Twisted Devil by Ivy Blake

Chapter Fourteen


My parents were out, and the party was in full swing. Had I asked them? Of course not. Did that make the fact that practically my whole year had shown up even more satisfying? Hell yeah it did.

“You sure this is a good idea, bro?” asked Rob beside me.

He beckoned to the people kissing and gyrating beneath the gazebo in my backyard with the same hand that held his red cup filled with what was probably his fourth drink of the night.

“Who cares if it’s a good idea?” I said, probably a little too loudly. It had been a while since I’d gotten drunk, because it usually fucked with my swimming and focus on school. “I’m having fun, they’re having fun- it’s all fun man, so just relax.”

“If you say so!” Rob laughed, and I winked at him, which gave him the encouragement to go and find some more alcohol inside. I’d basically told everyone that my parents’ liquor cabinet was a free for all, and boy had they taken up on that offer very quickly. But who could blame them? Massive house, no parents, free booze? It was a teenage dream.

I took a long sip of my drink, happy to feel the warmth of the alcohol filling my stomach and my brain. Thoughts about my grades and valedictorian slipping through my fingers were promptly pushed to the back of my brain even though hours earlier I’d been fixated and pissed off by the fact that Ruby was beating me at every single subject.

I hated to admit it, but finding out that she was ruining everything that I’d worked so hard for and been screamed at for over the past few years was enough to make me throw this rager and I didn’t regret it. I needed a reason to forget and not care, even if it was only for a few hours. I drank some more of my beer and hoped that Ruby would be the next thing to be washed out of subconscious.

A few girls walked past me in a huddle, giggling and linking arms as they made pointed eye contact with me. They were all cute, but I didn’t care. My eyes were only scouting out to see if Ruby had dared to come. Not that I’d invited her, but knowing her, she was bound to pop up in the most unwanted places.

If you really don’t want her around, why do you keep looking to see if she’s here?

“Hey, lover boy,” slurred Amber.

“Hi,” I replied, unable to hide the annoyance from my voice.

Amber’s eye makeup was smudged around her eyes and from the way that she was struggling to keep herself standing upright while also fluttering her massive fake lashes at me, I knew that she was past her limit and wanted to fuck.

“How about we go up to your room, Ty?”

Amber came up close to me and ran her hand up and down my chest. I recoiled from her touch, which made her pause for a minute before she found my bicep and squeezed it hard.

“I’ll pass, actually,” I said, brushing her away as if she was nothing but a mosquito.

“But we could have such a fun time,” Amber whined in her stupid baby voice that she seemed to think was sexy, but I couldn’t understand why.

I didn’t bother hiding the disdain from my face because I wasn’t in the mood for pretending. Whatever me and Amber had in the past meant nothing to me and seeing her in this state just made me want to turn away from her even more.

“How about you stop being so desperate and go and clean yourself up?” I spat, taking pleasure in the way that Amber’s silicone lips flew open in shock.

“What the hell, Ty?!” she exclaimed, but I walked away in the opposite direction before she could throw herself at me any longer.

Even though I’d been an asshole to her recently, she still couldn’t stay away from me. Amber was never mad for long, which was great when I needed company in the bedroom, but made me struggle to take her seriously. I could still hear her squealing from behind me as I looked around the party once more. I tried to convince myself that I was just making sure my guests were okay, but I knew that I was looking for one person in particular.

“Yo Katz, this party is crazy!”

I turned around and walked head first into Austin, who was flanked by his friends, Ross and Nate. All three of them had been in the year above me and had graduated last year. A big smile broke out on my face as I bear hugged each of them. It had been a while since we’d seen each other, what with them travelling and going off to college. I was both surprised and pleased to see them back in town.

“How have you guys been?” I asked, my gaze flitting between them.

They looked bigger than ever and it was so odd seeing them outside of a school context. They’d been the ‘alpha’ group when they’d been at Valley High and now I’d been the one to fill their shoes and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t glad that they accepted me as a viable candidate.

“Bro, college life is crazy! The girls are on a whole other level!” Exclaimed Nate as he poured himself a strong drink of JD and Coke before downing it in one go.

“Personally, I prefer dedicating my time to one girl instead of fucking around with the whole student body,” Austin teased, and he and Ross shared a look that suggested that they were past their playboy days, which came as a surprise to me.

“Oh, really?” I asked as nonchalantly as I could, but I knew Ruby’s name was burning in my mind. The alcohol was clearly not doing its job, and I was starting to get annoyed at myself.

“Really, man. Like once you find the one, it’s basically game over and you can only focus on her,” said Austin with a smile. From the look in his eyes, I could tell that he was thinking about his girlfriend, wherever she was, and I felt a weird sensation in my chest.

“I hate to say it, but all the songs kinda make sense now,” Ross said with a big grin.

I was surprised to find out that he was in a relationship, too. As far as I could remember, my last memory of Ross was of him setting his farts on fire in the courtyard. It was interesting to see that there was someone for everyone.

“How about you, Tyler? Have you caved and settled down?” Nate prodded my arm before making a vomiting gesture. My chest tightened again, even though I knew that the answer was no.

“Nah, I don’t have time for that…” began, but felt my voice trail off on its own as I spotted movement out of the corner of my eye. Everyone else’s heads seemed to turn in the same direction and it was no surprise as to why.

Ruby and Bella stood at my garden gate, both dressed to the nines. Even though Bella looked amazing, all I could really see was Ruby. My eyes travelled up her long legs, hovering at her thick thighs that were teased by her short denim skirt that hugged her frame in all the right places. Her cleavage popped out in her top and the first thought in my mind was that I needed to see what was underneath.

“Who’s the one with the curly hair?” Nate asked behind me. I turned around and could see that he was gesturing to Bella. My eyes remained fixed on Ruby as she and Bella walked towards the drinks table and I couldn’t help but smile at their little dance moves to the music.

“Bella,” I mumbled. “I’ll be right back,” I said quickly to the guys who jeered in response.

“Katz likes the redhead, don’t you?” Ross chuckled, elbowing me in the side just before I broke away from the group.

“She is pretty cute to be fair,” said Austin, but their voices soon became a blur as I found myself closing the gap between me and Ruby.

It’s like I didn’t have control over my body and I was being influenced by a magnet that was just drawing us closer and closer together. It was as if she could feel it, too. Before I reached the table, Ruby looked up from her drink, her eyes widening and lips parting as I stopped in front of her.

“Tyler,” she said shortly, almost defensively.

“You came to my party,” I replied, stating the obvious.

“Wow, are you a fucking genius?” Ruby snapped.

One of her eyebrows was raised in disapproval and I almost wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. My initial reaction was to punch something, but Bella was watching me closely and I got the impression that if she saw me do anything, she’d drag Ruby right home.

“Can we talk?”

The words fell out of my mouth before I could stop them. How whiney did that fucking sound? I knew I’d cringe when I woke up sober again, but for now, I just needed to get Ruby alone. The growing hardness in my pants demanded it.

“Aren’t we talking now?” So she was deciding to be difficult again, this time with an audience. My favourite game.

“Come with me,” I said shortly before grabbing her by the wrist.

“She doesn’t want to go with you,” Bella’s voice cut through the fog in my head. I stopped and felt a growl in my throat. I swear girls’ friends always got in the way. My guy friends would never. They always got the hint.

Me and Bella engaged in a stare off and from the look in her sparkly eyes, I could just tell that Ruby had informed her of at least some of the shit I’d gotten up to, so I wasn’t surprised at the fact that she wasn’t coming across as my biggest fan.

“Bella, it’s fine,” Ruby said gently. I looked down at her and bit back a smile. Bella shrugged and turned to pour herself a drink, but not before shooting me a dirty look.

“Call me if you need anything,” Bella said this to Ruby.

“You do any fuck shit, you’re going to have to deal with me,” she hissed at me just before I started leading Bella away from her.

As we walked towards the beach house at the bottom of the garden, I laughed at Bella’s comment. I found it really funny when girls tried to be intimidating because it was virtually impossible for anyone to intimidate me, especially when they were biologically smaller and weaker than me. That didn’t stop me from being curious as to what Bella would do if I did proceed to do some ‘fuck shit’.

“You trying to kill me or something?” Ruby asked as we reached the beach house door.

All the lights were turned off because no one had been in there in at least a month, bar the cleaners. We’d all been too wrapped up in our own lives to actually use the damn thing.

“You trying to catch everyone’s attention with that outfit?” I shot back as I unlocked the door.

“Ah, a healthy dose of misogyny. I knew this party was missing something,” Ruby said sarcastically as she walked through the door in front of me.

What the hell was up with this girl calling me out constantly? My ego was screaming at me to destroy her, to make her repeat what she’d done in the changing rooms to remind her of her place, but I hesitated. I watched as Ruby walked around the beach house in barely concealed awe. I wasn’t surprised because it was a pretty sick place to hang out and even though I’d decided against turning the lights on, meaning that the only light we were getting was coming from the fairy lights and lanterns hanging in the garden, you could still make out the size of the place and how cool the stars looked from the windows.

Some might say it’s mood lighting.

Ruby took a swig from her cup and set it down on the side before walking towards the wall where there were some photos of me hung up. I followed behind her quietly, and from the outside I might have looked like an animal stalking my prey, when in reality I just wanted to see her reaction.

“Your parents must be so proud of you,” said Ruby, and it must have been the alcohol in my system that had me struggling to discern if she was being sarcastic or genuine.

“It’s just overflow from the house,” I laughed bitterly, even though it was true. “It’s kind of like a museum, I guess.”

“Interesting,” Ruby said gently.

I watched as her eyes flitted between the various pictures of me and all the medals and certificates hung up on the wall. The main house had even more. Once I would have said that these were a symbol of my parents’ pride in me and that seeing all my achievements made me proud, but now looking at them in the distorted and somewhat eerie night light had me feeling the complete opposite. I wanted to hide them or tear them down and throw them somewhere where they couldn’t be seen.

“Not that interesting,” I snapped. “Come here.” I grabbed Ruby roughly by the arm and led her towards the guest bedroom.

“Ow, you’re hurting me, Tyler! What the hell?” She squirmed against my grip, but of course I was stronger, so she had no choice but to come with me.

“Get off me!” Ruby exclaimed as I pushed open the door.

I ignored her cries and set my own drink down before picking her up, slinging her over my shoulder, and throwing her on the bed. I hovered on top of her so our noses were nearly touching and I could practically hear how loud our hearts were beating.

“Isn’t this more comfortable?” I said as my eyes roamed up and down her body.

Ruby’s skirt had ridden up her thighs, and I felt my breath catch in my throat as a little flash of her underwear could be seen between her legs. I couldn’t explain it, but I wanted my head between them. It’s like I needed to hear her moaning my name until she couldn’t say anything else while I pleasured her.

Why did I feel like I needed her so badly?

“What are you playing at?” Ruby whispered, her eyes searching mine for an answer or some sort of explanation as to why I’d dragged her here.

I put my hand on Ruby’s thigh and felt her shiver at my touch. My hands travelled higher, and I kept my eyes on hers the whole time because I loved watching her try to keep the look of pleasure off her face. It was just like we were in the changing rooms again. I could see how badly she wanted me too and just how much she was also confused. Ruby was my fucking enemy and yet the only thing that I could think about was not school or valedictorian, but about fucking her into oblivion.

“I could ask you the same thing,” I whispered into her ear before biting her earlobe. Ruby struggled to hold back her moan, and hearing that little sound made my dick twitch in my pants. What was this girl doing to me?

“You’re the one who started all this shit,” said Ruby quietly, trying to keep her voice level as I started kissing along her collarbone and up her neck.

“I had to,” I said, my face level with hers once again. Ruby’s brows knitted together, and I smirked in return as my fingers found her panties. I brushed along the seams lightly, which made her wriggle with pleasure.

“Why, Tyler? Why won’t you leave me alone?” she whimpered. I pressed against Ruby’s clit through her panties and rubbed circles where I knew she’d love it best.

I wish I knew why I can’t leave you alone.

“I needed to make sure you knew your place,” I growled. My fingers kept working furiously and I could feel Ruby getting wetter and wetter by the second, and the fact that she was reacting so quickly to my body made me press my growing erection against her.

“Tyler,” moaned Ruby and my lips found hers before she could say anymore. Our lips met, and the kiss was warm, wet and desperate. I slipped my fingers into her panties and into her dripping hole, smiling against her mouth at how ready she was for me to slip inside.

“You’re a good girl,” I moaned against her lips as Ruby spread her legs to allow me better access.

“What do you mean, know my place?” Ruby said all of a sudden, breaking away from our kiss.

I placed my hand around her throat and watched as her eyes widened with both fear and anticipation. Her whole body was now shaking and I could tell that she was nearing orgasm, so I slowed down my fingers just to drag out her pleasure.

My cock was straining against my pants and I needed to get it out. I needed to sink it deep inside her so I could satiate my hunger for her. I felt like I was going crazy watching her squirm and moan in my arms. I was struggling to think straight.

“You’re mine,” I growled in response to her question before kissing her again, this time more roughly, like I couldn’t get enough from her. I felt Ruby melt in my arms as I nibbled and sucked on her bottom lip and applied more pressure to her clit.

“I’m gonna cum,” Ruby whimpered against my mouth and I nearly felt my balls explode from how pathetic and submissive she looked and sounded.

“Fucking cum for me, Ruby,” I ordered her.

I tightened my grip around her neck and watched as the orgasm started taking over her body. “Look at me while you’re coming for me, slut!” I growled, the animalistic side of me completely unleashed. I watched as Ruby erupted into orgasm and kept fingering her until she could no longer take it.

A knock on the window cut through the tension, making me and Ruby freeze in the bed. Who the fuck could it be? I willed the person to go away and lowered myself on top of Ruby again, ready to claim what was truly mine. We’d both made each other cum, and now it was the finale.

There was another knock and this time, we both sat up. Couldn’t they have come at a better time? It was probably someone from the party looking for somewhere to piss, and right now, that was none of my concern. I didn’t care where they went- as long as it wasn’t in my bedroom, everywhere else was pretty much fair game.

The knocks came again, this time more insistent, and I could hear a faint voice calling out, but I couldn’t work out what they were saying. I rolled off Ruby and let her get up to readjust her skirt and top.

“We should check that out,” whispered Ruby, her face flushed pink.

I stood back reluctantly and let her walk in front of me and followed her to the door. I was surprised to find Bella standing there, a worried expression on her face that was clear even in the dim light. As soon as Ruby opened the door, she ran into her arms.

“Bella, what’s wrong?” Ruby asked as she stroked her friend’s curls. I stood back and watched awkwardly. Part of me was annoyed that I’d been interrupted during such a crucial moment. Another part of me was concerned for Bella and the other part just wanted to go to sleep.

“I just want to go home,” Bella mumbled into Ruby’s shoulder.

“What happened?” Ruby asked her friend while casting me a worried look.

“Please, just take me home,” Bella said again.

Ruby looked at me apologetically and opened her mouth to speak, but I held up my hand before she could say anything dumb.

“I’ll call you a taxi,” I said as I grabbed my phone from my pocket.

I was obviously annoyed that me and Ruby’s moment had been cut short, but clearly Bella was upset and needed to get out of here. My dick could wait. Besides, seeing girls crying didn’t exactly keep me in the mood. Unless it was Ruby, of course.

“Thanks,” said Ruby as she led Bella outside and onto the grass.

As I waited for the taxi driver to pick up, I watched the two of them and wondered what had happened to make Bella so upset.