Becoming by Jourdyn Kelly

A BLAST OFcool air hit Rebecca as she stepped into the gallery. She smiled at the collection of new “Cass Giles” that adorned the walls. Not even the passing of the months had diminished the interest in Cassidy’s work. It kept her fiancée busy, but Rebecca couldn’t complain. They were both happy. After the past couple of months, happiness was exactly what they needed.

“Hello, Rebecca.”

Rebecca smiled at Eve. “I was surprised to get your call. I thought you had gone back to New York with Lainey already.”

The mentioning of Lainey’s name provoked a sad smile from Eve. “She had family matters to attend to and I had a few things here I needed to take care of. How is Ellie doing?”

The sudden change of topic told Rebecca that Eve was not willing to speak of the subject any longer. Instead, Rebecca turned her thoughts to Hunter’s now wife. Not long after the gallery opening, Hunter was hit with a devastating blow when Ellie wound up in the hospital after being forced off the road. It was a scary time for the entire group who had become very close friends. Rebecca had spent countless girls’ nights with Ellie, Patty, Ellie’s daughter Jessie, and Ellie’s best friend and her daughter Blaise and Piper. Nearly losing Ellie had been devastating to everyone, but none more so than Hunter.

“She’s getting better every day. She’s using her legs more, which is fantastic. The trial has been brutal, but with Hunter and Jessie by her side, I think she’ll be okay.”

“Along with the rest of you. Such a tight-knit group.” Eve was interrupted briefly by her new curator.

“Excuse me, I’m sorry. Hello again, Ms. Cuinn.” Lauren smiled brightly at the woman who recommended her for the job. “Mr. Riley is on the phone.” Lauren’s subtle German accent was charming.

“Tell him I’ll call him back, please.”

Lauren dutifully nodded and left as quietly as she arrived. As she watched the young woman disappear, Rebecca pondered the hint of resentment she detected in Eve’s voice. They were as close as Eve could be with anyone (not named Lainey), but Rebecca was astute enough not to ask about it. She wished so badly that Eve could have everything she desired. The woman did so much for others and, yet, her own life—as perfect as it seemed—was a mess.

“You’re part of that group, you know,” Rebecca said softly.

There were many times when Eve was in town that she and Lainey were invited to hang out. Unfortunately, Eve wasn’t the type to be in the company of that many people in an intimate setting. Perhaps people thought she was snobbish, but with the past Eve had, Rebecca didn’t blame her for being an introvert. Hell, wasn’t Rebecca the same way? She didn’t have many friends. But those she had now have become some of the most important people in her life. Eve needed that support system in her life. If she would just allow it.

Eve eyed Rebecca with a smirk. “Out of curiosity, which group would I be in? As I understand it, couples are not allowed to be in the same group. Would I be with the women for girls’ night, or would I be playing poker with the boys?”

Rebecca tilted her head. “Are you admitting you and Lainey are a couple?” She took a very big chance and caught Eve’s arm before she could walk away. “I apologize, but you walked into that one. However, you do raise an interesting question. Ellie made the rule so we could talk about our significant others. But you don’t seem to fit in the poker scenario.”

“I assure you, I’m a very good poker player.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that. You have the best poker face I have ever seen. I just don’t think the guys would be able to function around you.”

Eve surprised her by laughing. “What you’re saying is I wouldn’t fit anywhere. Sounds about right.”

“That’s not what I meant, Eve. Don’t anger the Mistress.”

Eve raised a brow. “You think you could get me to submit?”

Rebecca smiled at the challenge. She knew it was playful flirtation. She also knew there was only one person who could actually make Eve submit.

“I could. But…”

“Please don’t finish that,” Eve pleaded quietly.

“Eve, you deserve happiness.”

“I didn’t ask you here to discuss my problems. That’s what I have your aunt for.”

“Sometimes all you need is a friend to listen,” Rebecca countered.

Eve sighed. “My issues are far beyond anyone’s help, Rebecca. Perhaps even your aunt.”

“I’m going to say one thing, and then I’ll drop the subject.” Though Eve rolled her eyes, she nodded. “I understand the consequences, but I also know how fleeting life can be. I spent many years with someone I shouldn’t have been with and it nearly killed me.”

“That’s different. Adam doesn’t hurt me,” Eve clarified.

“Not physically. And I’m not saying this is Adam’s fault,” Rebecca said quickly before Eve could argue with her. “But not being with the person you’re truly in love with kills your soul with each passing day. I was away from Cassidy for two months and it was incredibly painful. I can’t imagine how you feel seeing Lainey every day, feeling as though you can’t be with her.”

“Rebecca, I appreciate what you’re trying to do. And I’m happy that you’re happy. But as we’ve discussed before, my situation is very different. Do I want to be with Lainey? Of course, I do. I missed my shot.”

“I don’t believe that. But,” Rebecca continued, surrendering her argument. For now. “When you’re ready to fight, I’ll be here to support you.”

“You are…”


“Annoying.” Eve winked. “Now, can I tell you why I asked you here?”

Since Rebecca knew she was getting no further with this topic, she nodded in agreement. Besides, she was curious as to why she was summoned to the gallery.

“You came to me months ago asking me to help you sell the club. I have sent you countless potential buyers and you’ve denied all of them. Do you really want to sell?”

Rebecca blinked. “I—um, yes?” The question caught her off-guard. So much had happened between the time she decided to sell and now. Miranda, the gallery opening, getting engaged, Ellie’s accident, Hunter and Ellie’s wedding, the trial. Selling the club was never a top priority. She still wanted to sell. Right? She lifted her hand to scratch her head and was startled when Eve caught it.

“Something you want to tell me?” Eve asked staring at the engagement ring.

“Oh!” Rebecca had forgotten that she and Cassidy had kept their engagement a secret. The night that Cassidy proposed to her was the best night of her life. Then they found out that Hunter and Ellie were having problems with Susan. After that, one thing after another kept happening and it never seemed like the right time to be ecstatically happy. Recently, things had settled down and Rebecca decided it was time to wear her ring. The thing she kept forgetting to do now was actually tell people. “Cassidy asked me to marry her.” Rebecca smiled broadly, turning her hand this way and that to give Eve a better view.

“Congratulations!” She gave Rebecca a quick hug. “When did this happen?”

“Months ago,” Rebecca laughed. “But…”

“But you’re a good friend and you kept your happiness to yourself during challenging times,” Eve guessed.

Rebecca lifted a shoulder. “There’s that. And we were being selfish, wanting to keep it to ourselves for a while. A while just turned out to be much longer than we expected.”

Eve chuckled. “Well, it’s a beautiful ring. I’m happy for you and Cass. Is that why you’re hesitant on selling?”

“Not hesitant, really. But with everything else, it sort of slipped my mind. Which is why I thought it would be best to let you handle it.”

“Alright. Well, it hasn’t slipped mine. I received an offer a few days ago. It was a fantastic offer.”

“I see. Do you have the offer? I can take it to Cassidy and we’ll discuss it.”

“No need. I made an executive decision and accepted the offer.”

Rebecca’s jaw dropped. “You did what? How? Why? That was not your decision to make! I don’t care who you are, Eve Sumptor, this is my club. I…” She stopped cold when Eve practically shoved a paper in her face.

“Read, Mistress.”

Rebecca snatched the papers from Eve’s hands and flipped through them angrily. Her eyes snapped up after she read the name on the papers.

“Is this a joke, Eve?”

Eve shook her head. “No joke. There are conditions which are listed, but I don’t think you’ll have any objections.”

“You should have talked to me.”

“Perhaps. I’m an extremely good business woman, Rebecca. My track record speaks for itself. It’s why you came to me in the first place. In situations like this, it’s better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”

Rebecca gave her a cunning smile. “Be glad I’m not your Mistress.”

“I’m counting my blessings,” Eve grinned with a wink.

SHE TOOK INher surroundings as she walked into the club. Posh leathers in red, black, and white shared the space with lace in the same color scheme. Men and women who work here are donned in leather as well. Masks hid their identities, but not their intentions. They chose their subs for the night—or an hour at a time—by handing them a color-coded card.

She dodged all of them and headed straight to the VIP area. Settling in on the plush leather couch, she continued to watch those around her. The men in masks carried themselves with an air of arrogance. She imagined it was needed to be a good Dom. But it was the women, as usual, that caught her attention. It wasn’t arrogance for most. It was a confidence that couldn’t be denied. She wondered if the masks helped and if they were vulnerable when the masks came off.

A shot glass of amber liquid was placed in front of her, cutting off her view of the main floor.

“I didn’t order this,” she said to the young waitress.

“It’s from Mistress.” Her voice held a bit of confusion and awe. “She also asked me to give you this.” She placed a pink card on the table and walked away.

Picking up the card and the drink, she tossed the latter back in one gulp. The burn made her smile. Fireball. Perfect. She stood and made her way to the back of the club where the “playrooms” were. Once she made it to the pink door, she knocked lightly.


The woman sat rigidly in her chair, ankles crossed, and hands clasped in her lap. Though her face was hidden behind a black mask, her eyes were able to roam over her companion. A full-blown smile bloomed.

“You look incredible.”

“And you look like you’re in my seat.” Rebecca sauntered up to Cass and straddled her hips. She was almost sorry that Cassidy was in jeans and a t-shirt and not the bustier that went with the mask. It would be weird seeing her like that, but Rebecca was curious enough to hope for it one day. “And this,” she reached back and untied the mask, “isn’t you. I can’t believe you did this.”

“Are you mad?” Cass asked hesitantly. Whenever Rebecca straddled her, she lost brain function. But not enough now to know that she could have seriously messed shit up.

“That you bought the club behind my back? I should be, but I’m not. How?”

Cass’s hands held onto Rebecca’s hips. She truly looked incredible, dressed similarly to the way Cass was the first night they met. Tight, black jeans and a white button-down shirt. Only when the buttons were undone on her shirt, the cleavage was considerably… more. So, to keep her hands from wandering up that way, she kept them firmly on her slim hips.

“I, uh, asked Eve for a loan.”


“Hang on, now. She turned me down. I’m probably indebted to be her artist for the rest of my life, but she said the money wasn’t needed.”

Rebecca shook her head with a smile. “You didn’t actually buy the club, baby. You’re my partner.”


Rebecca took the contract out of her back pocket. “You didn’t read these before you signed them, did you?”

“Uh, no. I mean, it’s Eve. You trusted her to handle this for you, right? At least that’s what I thought when she handed me papers. I guess I trusted her, too.”

“I gave her the power to do that when Ellie was hurt. We were spending a lot of time with Hunter and Jessie at the hospital, and I didn’t want the burden of the club at the time. I was supposed to get final approval on the buyer, but she never told me you made an offer.”

“I asked her not to. I wanted to surprise you.” Cass lowered her hands a bit, rubbing Rebecca’s ass. “Communication kinda broke down during that time, didn’t it?”

“We’re getting it back, baby. So, let’s talk about this. You want to keep the club? Run it with me?”

Cass shook her head. “I don’t want to run it with you. I put that mask on for like five minutes and felt claustrophobic. Plus,” she grinned. “I’m no Mistress.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Rebecca murmured as she kissed Cassidy. “You dominate me pretty good.”

“Pretty good?” Cass smacked Rebecca’s ass sharply causing her to yelp. “Just pretty good?”

“Well, like you said,” Rebecca bit Cassidy’s lip nearly hard enough to make it bleed, “you’re no Mistress.”

Cass laughed as she licked the tender spot. “Before you punish me, may I tell you my dream for this place?”

Rebecca sat up a little but was still close enough to feel Cassidy’s breath on her. “Please.”

“It’s cleansed of the demons, yeah?” Rebecca nodded. “What’s left is the beautiful moment we met. I want to keep it for that reason. This room.”

“But?” Rebecca ran her fingers through Cassidy’s hair and felt her shiver beneath her.

“But you don’t have to hide anymore. We can hire someone else to run the place, and the only time you have to wear the mask is when you’re in this room with me.”

Rebecca lifted a brow. “When we met, you wanted me to take the mask off.”

Cass shrugged. “I was young and stupid then.”

Rebecca laughed. “It was less than a year ago, you goof!”

“Okay, okay.” Cass grinned. “I wanted to see if your face was as hot as your ass.” She frowned. “Wait. That… that didn’t come out right.”

“God, I love you.” Rebecca kissed Cassidy the best she could while cracking up. “Okay, ahem. So, we hire someone to manage the place, keep the Pink Room closed to anyone but us, and use it often. I’m free to keep pursuing other options.”

“In business only!” Cass smiled. “But yeah. That was kinda my plan when I went to Eve.”

“All for this room, huh?” Rebecca purred.

“All for you, baby. You worked hard for this place. Almost died for it. You deserve to be here without the guilt or hurt. Let it make you happy now.”

Rebecca’s heart melted. Maybe Miranda was right. Maybe she didn’t deserve Cassidy. But she was going to cherish her for as long as she had her. And if Rebecca—and Mistress—had anything to say about it, that would be forever.

She crawled off Cassidy’s lap, provoking a whiney protest. “Go to the foot of the bed, Cassidy, and get undressed.”

Cass scrambled to obey. When she got to the bed, she turned and smiled. “Yes, Mistress.”