The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Alec held the steering wheel tight, relief coursing through his veins. Mercedes was beside him. Tendrils of her dark hair swirled around her head as the ocean air blew into the open windows.

This was all too familiar. The two of them, traveling down a quiet highway to find a place of refuge. Mercedes quietly strumming her fingers in her lap. Their relationship in tatters.

None of that mattered. After all she’d been through, she still trusted him. It was more than he could ask for.

The radio softened the silence between them. Alec cast a quick glance at Mercedes and his breath caught. The sun was waning in the sky, casting an orange glow across her face.

She was stunning. And she was here, and alive. Considering all that happened the night before, Alec was surprised she was still awake.

“How far until we get to the house?” Mercedes asked.

“About a half an hour.”

Her brows went up. “That’s closer to the city than the last time.”

Alec gave her a nod. “We wanted to have it closer in case we needed to get back quickly.”

“Why would we need to get back quickly?”

“For Charlotte. I wanted to make sure you weren’t too far away if she needed you.”

Mercedes’s brows went up. “I’ll be able to talk to Charlie?”

“Aye. It’s risky, so we can’t do it a lot. But we can make it work so you don’t have to be cut off. Cressida and I will set up a secure line.”

“Can you get me one with Ezra? Tonight?”

Jealousy pulled at Alec’s consciousness, and he tightened his grip on the wheel. But the last thing he would ever do was limit Mercedes unnecessarily. She’d spent years trapped by outside forces. He’d be damned if he would become one.

Alec choked on the bitter words. “I might be able to manage. I’ll talk to Cressida.”

Mercedes nodded in acknowledgment. She settled back into her seat, her face weary from the traumas of the day. When she finally dozed off, her brow was creased with worry.

Damn those meetings she’d had. She should have been allowed to sleep the entire day.

Mercedes jumped awake when the car turned off the highway into a quaint fishing town. The sun dipped below the surface of the water, but it was light enough to see the string of boats tied to the docks.

When Alec pulled into the house, he gave a little smile. He’d asked Cressida to make it as secluded and lovely as possible. She’d certainly delivered. It was tucked away, elevated over the small bay on a sea cliff.

He punched in the code and opened the door for her. The soft creams and yellows of the walls were contrasted with a nautical blue on the pillows and curtains. But it was the wide, white-framed windows that caught the eyes. Filtered through lush pine trees was the darkened expanse of the Pacific Ocean, just visible in the fading light. Mercedes walked to the door and opened it. A steady breeze swirled through the room, and she walked out onto the deck. Alec followed her, taking in the evening air. The light from a small pool and hot tub illuminated the backyard.

“Where does Cress find these places?” Mercedes asked. “And how much are you paying for it?”

Alec furrowed his brow and shrugged. “No bloody clue.”

She scoffed. “So you gave Cressida the company card and let her do what she wanted.”

“Nah,” Alec said, giving her a teasing sideways look. “I gave her my personal card. Well, it’s under my alias, but I pay for it.”

Mercedes bit back a smile. “I expect to see an invoice.”

“An invoice?”

“You think I’m going to let you pay for this?” She gestured out into the night. “I still owe you for Scotland.”

Memories of what they’d meant to each other at the river house slammed into him, and he swallowed hard. “You don’t owe me anything for Scotland.”

Mercedes’s eyes jumped to his. The gravity between them arced like electricity. He fought back the urge to reach for her. That deal he’d made was already proving to be tough but he intended to keep it. She had to know there was at least one person in the world that kept their word.

She crossed her arms over her chest and walked back into the house. Alec inhaled the night air before he followed her inside. A baby grand piano was tucked into the corner. She eyed it, but she made no move to touch it.

Alec went to the car and brought in the bags. When he set hers in the master bedroom, he said, “See, just like I promised you, your own bed, in your own room.”

Mercedes smiled and nodded. She was twisting her fingers together anxiously. He didn’t blame her. His nerves were bubbling to the surface as well. It had been such a long time since they’d been alone like this, and so much had broken them apart.

She checked her watch. “When do you think I might get a line to talk to Ezra?” Her fingers twitched against her thigh. “I was supposed to see him tonight.”

It was like a kick in the gut. Last night, she’d never answered him when he asked if she and Ezra had gotten back together. The two of them had spent evenings alone and those nights had kept Alec from sleeping. The idea of Ezra putting his hands on her made him sick. It taunted him, forcing him into the realization that he might lose Mercedes forever.

Alec cleared his throat. “I’ll start working on it straight away.”

He went to his room to set up his equipment and secure the network. Then he texted Cressida, hoping she’d tell him she couldn’t get the line sorted. Their communications were secure with each other, but Ezra’s line could be compromised.

Alec’s phone vibrated.

No problem. Will have him reach out ASAP.

Damn it.

Cressida was faster than he thought. It was only a few minutes later that she sent another message.

Incoming, 1 min. Someone is UNHAPPY!

Oh fucking well. Alec wasn’t going to cater to Ezra’s demands or desires.

He went to the living room, where Mercedes curled up on the sofa, staring out at the night. Even in her exhaustion, she was so bloody beautiful.

“Cressida was able to secure a line for Ezra. He should call in just a few.”

Her soft, “Thanks,” concerned him.

There was a listlessness in her that made him want to draw her into his arms and make it all better. “Are you okay?”

Mercedes’s shoulder lifted, her expression remaining unchanged. “It’s been a long day.”

It had been, and she should be snuggling down into her bed rather than stroking Ezra’s ego. The phone in his hand cut off this thought, and Alec answered it on the first ring. “This is Alec.”

“Where the fuck have you taken her?” Ezra’s snapped.

Irritation swelled in his chest. “Clearly, I’m not able to tell you that.”

“You really orchestrated this to work in your favor, didn’t you?”

Alec inhaled deeply before he answered. “I didn’t orchestrate anything that wasn’t necessary to keep her safe.”

“I could have kept her safe, too. You should have let her choose.”

“I did. Here’s Sadie.” He handed the phone to her.

Mercedes stood and headed to the door. “Hey Ez,” she said softly. “I know, I know. I’m sorry.” She opened the door and went out onto the deck. The breeze through the open window carried her voice inside. Alec couldn’t help overhearing a few of her words.

“No, I’m not back together with him. But I had to leave.”

Jesus, she was ripping his fucking heart out, and she wasn’t even talking to him. Alec stepped away so he couldn’t hear her words. If he listened any longer, he might get confirmation that he’d lost her for good.

Mercedes paced on the deck for over ten minutes with the phone to her ear. Alec’s nerves were shot, wondering what she and Ezra might be planning together. Maybe Ezra was working on her, convincing her she wasn’t any safer with Alec than she would be with him. That was ridiculous, of course. Ezra was highly visible and called attention to himself wherever he went.

When she finally returned inside the house, her eyes were rimmed with red.

Goddamn Ezra for making this harder on her.

“Are you alright?” Alec said, taking the phone from her.

Mercedes shrugged and shook her head. “Tough night.”

“Want me to kick his arse for you?”

She chuckled. “No, I’m the asshole today.”

“Ah,” Alec said, not sure what she meant.

“Ezra’s not taking it very well. He’s a little frustrated. I don’t blame him.”

“I’m sorry he feels that way.”

Mercedes’s gaze jumped to his, gauging whether he was serious. “Are you?”

Meh. But Alec schooled his reaction for her sake. “I’ve no reason to annoy the bloke.”

Mercedes gave a rueful laugh. “Well, he was still hoping for New York. And then I just up and left with my ex so I’d say he’s a little more than annoyed.”

“Would you rather be with him?” he asked softly.

Her expression shifted and the wall she’d mastered went back up. “Doesn’t matter what I want.”

“It matters to me.”

Mercedes’s lips turned up into a smile but she didn’t respond to his words. “It’s been a long day, Alec. I need sleep. Good night.”

“’Night, Sadie.”

As she walked away, their fight in the storeroom came to his mind. Just before he kissed her, Mercedes had thrown Ezra in his face. That single dagger she’d launched at him was sticking in his heart. He could imagine a thousand ways Ezra might have touched her.

Every caress she’d given Ezra was one more painful step she’d taken away from him. For the first time, Alec wondered if she’d fallen out of love with him.