Becoming by Jourdyn Kelly

WHEN WRITING Abook, you become aware that what is in your head may not be how readers will comprehend what they’ve read. That sensation happened to me during one particular section of this book. My hope is that people will read it exactly the way it was meant to be. I wanted the reader to feel the confusion and figure it all out at the same time the character did. It’s a gamble, but then again, so is putting out anything that you write. Authors spend countless hours pouring their hearts out knowing full well that there will always be someone who doesn’t like it. But we do it anyway because we have to. That’s what writing is for me. A necessity.

I cannot thank ANYONE before I thank the woman who made me who I am today. Literally. My mom. Recently, my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It is progressing more rapidly than we imagined and I am doing my best to care for her as well as she cared for me. My mom is never far from my mind. I dread the day when I disappear from hers.

It took a little longer writing this book because real life became my central focus. From fundraisers to training for triathlons to raise money, to starting a business in order to help my mom more, my heart and mind were on my mom, not writing. But those moments I needed them the most, Rebecca and Cass offered me a gateway out of reality. I’ll forever be grateful for that. I hope they give you that same gift.

Lisa—As always, your input helped me bring out the best in these characters. I love that I can text you or talk to you about an idea I have, and you’ll elaborate on why it will or won’t work. You’re not afraid to tell me when something doesn’t make sense and that’s exactly what an author needs in a beta reader. That makes you the best beta read ever! Thank you!

Karen—As I said before, it’s always fun having you as a beta reader. You let me know whether I’ve pissed you off or made you have emotions (a rarity, I know ;)) as though we’re talking about real people in our lives. Of course, to me, they are real. Thank you for indulging my weirdness.

Daisy – You continue to support me and cheer me on with each book. And now with what’s going on with my mom, you’ve been there for me and my parents 100% without complaint. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

Angela McLaurin (Fictional Formats) – I’m so glad to be working with you again! It’s like you know what is in my head and make it a reality on the page. Thank you!

Jim McLaurin – It is ALWAYS great working with you! I love that you not only show me what I’ve done wrong, but you let me know what you think I’ve done right. Thank you!

Writing sex scenes is STILL the most difficult part of writing for me. Of course, there’s a lot of sex in this book. It’s Rebecca and Cass. They certainly keep me on my toes! And though I know this won’t appeal to everyone—even some of my own friends—I made a decision not too long ago not to be scared about writing what I want to write about any longer. Luckily, that doesn’t stop any of my friends from supporting me, something I love them for. Even though this is a lesbian book, I hope readers can see that it’s not always about who you love, but how you’re loved.

As always, my message to my readers – This book deals with some difficult issues. I know that it could possibly be a trigger to someone who has been through some of the problems these characters have been through. I apologize for that. Truly. I read and write because it’s cathartic. I hope reading is the same for you. I would like you to always want to say, “just one more chapter.” :) Peace, love, and light!