Becoming by Jourdyn Kelly

I’ve been in Houston, Texas since 2009. I continue to write novels as a way to release the voices in my head. :) Recently, due to family issues, I’ve gotten back into designing promotional items as a way to help my parents with medical expenses. Though I miss my family, moving here was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’ve been able to live wonderfully and write my heart out, something I truly need. I’ve always enjoyed the arts in one form or another. Music sets the mood, reading stimulates my brain, and writing allows me to utilize my imagination in any way I want. I’ve been writing stories since I was a teen and figured out writing was my passion when I finished my first novel, Something About Eve.

As a merchandiser for singer/actress Deborah Gibson, I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in wonderful experiences, travel around the country and meet exciting people. It’s experiences like this, I believe, that help me create unique, and (hopefully) lovable characters.

This is usually where I discuss what’s coming next. But until I sit down and write that first line, it could be any one of three books that I have in mind. It’ll be as much of a surprise to me as it will to you! :) Thank you for reading!