Twisted Devil by Ivy Blake

Chapter Sixteen


I was sat in Miss Green’s class, minding my own business and burning a hole into the back of Ruby Jones’s head. When she was around, moments of weakness were inevitable, and it was getting harder and harder to fight them off.

Even when my parents had been yelling at me all day and all night over the party I’d thrown, the one recurring thought in my mind was that it was worth it. It was 100% worth it to have Ruby alone like that in the beach house. Even though things had been cut short, it had been a clear indication that she understood just how badly we both wanted each other, even if it didn’t make sense because we were academic rivals. Or at least meant to be.

I craved the feeling of her smooth skin again, wanted to smell and taste the warmth between her thighs, but I also found myself wanting to just spend uninterrupted time with her… just because. While I understood that she had to tend to Bella and I didn’t blame her for that, it hadn’t been the first time that we’d had a moment cut off. I wanted to see what would happen if we were left completely alone to our own devices. Even though I had a few sick and twisted ideas.

“I’ll be returning your papers to you today,” Miss Green said from the front with a smile. For a moment, my chest tightened as I thought about the result that was waiting for me on that paper.

I watched as Miss Green handed Ruby a paper and they both shared a warm smile. Was that smile because she’d come out top of the class again? Or was it a sympathetic smile? I was too far away to tell and I couldn’t see the result at the top of Ruby’s page. Even though I wanted to tear her clothes off and fuck her into oblivion, that somehow didn’t automatically erase my desire to want to be at the top of the class.

It’s not like I cared that much, I would just prefer to not finish second to her. Besides, surely there was no way that she could finish top of the class again? It had to be a fluke, right? In all honesty, as Miss Green came closer to my desk, the one feeling that stuck in my chest wasn’t the fear of how jealous I’d be if Ruby beat me, but instead the fear of what my friends and family would say if it happened again.

My eyes were focussed on the pile of papers in Miss Green’s hand. Please be a 98, please be a 98.

“Good job, Tyler,” said Miss Green.

I barely looked up at her as I turned my test paper over. 97. I let out a frustrated growl and had to force myself to stay seated, even though I wanted to march up to Ruby to find out what she’d gotten. A knock came on the door, tearing my gaze away from my paper, which might as well have been a fail despite the fact that I still had no idea how I measured up against Ruby. Miss Green opened the door and ushered the intruder inside.

“Hi Laura, is everything okay?”

The freshman girl standing at the door shifted her weight between her feet as my whole senior class turned to look at her. I did not miss being sent on shitty jobs as a freshman at all.

“Principal Higgins wants to see Ruby Jones and Tyler Katz,” she squeaked, delivering her announcement as a question rather than a statement.

A few cheers went up in the classroom as people turned to look around at us both. I was focussed on trying to figure out what it was in particular that we were being summoned for but had barely started sifting through all the possible reasons when Miss Green interrupted me.

“Ruby, Tyler, off to the principal’s office you go,” she said, before thanking the freshman who’d delivered the message. The girl couldn’t have left any sooner, now that her task was complete.

I followed behind Ruby as she quickly grabbed her things and left the classroom without looking back. I caught Amber’s eye just before leaving out the door and I swear that girl could rival Medusa any day.

Me and Ruby walked side by side down the hallway in silence. Ruby’s eyes were glued to the floor, and she was half sprinting, half walking to Higgins’s office. From the look on her face and the tension in her shoulders, she seemed like a mixture of pissed and worried.

“It’s going to be fine,” I said calmly, even though I wasn’t exactly feeling fine myself.

“I got another 98, by the way, if you were wondering,” Ruby said under her breath as she continued to focus her gaze on the hallway in front of us rather than on me.

“Of course you did,” I replied. Breathe in, breathe out, Tyler.

* * *

“I’m going to keep this short and simple,” Principal Higgins said as me and Ruby took our seats in his office.

I glanced at Ruby to see how she was doing, but the poor girl seemed to only be focussed on breathing properly. I felt bad for her because clearly she wasn’t the type to get in trouble, so being here was probably sending her into a spiral of anxiety. Luckily for me, this wasn’t my first rodeo, however I was unprepared for this particular meeting because I had no clue which of my antics had landed me here.

“It’s come to my attention that you were both engaging in inappropriate behaviour,” Principal Higgins said sternly.

My breath hitched in my throat and I remained silent, hoping that Ruby would as well. There’s no way that he could have found out about the blowjob, could he? I heard Ruby’s sharp intake of breath and watched her fiddle with her hands out of the corner of my eye.

“Both of you were caught on CCTV entering changing rooms that you were not permitted to be in.” Higgins’s beady eyes darted between the two of us, but neither me nor Ruby offered a response. “And you, in a towel, no less!” He directed this part at Ruby.

“He’d stolen my uniform, sir,” Ruby said firmly.

“Why did you think that was appropriate, Mr Katz?” Higgins’s attention was back on me.

“Are you familiar with the concept of a joke?” I chuckled because I just couldn’t resist.

Ruby kicked me, and I had to hold back a laugh as I watched Higgins’s brows knit together furiously and felt Ruby tense up beside me. If he couldn’t see the comedy in this situation, then he was choosing to be a grumpy old fart, and that wasn’t my problem. Besides, my prank had a perfectly happy ending that I’d be more than willing to risk everything for again.

“You both seem to have forgotten about the concept of punishment,” Higgins said pointedly. “Detention after school today, for the both of you.” He sat back in his chair as if he was a judge that had just delivered a guilty verdict.

“What? I have practice today!” I exclaimed.

“I can make it detention for a week if you prefer?” Higgins challenged me. The old man and I engaged in a staring match until Ruby cut in.

“We’ll both be at the detention today,” she said evenly. “I apologise for my part in all this,” Ruby added after a moment, even though there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. We both knew that it was mostly my fault- in fact all my fault- but I wasn’t exactly in the mood for apologising.

“Good,” said Higgins. He turned his attention to the computer in front of him and I took that as our cue to leave.

I stood up from my seat and tucked it in, shooting Higgins a filthy look before storming out of his office with Ruby hot at my heels.

“Do you always have to be such an ass?” she asked once we were back in the hallway.

“It’s kind of my trademark,” I replied. “Do you want to skip your next class and pick up where we left off at my party?” I purred.Ruby stopped in her tracks and played with a loose strand of her hair.

“And risk another detention with you? Not a chance,” she said hotly before turning on her heel and walking in the opposite direction towards the history building. Ruby tossed me a smug grin over her shoulder and I growled to myself as I watched her skirt floating behind her, teasing me with the bare skin of her thighs.

Patience, Tyler.

The day dragged on, and I felt every single second with agonising intensity as I waited for detention, where I’d finally get some time to be alone with Ruby. I kept spotting her around school in flashes, her ginger hair tumbling around her flustered face as she paced across campus and rushed in and out of the lunch hall with Bella beside her.

She always looked like looked like she was trying to solve a really difficult maths problem in her head. Going by her scores, which were not only limited to the class we shared, she was probably coming up with a new theory that could rival Pythagoras’.

The bell rang to signify the end of the school day and while my classmates were ready to go home or to whatever extra-curricular they had, I was hoping that the teacher leading me and Ruby’s detention would leave us to our own devices with whatever ‘punishment’ they had devised.

“You coming to the extra practice?” Rob asked me as we left our chemistry class and went into the hallway.

“Nope, your boy’s got detention,” I said with a smile that was probably a lot wider than I intended. Scratch that, it was definitely a lot bigger than I intended. Shit, I must have looked like a right tool. Who smiles about having detention?

“Coach is not going to be happy with you,” Rob sang. I shrugged.

“Not much I can do about it,” I said.

“You’re lucky you’re his star athlete. If it were me, he’d whoop my ass the next chance he got.” I gave Rob a look. “Okay, he’s still going to whoop your ass, but I swear he goes easier on you than everyone else,” Rob added, his voice tinged with an air of defensiveness.

“Trust me, you don’t want to be one of Coach’s favourites. It’s too much pressure,” I said.

Me and Rob have had this conversation before and it never ended well because I always came across as ungrateful, even though I meant what I said. Constantly being in the limelight almost demanded perfection, which was nearly impossible, especially with someone as strict as Coach.

“He’s an ass anyway. I don’t exactly want to spend more time with him than I already have to,” Rob sniffed. “What did you get detention for, anyway?”

“Shit between me and Ruby, I guess someone snitched on our little feud or whatever,” I said quickly. Even though it wasn’t really a lie, Rob didn’t need to know about the whole changing room fiasco. We were close, but that was my business.

“I’m surprised it took you this long to get you two in trouble,” he chuckled. “I heard Ruby’s been absolutely killing it in all of her classes,” Rob added.

“So I’ve heard,” I replied through slightly gritted teeth. Rob didn’t seem to realise, and continued on with the conversation.

“I meant to ask- where did you and Ruby go off to at the party?” Rob waggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. I sighed heavily because of course he’d seen us disappear off together. It’s not exactly like I’d been secretive about it.

“Maybe we went to the beach house, maybe not. It’s kinda complicated, but don’t say anything to anyone, okay?” I said in a serious tone.

I needed to figure this shit out on my own and having more eyes on me than I already did would not make this any fucking easier. For all I knew, me and Ruby could have sex today and be strangers tomorrow. Maybe that’s where the fixation had come from- my need to possess her more than anything else.

Rob held up his hands in surrender. “I don’t snitch, you can trust me on that. Did you guys like hook up or…”

“I gotta go, man,” I said with a smile, saluting Rob before I headed in the opposite direction towards my detention. I could hear him protesting behind me about how unfair I was being, keeping juicy secrets to myself. I just chuckled and let him go on like usual.

I was pleased, and not at all surprised to see Ruby already waiting outside the classroom as I approached it. Her head was bowed and as I got closer, I could see that she was reading a book. Of course she was. I couldn’t make out the title because the cover was hidden in her hands, but I approached her quietly, like a tiger.

“Hey,” I said gently, chuckling when she jumped at the sound of my voice.

“Hi!” she squeaked as she turned around to see me. Ruby put her book away and tucked a curly ginger strand behind her ear. As we stood opposite each other, my eyes locked on Ruby’s, and it was clear for the both of us that the tension from the other night was still very much present. Ruby’s cheeks were flushed, and she bit her bottom lip as if she was trying to figure out what she wanted to say.

“You can go in,” I said.

“What?” said Ruby, her eyes glazed over as if she’d been stuck in a trance.

“Into the classroom,” I chuckled. I put my hand on the door behind Ruby, allowing myself to get close enough to inhale her sweet, intoxicating scent before I pushed it open and walked in to the empty classroom.

“Right,” said Ruby quickly, clearing her throat as she followed behind me.

I took a seat in one of the middle rows and tucked my bag underneath my desk, my eyes on Ruby the entire time as I waited to see where she’d pick to sit down. Her eyes drifted around the classroom as if she was trying to work out what the safest option was. She looked past me and towards the back as if I hadn’t made her cum only the day before.

Ruby eventually sat down in the same row as me, but instead of sitting in the obviously free space beside me, she left a gap before taking her seat.

“You scared that I’m going to bite?” I purred as I leaned towards her.

“Not at all,” she replied hotly.

Mr Murphy walked into the classroom in a huff, his glasses perched so carelessly on the end of his nose that it looked like they were going to fall off if he wasn’t careful. He slammed his briefcase on the desk, signalling that he was not in a good mood.

“Good afternoon,” he said as he grabbed a pen and started writing up on the board.

“Afternoon,” Ruby and I replied at the same time. We watched on as Mr Murphy glanced at his wristwatch before writing up the start and end time for our detention.

“Just get on with some homework or something, then you can leave in an hour. I’ve got some students to attend to right now, but after that I’ll be back to do some marking while you both get on with your own work,” he sniffed before exiting the room as quickly as he’d entered.

“Well done on the test,” I said once the door was shut behind him. I turned to Ruby to see her reaction. Her lips were on her water bottle and I had to force my mind to clear itself of dirty thoughts that would only land me in more trouble than I already was.

“You jealous I beat you again?” Ruby teased as she set her bottle back down on her desk. She quirked an eyebrow at me and flashed me a smug smirk. The kitten really did have claws.

“I wouldn’t say jealous,” I mused. “Maybe impressed that you still haven’t backed down, considering everything. ”

“You didn’t really think I was going to flunk my tests just because you told me to, did you?” Ruby rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat.

“You can’t blame a guy for dreaming. Especially in the circumstances that I asked.” I smirked at Ruby as I watched her cheeks grow redder as the memory of her submitting to me in the changing rooms clearly entered her mind.

“Whatever,” she said, even though it was obvious that I was making her flustered. Ruby shot me a look. “Don’t you have homework you should be doing?”

“I’d rather be doing you,” I growled, and I meant every single word. The room was empty and there were plenty of desks that I could bend Ruby over and fuck her brains out.

Ruby’s pretty little mouth dropped open but before she could respond to my salacious comment, the door flew open and Mr Murphy had returned, looking considerably more red in the face than he had when he’d left.

“You’re meant to be working, not talking. This is detention, not a social event,” he said with a scowl on his face before he planted his butt in his seat. Mr Murphy took out some papers and started marking furiously. Thank fuck he wasn’t my teacher.

For the remainder of the detention spent under Mr Murphy’s gaze, I kept one eye on him and another on Ruby. I watched as she struggled to focus on the book that she was trying to read without getting caught. It seemed like she’d done all her work and just wanted to get lost in whatever fictional world she was in. But of course, I wouldn’t let her.

Occasionally, I’d do some equations in my notebook, but it was hard to focus when Ruby was sitting so close to me and smelling as good as she was. I wanted to bury my face in her hair and in something else, but the watchful eye of Mr Murphy was preventing me from doing so. I tore out a page from my notebook as quietly as I could, poorly muffling the sound with a cough. I scribbled a note to Ruby:

I meant what I said. I’ve been thinking about doing you a lot, actually.

Keeping my eyes on Mr Murphy, I reached over the desk between us and allowed the note to drop onto Ruby’s desk. I sat back in my chair and watched her as she first frowned at me while unfolding the note and then raised her eyebrows as she read the words that I’d put there.

Ruby looked at me and smirked before writing down her own response. She threw the scrunched up piece of paper at me and I silently acted as though she’d thrown a brick at me, stopping when Mr Murphy looked up to see what all the stifled giggling was about. When the old man had returned to his marking, I opened up the note and rolled my eyes at what Ruby had written:

Explains why you’re falling behind then ;)

My reply was quicker the second time around.

Then surely you should let me fuck you, so I can get my grades back on track?

“Miss Jones, you’re free to go,” said Mr Murphy as he looked up at us through his glasses. Ruby tucked the note into her pencil case and shot me a confused look.

“Hey, what about me?” I asked incredulously.

“It has been brought to my attention that you were indeed the perpetrator, Mr Katz,” Mr Murphy replied in an unimpressed voice. “So, you’ll be staying longer than Ruby.”

“That’s hardly fair,” I said, slumping back into my seat.

“Well, taking my clothes was hardly fair, was it?” Ruby teased as she gathered her things and walked towards the door.

“She’s right,” said Mr Murphy, his eyes still focussed on the papers in front of him.

Before she left, she winked, blew me a kiss, and shut the door behind her. Little did Ruby know that it wasn’t just me she’d left alone in detention, she’d left a raging boner in her wake as well.