Dungeon Daddy by Golden Angel

Chapter 4


Esther was going off into her head. Sometimes, her thoughts would go off on their own little tangents, but Jax had always expected her to be present when he was trying to pleasure her. Naughty girl.

With a little growl, Jax bit down on her nipple. Felt her response. Heard her gasp. Esther wasn’t a hardcore masochist, but she liked a bit of pain with her pleasure. She compared it to adding salt to chocolate chip cookies to enhance the sweetness.

His wife writhed, moaning as he laved his tongue over her nipple, like an apology for the nip. Not that she minded. Moving his mouth back and forth between her nipples, he sucked and licked, dragging his teeth over the lace of her bra, teasing her horribly.

He owed her some serious pleasure. It had been far too long, and he’d been so busy lately…

Not that he was only pleasuring her out of guilt. He sure as hell enjoyed it as well. Running his hands all over her body, remembering why he loved sex with her. Yes, she was wearing different lingerie and had done her makeup differently, but she was still Esther, still his babygirl, though he took his cue from her appearance and didn’t call her that. She didn’t look like she wanted to be his babygirl tonight.

It was enough they were together, touching each other, pleasuring each other. Reaffirming their attraction and love for each other.

“Jax!” She writhed again when he bit her nipple a little harder before giving it a final suckle and moving away, pressing his lips to her stomach. His hands caressed her breasts, squeezing and playing with them through the wet lace. While they were bigger than they’d once been, they fit easily into Jax’s hands, and he enjoyed how well they filled his palms.

His cock rubbed against the bedsheets as he moved down her body. Thankfully, she’d put the thong on over her garters so he wouldn’t need to get scissors to cut them off. Moving onto his knees, he quickly pulled her panties off, tossing them to the side, then settled back into place—with a slight difference.

Sliding his hands under her thighs before moving them back up to her breasts, the position forced her legs apart. He draped them over his shoulders, exposing her bare pussy to him.

“Good girl,” he murmured before lowering his head between her thighs. Esther moaned, her hips jerking upward when his tongue delved between her wet lips. She tasted like peaches and cream, his sweet girl. Jax pressed his lips against hers, devouring her with single-minded intensity.

* * *


Oh… holy…

Esther stretched her arms up to grab the spindles of their headboard. She didn’t need Jax to order her to. From their long time together, she knew what he expected—and she wouldn’t make him stop to give her a spanking for not doing so. She didn’t want him to ever stop.

There was a massive difference between a man who went down on a woman to get her wet and one who went down on a woman because he loved having his head between her thighs. Jax was definitely the latter. His hands moved on her breasts, expertly pinching and twisting her nipples, while his tongue and lips went to work on her pussy. He licked, sucked, and nibbled, working his tongue up and down between her lips, teasing her clit before moving away again, making her squirm with growing need.

Jax knew exactly how to touch her, stimulate her, make her hotter and wetter. As he lavished attention on her pussy, she clenched emptily, wanting him inside her. Biting her lip against begging, she let him have his way with her, knowing from long experience, he would take his time even more if she started pleading for him to move faster.

She moved her hips, trying to rub herself against his face, desperate for the climax growing inside her. The need was becoming painful in its urgency, her body quivering on the edge of ecstasy without having quite enough to fall over into climax.

Mean Daddy.

“Jaaaaaaax.” She dragged his name out while her hips moved up and down. In response, he pinched hard on her nipples as he suckled her clit.

Esther cried out, fingers tightening around the spindles as waves of hot rapture burst inside her. Jax continued suckling her, the sensation becoming so intense, it was as painful as it was pleasurable, and she writhed against his lips. When he finally raised his head, Esther went limp on the bed, panting.

Rising onto his knees, like a dark god, Jax loomed over her, fisting his cock with one hand.

“Good girl.” His deep voice rolled through her, and she shivered, smiling happily at the accolade which never failed to warm her inside and out. “Keep holding onto the headboard.”

Hands slid from her thighs to her breasts, then back down again, lifting her legs up and apart, so the head of his cock pressed against her. Esther moaned and closed her eyes as Jax’s cock slid inside her. She was hot, wet, and swollen from her first orgasm, and the sensation of him finally pushing into her was utterly delicious.

* * *


Looking down at Esther—who was being such a good girl holding onto the headboard the way she knew he liked—Jax could only reflect on how fucking lucky he was. She was stunning. It didn’t matter that her makeup was running or her lingerie wasn’t what he would have picked for her—she was utterly gorgeous.

Hot, tight, wet silk engulfed his cock. He’d always loved the sight of his cock filling her pussy, the contrast of his dark, almost purplish shaft pushing between her tawny, dusky rose pink lips. When he pulled back, his cock was coated with her arousal, slick and wet, making it easier to thrust in deeper.

Holding her hips, he kept her lower body elevated, hips canted upward to meet his thrusts, while her head thrashed back and forth between her arms. She was stretched out before him like a sweet offering, a ready receptacle for their combined passion.

Her legs wrapped around his back, muscles tightening as she tried to pull him deeper. Chuckling, Jax set a pace of slow, steady thrusts, sure to drive her wild as he ground his groin against her splayed pussy lips and swollen clit every time he filled her.

“Jax… oh, Jax… oh, please…” Her eyelashes fluttered, lips pressing together after she said his name.

She was already close to another orgasm.

“Not yet, baby.” He released one hip and gave the side of her bottom a quick, sharp slap, and Esther cried out again, her pussy clenching around him. A few more swats—nothing strong enough to really hurt her, but enough to add that little sting she so enjoyed and warmed his palm—the grip of her legs crushed his sides.

Pulling on his self-restraint, Jax contained himself for a few more minutes before he finally gave in with a groan, thrusting hard and fast, riding her with all the pent-up passion he had saved inside him.

* * *


As Jax let loose the reins of his control, Esther screamed his name. The bed’s frame creaked from her pulling on it, her body moving against his, beneath his, in perfect unison. Incredibly sensitive, she could feel every tiny motion of his cock, every inch as it thrust and receded inside her. The long, hard strokes were coming faster, harder, relentlessly pounding into her. She cried out as the vortex of painful pleasure geysered inside her.

“Jax… oh, God… Jax!”


The word was on the tip of her tongue, but she held it back. Barely.

“Fuck… Esther…” Her name, said in a guttural tone, was the last thing she needed to send her careening over the edge into pure erotic bliss. Liquid heat burst inside her as Jax’s cock buried fully inside her, his body rocking against hers as her legs tightened around him.

She finally let go of the headboard when she felt his cock throbbing against the spasming walls of her pussy and held him close to her. She felt closer to him than she had in months, with him inside her, wrapped around her, his weight crushing her down into the mattress. Esther had always enjoyed being crushed by him. As long as she could still breathe, it was one of her favorite places in the world.

Eventually, Jax shifted on top of her, kissing the top of her head before rolling off her. She sighed at the loss of warmth. But she needed to get cleaned up.

“That was quite a welcome home,” he said, running his hand over her head down to her neck in a caress. Esther smiled, feeling a bit of her old sassy self returning.

“Maybe you should be home more often to be welcomed,” she retorted, teasing. Yes, she meant it, but she was so happy right now, it didn’t have the sting it could have.

“Oh, definitely. I shouldn’t need to work late as much soon.” Jax grinned, settling back against the pillow, closing his eyes. He looked exhausted.

Esther’s heart skipped a beat, but he didn’t elaborate or open his eyes again. After a long moment, his breath evened out, and he let out a little snore. Seemed she’d completely worn him out. Well, good.

He wouldn’t need to work late so much, soon? Because he was no longer having an affair? Or maybe because Esther had now shown him she could give him everything he needed. He certainly seemed to have liked the new look, but she really wished she knew when he’d made this decision.

Inwardly sighing, Esther got to her feet and headed to the bathroom to get cleaned up. She supposed she would get used to her new appearance. Though when she saw herself in the bathroom mirror, she let out a small shriek. Her makeup had not survived sex with Jax. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t good either.

The smoky eye was well on its way to becoming racoon-eyed, and her red lipstick was smeared. Ugh. This was what he liked now? Shaking her head, Esther went to work, cleaning off and stripping out of her lingerie. She sighed with relief when she put on one of Jax’s t-shirts, which was what she normally slept in.

Much more comfortable.

If makeup and less childish clothing were what it took to keep her husband, it was a sacrifice Esther would make. Considering how tonight had gone, she knew she was on the right track.

* * *


When Jax woke up, Esther was already out of bed, which was surprising. Normally, she turned her alarm clock off and went back to sleep. Jax would have to drag her out of bed after he already had his shower.

Even more surprising, Esther was sitting in the little vanity area next to their bathroom. There was an awful lot of new-looking makeup, which she must have picked up while shopping last night. Not that Esther never wore makeup, she just didn’t do it very often, and she didn’t wear a lot. Seeing her sitting there, first thing in the morning, doing her makeup was a jolt to his system and not an entirely pleasant one.

“Hey, honey.” He put his hands on her shoulders and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “What’s all this?”

“Just trying something new. I look pretty good, right?”

The little note of uncertainty in her voice had him nodding his head. She did look good. Unlike last night, she didn’t look all that different than she usually did, which he found reassuring. At least she wasn’t changing everything.

“You look gorgeous, but you always do. Your eyes look even brighter.” Jax was torn. He didn’t want her to think she hadn’t been gorgeous yesterday, before the makeup, but he also didn’t want to accidentally step in a landmine for whatever was prompting this new look. Complimenting both seemed safest.

“Thanks.” She studied herself in the mirror and smiled. “I think I did a pretty good job. Do you think the people at work will notice?”

“Maybe. Did someone say something to you there?”

“No… I just… you know.” She shrugged. “Trying a new look.”

Which was what she said before. Something about the repetition made him feel increasingly unsettled. Jax looked over her head in the mirror, meeting her eyes.

“I don’t know much about makeup, but you always look good to me.” He dropped another kiss on her head then stepped into the bathroom, trying to push away the raw feeling in his gut that something was very wrong. That somehow, his Esther had been replaced by a new Esther. One whose motivations he was increasingly unsure about.

Last night, the makeup and lingerie had definitely been for him, but what about this morning?

Why was she wondering about what people at work would think?

Most importantly, what had changed in the past twenty-four hours to prompt this change?