Daddy’s Accidental Little Heartbreak by Penny Snoak













“So, what do you think?” Skye asked as she led us back out of the kitchen and into the living room.  “It’s right down the street from Derek and I, so carpooling to work will always be an option.  Also, Xavier and Stephanie are in the same neighborhood as well, meaning we can always hang out.  Also, I got the seller to come down on the pricing by about fifty thousand dollars.”  I smiled as I looked down at Bernice, who was staring in amazement at the luxurious house we were viewing.

In my opinion, the house was perfect in every way.  There was a huge yard with a swimming pool, and the five bedrooms made enough space for an auntie, whom I planned on hiring later on for Bernice, and a playroom as well as an extra guest room.  The basement was perfect for an at home gym, which I had always dreamed of owning, and there were three extra rooms downstairs.  One would be perfect for a library, and the other was going to be my office.  The attic would remain off limits to Bernice, but I would be able to keep everything that wasn’t assigned a room there.  With the two car garage and the granite counters in the kitchen, a whopping four hundred thousand seemed like a very fair price, and I appreciated Skye getting us an extra fifty thousand off.  All I had to do was wait for Bernice’s approval.

“What do you think, Little One?” I asked her, calling her by her new pet name.  She stopped and turned towards me.

“I love it,” she stated, her voice full of awe.  “This is the perfect place to start our new lives together.”  Seeing that my sweet Little approved, I turned to Skye and Derek.

“We’ll take it,” I decided, ready to provide my Little with the life she deserved.  “I’d like to place an offer on it.”  Derek nodded as he looked at Skye.

“Go ahead and go talk to the sellers,” he instructed her.  “I’d like a word with Nathan for a moment.”  With that, she nodded, and Derek turned to look at me.  “You made a great choice.  I must say I’m a bit jealous.”  I chuckled and crossed my arms as I watched Bernice.

“Only the best for my Little,” I told him as we watched Bernice examine the paint on the walls.  Turning my attention back towards Derek, I continued.  “I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for us.”  Derek waved a hand dismissively at me.

“It’s the least I could do after everything you’ve done for me,” he remarked.  “After all, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have much free time to spend with my Little.”  He took a deep breath as he spoke.  “You know, my Little is looking to get out of work and become a stay at home Little.”  I tilted my head to the side.

“Have trouble convincing her?” I asked.  “Or did something happen?”  Derek shrugged and put his hands in his pockets.

“Well, we’re looking to start a family of our own,” he admitted, a smile spreading across his face.  “We’re seeing a fertility doctor.”  My eyes widened as I patted him on the shoulder.

“Congratulations,” I told him.  “I plan on getting Bernice to stop working, too, but I don’t know if it’ll take a baby to get her out.”  Derek nodded.

“That’s why I’m glad you’re moving into our neighborhood,” he informed me.  “Once Bernice decides to quit working, she is always welcome to come over to see Skye.  Who knows, they might become good friends?”  I nodded.

“Just like you and Matthew?” I asked.

“Yes, just like me and Matthew, wherever he is these days,” he agreed.  I chuckled at him.

“Funny story, actually,” I told him, finally ready to talk to Derek.  “Did you know that Matthew owns the local Four Seasons?”  Before he could respond, Bernice came up to us.

“I’m bored,” she said, interrupting our conversation.  Rather than getting annoyed, I hugged my perfect Little.

“Soon, Little One,” I told her.  “Soon.”











I hope you enjoyed this fourth book of Daddy’s Accidental Little series and thank you for reading. Didn’t you think Nathan and Bernice were fated for each other? Their love is stronger than any force in the world!

Bianca has been regretting her life choices ever since Bernice left the real estate agency to her alone.  She quickly learned that she can’t run the business on her own, so she sold the company and decided to settle down with Zane.  That is until Zane ran off and left her alone.  To join Bianca on her quest of love, order the fifth book in the series “Daddy’s Accidental Little Worker” by clicking HERE.