, Noah Ramirez was taking up one of the chairs. He gave Mercedes a concerned smile but said nothing. Brenden Whitley was sitting in the living room, his eyes narrowed at Alec.

Mercedes let go of Alec’s hand when they got to the base of the steps, and he leaned against the wall. Even in her disheveled state, she held her chin up and glared at Whitley.

“Ms. Elliott,” Whitley said as he stood and greeted her formally. “I’m so sorry to hear what happened to you last night. Are you okay?”

“I’m alive.” Mercedes didn’t smile or return his greeting. She sat on the sofa; her expression unreadable. “I guess I still need security after all.”

Whitley nodded and sat as well. “It would appear that you do.” He gestured to Noah. “As you can see, I’ve asked the marshals to reinstate Noah Ramirez, at least temporarily, while we sort this out. I know you’re partial to him.”

“I am,” Mercedes agreed. “What else did you come here for?”

“We need to have a conversation about why this happened.” Whitley shifted in his chair.

“I already know why,” she said, before he could speak. “There’s about to be a mistrial, isn’t there?”

Alec’s pulse leaped. “What do you mean?”

The prosecutor’s brow lifted, like she’d announced she’d known a secret the entire time.

“That’s why they tried to kill me,” Mercedes said to answer Alec’s question. “Because they know the case is going to have to be retried, and they saw an opportunity.”

The truth of it was on the prosecutor’s face. Fear snaked to his fingertips. “What would that mean for Sadie’s life now?”

“I have to go back into the program,” she said, her voice dull. “That’s why he’s here. To personally request I go.” She looked at Whitley. “Am I right?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

Anger knifed down Alec’s back. “What the hell happened?”

Whitley pursed his lips. “They compromised some of the jurors.”

Mercedes closed her eyes. “How were they compromised? They were sequestered.”

“Some of the more honest jurors said they found messages in their rooms. When we spoke to the others, a few of them were a little squirmy. Obviously, it’s Cooper. He wasn’t even trying to cover it up.”

“I thought you had alternate jurors,” Alec said.

Whitley shook his head. “Not enough.”

Mercedes’s fingers drummed on the armrest. “What are you doing about it?”

“An investigation is ongoing, there’s not much else we can do. Just having them approached can screw our case. But if it looks as though jurors may have accepted a bribe, the judge will throw it all out and we’ll have to start over.”

Dammit. He couldn’t lose her again.

Mercedes stared at the wall. “How will it work?”

“We’ll have to find new accommodations for you. Obviously, you can’t go back to where you were before. I’ll let the marshals handle that.”

Another year. Another fucking year of not knowing where she was. Another year of giving them a chance to kill her.

“I need to talk to my lawyer.” Mercedes stood and sighed. “I’m supposed to be in New York right now, getting ready for a morning meeting with my new boss. We have phone calls to make.”

“I’ve already secured your things and set you up at the safe house,” Noah said. “I’ll take you there when you’re ready.”

Mercedes nodded and walked to the stairs.

Alec made to leave with her, but Whitley stopped him. “Mr. McKinley, can I have a word?”

He hesitated and looked at Mercedes.

“I’m okay,” she said. “I need to get my things and let Charlotte know I’m leaving.” She climbed the stairs, holding tight to the rail.

Once she was out of earshot, Whitley said, “I was surprised to see you here.”

“Why would that surprise you?”

“I was under the impression the two of you had a falling out.”

Rage singed through Alec. “You have some fucking nerve.”

Whitley brushed off Alec’s heated words. “Are you back in a relationship with Mercedes?”

“That’s not your business.”

“It is my business, I need to know.”

“No, you don’t. We don’t answer to you.”

Whitley sighed. “Jason Hollis’s testimony is still going to be key to putting Cooper away. If he finds out that you and Mercedes are back together, he’ll stop his cooperation, and we’ll lose this case.”

Alec laughed. “I don’t give a fuck what Jason Hollis wants. At all.”

“That’s an understandable position, Mr. McKinley, but everything rides on whether he testifies.”

Alec shook his head. “You should never have made the deal in the first place. He deserves to rot in prison.”

“Mr. McKinley . . .”

“I’m not sure where Sadie and I are at the moment, and I don’t plan on giving you updates.” Alec stepped toward Whitley, his anger boiling to the surface. “If you think that I’m going to let her go because of this case, you’re wrong. And I’ll be damned if I let you or Jason fucking Hollis decide what we do.”

“I understand why you’re angry. I know you don’t trust me. But this case is everything. It’ll save lives. It’s already saving lives. I’ll do anything to defeat Marcus Cooper.”

“Don’t pull that shit with me. We all know why you’re doing it.” Alec looked at him coldly. “And if our relationship is the only thing keeping you from winning, then your case isn’t strong enough to begin with.” Alec walked to the door and jerked it open. “Now get the fuck out of my cousin’s house.”

Whitley looked like he might want to say something else. Instead, he snapped his mouth shut and left. Alec slammed the door behind him.


Alec went to follow Mercedes upstairs when he caught sight of Noah Ramirez regarding him thoughtfully.

“I saw the video of the takedown last night. It was impressive,” Noah said, pulling himself to his feet.

Alec frowned. It was odd to get a compliment for killing someone. “Thanks? I guess.”

Noah came to stand in front of him, his dark eyes studying Alec as if he was measuring him up. “We need to talk.”