Dungeon Daddy by Golden Angel

Chapter 6


Playing C&C wasn’t having the normal relaxing effect it usually did. Jax couldn’t get everyone’s reactions and words out of his mind.

Gavin and Leah had made comments that made Jax feel like he needed to defend himself, except he was pretty sure he knew where those comments were coming from—everyone thought he hadn’t been spending enough time with Esther. They seemed to think her new look had something to do with him, and he really didn’t have a defense for that. All he could do was grin and bear it and make a promise to himself he would spend more time with her.

It was Aiden’s comment that bothered him the most, though.

Was Esther looking for more attention from others because she hadn’t been getting it from him?

Was there someone specific, other than him, she wanted attention from?

While he didn’t think Esther would ever cheat on him, he didn’t like the idea she was looking for attention from others because he wasn’t giving her enough.

That seemed to be what his friends were hinting at with their comments and pointed looks. Jax had to grit his teeth and take it because he knew, on some level, they were right. It made for one of the less enjoyable C&C evenings he could remember.

“While you’re taking your rest, do you want to do anything?” Gavin asked, opening up the opportunity for roleplay, which was probably Jax’s least favorite part of C&C. Preferring the in-the-heat-of-the-moment roleplay, he wasn’t as into the character and relationship-building stuff.

Hmmm... maybe that was something he should think about. In his real life, he needed to do more relationship-building things with Esther.

“Yes,” Cyana said immediately, sitting up straight. “I want to feed Dog a treat.”

Reactions around the table were predictable. Gavin, who was running everything and hadn’t wanted the dog included in the game, sighed heavily. Esther and Leah giggled, and Aiden shook his head smugly. When Dog—the pet they’d picked up in a previous session, who still didn’t have a real name because they couldn’t all agree on one—had joined their party, thanks to Aiden, Cyana and Jax hadn’t been interested until Gavin had come up with a point system to figure out who the dog loved the best. Sure, now he said it was who the dog was most loyal to, but they all knew it was who the dog loved the most.

Cyana and Aiden had been in a head-to-head battle for the top spot for a few weeks now. Although Jax had become slightly more interested when Gavin inadvertently made it a competition, he was happy to let Cyana and Aiden duke it out rather than waste even more time trying to beat either of them. Cyana hadn’t cared until Gavin had come up with the loyalty point system.

“Fine.” Gavin’s Scottish brogue was clipped with amused annoyance. He liked to pretend he hated the dog’s addition to the party, but they could all tell he found the whole thing entertaining. “Roll for animal handling.”

Shaking her dice, Cyana tossed them into her tray. Her face fell so fast, it was comical.

“Five.” She sighed. Aiden pumped his fist in the air, earning a death glare. There was no way she moved ahead of him with that roll.

Gavin’s lips twitched.

“Dog has been overfed, and he throws up all over your shoes. Giving you a baleful eye, he slinks away and settles down on the other side of the campfire to glare at you.”

Leah snorted with laughter, and Esther dissolved in a puddle of giggles as Cyana turned a baleful eye on Gavin. Leaning back in his seat, Jax slid his arm along the back of Esther’s, letting her lean into him while she laughed. She might have changed her appearance, but she hadn’t changed inside. He hoped.

* * *


They hit the midgame break, and Cyana didn’t hesitate to kick the guys out to the back patio, so she could have ‘lady time’ with Esther and Leah… a.k.a. “Interrogate Esther” time.

Esther settled down on the couch with a sigh, not at all surprised when Cyana appeared in front of her, arms crossed in front of her chest, studying her with narrow eyes.

“Okay. What the fuck is going on?” Her tone was actually gentler than Esther had been expecting, almost worried. Esther sighed and exchanged a glance at Leah, who had some idea of what was going on.

“Do you want to tell her?” Esther asked. Somehow, now that it was time to say it out loud, she couldn’t find the words, and they had little time. Besides, in some ways, it had all started with Leah.

The narrow-eyed look Cyana slanted Leah’s way was much more pointed than the one she’d directed at Esther. No mercy for Leah, apparently.

“Gavin mentioned Jax hadn’t been to the gym with him and Aiden in a while, so I told Esther.”

Cyana’s gaze bounced back to Esther.

Well, when Leah said it like that, it sounded much simpler than it felt. That was exactly what had happened. She didn’t need to explain to Cyana that Jax had been working a lot of late hours and still been going to the gym every weekend with the guys—so he’d said.

“And then?”

Esther sighed, rubbing her hands on her thighs, messing with the skirt. She tugged it back down to her knees. This was why she hated wearing skirts and dresses. They were always riding up and slipping out of place.

“Then I took some time to think… then I tracked his phone.” Esther rushed through the explanation, avoiding her friends’ gazes. She didn’t want their judgment over her decision, didn’t want to face their disapproval or their questions about why she’d stay with him after he… yeah. She didn’t even want to think about it, not after how good the past few days had been. She didn’t want to be told she was doing it wrong, so she hurried to tell them how things had already changed.

As she finished up, Cyana sat in ominous silence. Leah looked thoughtful, tapping her fingers on her wine glass and glancing down the hall toward the backdoor. They wouldn’t have much longer before the guys came back—which Esther was grateful for. Less time for them to scold her.

“You sure this is what you want?” Cyana asked after a long moment. For a moment, it looked like she was going to say more, then she pressed her lips together, clearly holding back. Esther appreciated her restraint.

“Yes,” she said as firmly as she could. Was there a little niggle of doubt at the back of her mind? Absolutely. She was easily influenced by the opinions of her closest friends. Other people, not so much, but Cyana and Leah? Their opinions mattered to her, and she didn’t want them to think less of her, but they weren’t the ones who had to live with her decision.

“Okay then.” Cyana nodded, the little lines around her lips tightening even more.

Leah exchanged a wide-eyed look with Esther.

“Really? No advice? No lecture?” Suspicion reared its ugly head. “Wait, do you know something I don’t?”

“No, but I’m going to find out.” Cyana’s tone was almost grim.


Noise at the back of the house indicated the menfolk were returning. Esther threw up her hands. It wasn’t as if she’d be able to stop Cyana, anyway. If Jax kept seeing that Michelle chick, even as things were getting better in their marriage, well… this time, she’d rather know sooner than later. She wouldn’t bury her head in the sand anymore.

* * *


As soon as they were outside and away from Esther, Cyana, and Leah, Jax started questioning Gavin and Aiden.

“Do you know what’s going on with Esther?”

“What do you mean?” Aiden asked, his forehead wrinkling with puzzlement. “Other than she looks extra nice tonight? Oh, wait, is that what you mean?”

Aiden was useless. Observant as hell when he was in Dom mode at the Outlands, but when it came to relationships or noticing what was going on with a woman outside of a scene, not so much. Jax turned his scowl on Gavin, who was studying him intently.

“You know something.” It wasn’t a question.

“I am Jon Snow.” Gavin spread his hands wide, holding them up in a kind of surrender.

“Ha!” Aiden chortled, appreciating the Game of Thrones reference, even if Jax didn’t. He didn’t believe for a second Gavin knew nothing.

“Don’t give me that. I know you know something. Did Leah tell you something about what’s going on with Esther?”

“What about what’s going on with you?” Gavin cocked his head, tipping his scotch glass toward Jax before bringing it to his lips to take a sip. “You’re acting weird tonight. Don’t you like Esther’s new look?”

“I like her new look fine, but I don’t know where it’s coming from or why she’s doing it.” He scowled. “I know I haven’t been the most attentive husband lately, but you don’t think she’s… do you think she’s… I mean, do you think this is some kind of midlife crisis or something?”

Aiden shrugged, leaning against the deck railing.

The night was beautiful. They could see the stars and the moon sparkling in the sky, though the sun hadn’t fully set. Summer nights started late.

Jax itched to go back inside, but he doubted the ladies would be done with their conversation yet.

“What’s wrong if it is?” Aiden asked. “She looks good. Is she doing anything else differently?”

Jax looked around to make sure no one was listening, even though there was no one anywhere near hearing distance.

“She initiated sex a couple times, but, you know, not as a babygirl. Regular sex.”

“Vanilla?” Aiden made a face. “Where’s the fun in that?”

“It’s been plenty of fun, it just… do you think it means she doesn’t want to be my babygirl anymore?” He sounded as if he was whining, which he wasn’t proud of, but he felt like whining. If that was what Esther wanted, he’d do it, but he’d miss being her Daddy Dom. He didn’t want to give up that part of himself. Sure, it had been a long time since they’d gotten kinky, but he hadn’t thought it was the end.

Shit. He really wished he’d made more of an effort to keep up that part of their life. If he’d ever thought it might actually be over one day, he would have. That Esther had already called him Daddy for the last time… Well, hell. The more important thing was making his wife happy. He could mourn the loss of that part of their life later.

“Maybe she wants your attention,” Gavin suggested, a wicked smile curling his lips. “Are you sure you don’t want the name of my and Leah’s couples’ therapist? She’s kink-friendly.”

It wasn’t the first time he’d made the offer, but it was the first time Jax had really considered it. Before this past week, he would have said they didn’t need to. When he didn’t say no right away, Gavin raised his eyebrows.

“Have you asked Esther what’s going on?” Gavin asked.

“Of course, I have. She said she’s trying out a new look.” It felt as though there was more to it, especially after coming here tonight and seeing their friends’ reactions.

“Mmmm.” The little noise wasn’t very revealing, but Jax was sure Gavin knew more than he was saying. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem he was going to share what he was thinking.

That was fine. Jax would figure it out and fix it on his own. Well… maybe he’d also call Gavin’s therapist. She’d helped Gavin convince Leah to give him another chance, and they’d been divorced for the past decade. He and Esther weren’t nearly that bad off.