Daddy’s Accidental Little Heartbreak by Penny Snoak













Despite what I originally thought, both Nathan and I remained in the hotel room until the following morning, and we turned off our phones after both buzzed for longer than we appreciated.  That night, sore and buzzing from our most recent round, I stared up at the ceiling, wondering if I was dreaming or had died and gone to heaven.  Nathan was a dream come true, and I doubted it was real for the longest time.  Beside me, Nathan had dozed off with his head resting on my shoulder as he held me close.  His snores were soft and rhythmic, and it helped me to remain calm and relaxed.  By the time I was starting to doze off, I felt him stir.

“Are you still awake, Little One?” he asked as he lifted his head.  I smiled and looked at him.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I told him.  He groaned as he looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand.

“You didn’t wake me,” he reassured me.  “I needed to wake up anyway.”  He then got up out of bed and made his way over to the dresser, where he had put our phones after turning them off.  Once the lights on the phone lit up his face, he smiled and looked up at me.  “You have thirteen missed calls.”  My eyes widened as I leaped out of bed and raced over to him, panic seizing in my chest.

“From who?” I asked, and he chuckled as he held the phone out of my reach.

“Most of them are from Bianca, but there are three from Stephanie,” he informed me, and I took a deep breath.

“Can I have my phone, please?” I asked him sweetly.  Nathan raised an eyebrow at me as he watched me.

“Who’s Bianca?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“My backstabbing twin who continuously steals everything I get,” I snapped as I lowered my gaze.  “I’m not going to talk to her.”  Nathan chuckled and shook his head.

“I see,” he said as he handed me the phone.  “Do what you want about your sister, but you should call Stephanie and tell her you won’t need to stay with her any longer.”  I raised an eyebrow at him as I unlocked my phone.

“Why’s that?” I asked, and he frowned at his own phone.

“Because I’m not letting you stay at another Daddy’s house without me,” he remarked as he unlocked his cell phone.  “I’m calling Derek to make arrangements for you to come stay with us until we can get a place together.”  My heart soared, and I nodded in agreement as I quickly called back Stephanie.  She answered on the third ring.

“It’s about time!” she shouted as answered the phone.  “Where did you disappear to?  Are you okay?  Do I need to get help?”  I took a deep breath and winced as I shook my head.

“Calm down, Stephanie,” I told her, my head pounding.  “I’m fine, but you have to give me a chance to respond.”  She went silent for a moment, and I continued.  “I went to go spend time with Nathan, and we lost track of time, alright?”  When she spoke, her voice was a bit more hesitant.

“I see,” she finally said.  “So, does that mean you already found a new Daddy?”  I smiled as I glanced back over my shoulders at Nathan, who was talking to Derek in a low voice.

“Yes,” I told her.  “It also means that I don’t need to intrude on you any more than I already have.”  She sounded confused as she spoke.

“So, what exactly do you mean by that?” she asked.  Becoming more sure of what I was about to say, I smiled.

“It means that I’m going to be staying with my Daddy now,” I told her.  “I’ll explain more later, but I thought I had better call you and let you know so that you and Xavier weren’t waiting on us all night.”  The line went dead for several minutes, the only sound being the sound of her breathing on the other line.

“That sounds great,” she said, a small amount of sadness in her voice.  “I’ll admit I was looking forward to spending time with you, but I guess that can wait.  In the meantime, I want details later.  Right now, I better go tell Xavier the good news and get to bed.”  She went silent again, but, just before I could hang up, she continued.  “I’m really happy for you, Bernice.  You deserve a good Daddy like Nathan.”  A blush colored my cheeks, and I nodded.

“Thank you, Stephanie,” I told her.  “I’ll talk to you later then.”  With that, she hung up the phone, and I turned to see Nathan staring at me.

“So, I talked to Derek, and he said that it’s okay to have you stay with us while we look for a place of our own,” he informed me with a good natured smile.  “He even told me about a place for sale in his neighborhood if you’re interested.”  Remembering that Derek and Skye lived in an amazing neighborhood with great houses, I felt concern take over me.

“It must be expensive,” I stated as I watched him.  “How would we afford it?”  Nathan chuckled and sat down on the bed.

“Why don’t you let me worry about that?” he instructed me as he held out a hand to me.  “Meanwhile, there’s another more pressing issue that we need to discuss.”  My eyes widened when I saw his erect cock.

“Yes, of course, Daddy,” I agreed as he pulled me into him and kissed me.