My Ten-Year Crush by Olivia Spring

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Icouldn’t believe it was the last week of the course. The last three weeks had flown by. Mike hadn’t been joking when he’d said on the first day that it was intense.

I hadn’t seen him since he’d left my place on Friday night. We both agreed that with such a big week ahead of me, I had to dedicate the whole weekend to making sure I’d done everything I needed to.

After Mike had gone, I went into the bedroom and found a bright yellow gift box on the bed. Inside, it was filled with little pampering treats, including a scented candle, bubble bath, an eye mask, a mini bottle of Chardonnay and a pack of cheese balls. He’d also written a note.

Hey, Bells!

Just a few goodies that might come in handy after burning the midnight oil. Don’t work too hard!

M x

So sweet.I’d put that to good use on Saturday night after a long day of studying.

The only time I’d left the house was to buy a jewellery-making kit for Melody that I’d spotted in the window of a craft shop on the high street the day before. I’d posted it straight away, hoping it would arrive today and cheer her up. She was still struggling to find work. She’d also found damp and mould growing in the bedroom she shared with Andrea and the landlord was dragging his feet about fixing it. I really felt for her.

I’d got a lot done on Saturday and Sunday, but still had a pile of work to finish, which meant I couldn’t see Mike tonight. Not even for a little after-hours fun upstairs in the empty classroom. Mike had a meeting straight after the lesson, so that was ruled out too.

Sounded crazy, but I was climbing the walls. I wanted him so badly. Before Mike and I had been reunited, I’d easily gone several months without sex, but strangely now, I was yearning for it after just a few days. I was addicted to him. And I think knowing I couldn’t have him made me want him even more.

Everyone filed out of the classroom for lunch and I hung back. I stood several feet away from his desk, in case somebody walked past the open door.

‘I miss you,’ I whispered. ‘I want you.’ Mike’s eyes met mine and instantly darkened.

‘I miss you too.’ He lowered his voice. ‘Do you know how many times I’ve had to stop my dick from hitting the desk every time I’ve looked over at you today? Feels like I haven’t felt you for weeks, not days.’

‘I wish we could be together.’ I took a step closer. ‘Even for a few minutes.’

‘Well… there’s only one decorator working on the classroom upstairs now, and I heard in the staff room earlier that he’d called in sick, so…’

‘Sounds like it’s fate.’ I felt a tingle race down my spine as I thought of the thrills we’d had upstairs before.

‘Meet you there in ten?’ Mike grinned mischievously.

‘Make it five.’ I turned on my heel, headed for the door, then hurried along the corridor.

There were students milling around after their lessons. Probably deciding whether to go out for lunch or head to the library, the canteen or coffee shop on the ground floor. I slipped through the door to the staircase. There were a few guys a couple of flights above, but they exited on the third floor to go to the library.

I opened the door to the fifth floor and it was deserted, just like before. Excellent.

Mike wasn’t there when I arrived, so I made myself comfortable, propping myself on the desk in the corner. Memories of last time rushed through my mind. I was looking forward to a repeat performance.

Whilst I waited, I took a textbook out of my bag and started reading it.

‘Hey,’ Mike whispered as he walked towards me. I put the book on the desk beside me and almost melted into a puddle when Mike’s mouth crashed against mine.

Good Lord.

He kissed with so much passion. Mike trailed kisses from my lips, along my cheek, down my neck and across my chest.

‘Ohhhhh…,’ I groaned.

‘Let’s try the chair today.’ Mike leant over and pulled it out. ‘Please take a seat,’ he smirked before crawling under the desk directly in front of it. I watched as he grabbed fistfuls of my maxi dress and pushed it up to my waist. Next, he bit the top of my knickers and started dragging them down with his teeth.

Oh. My. God.

I raised my hips partly to make it easier for him, but mostly because I was overcome with pleasure. He hadn’t even touched me yet and I already felt like I was going to explode.

Just as he buried his head between my legs and put his mouth on me, sucking oh-so-slowly, I heard a noise. I bolted up in the chair.

‘I think there’s someone coming!’ I whispered. Mike stopped. The sound of footsteps grew louder.

‘Shit!’ Mike poked his head out from the desk to look, then dived back underneath. I quickly pulled the dust sheet over it so he was obscured, pushed the chair right up against it so that only the top half of my body was immediately visible, grabbed the textbook I’d been reading before and held it up in front of my face.

A second later, Petra’s head peered around the door. She was about to leave when she spotted me and came in.

Ahhh… hello, Bella,’ she smirked. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I’m, erm… studying. I came up here because it’s quiet.’

‘Oh, really?’ She frowned. ‘Why don’t you just use the library?’

‘It was… noisy… strange for a library to be noisy, I know,’ I rescued myself. It was a ridiculous thing to say. ‘I just find it easier to think up here.’

Petra’s eyes darted around the room. I wondered if she could see Mike’s feet under the desk. Hopefully it was covered like the bottom half of my body. Just as I was wondering that, I felt Mike’s fingers gently stroking my clit. Either he thought she’d left or he was a thrill seeker, getting off on the fact that we’d almost got caught.

I should have been mad because I found it hard enough to concentrate on lying without him touching me, but the sensations were doing all sorts of wonderful things to my body. It felt so good, I wanted him to continue.

Oh God…

My toes curled against the base of my sandals and I gripped the book tighter. My whole body vibrated.

And never mind Petra seeing Mike’s feet. My dress was literally around my waist, so if she came any closer and saw me from the side, she might get a glimpse of my naked bum.

‘Have you seen Mike?’

‘Mike?’ My voice went up several octaves as Mike slid his fingers inside of me. I tried and failed to stifle a gasp. That felt unbelievable. ‘I… I…’ I struggled to speak. ‘Our tutor? Why would… I… why would I have seen him?’

‘I just thought I saw him come up here, that’s all…’

Oh no…

Mike stopped.

Things just got real.

Jesus. What the hell was I doing?

Suddenly I came to my senses. I was up in a classroom in the middle of the day, with hundreds of students in the building, with my knickers on the floor and my teacher’s hands in between my legs. One of the other trainees in my class had just come into the room and almost caught us in the act.

Mike could get in big trouble for this. Irrespective of our history. And who knew what they could do to me? Throw me off the course? Would his assessments of me be invalidated or be seen as biased because we were sleeping together?

This was crazy. Stupid. Nuts.

‘Oh…I…’ I had to compose myself. Our future depended on it. ‘Well, if I see him, I’ll let him know you were looking for him.’

‘So you haven’t seen him, then?’ Petra narrowed her eyes.

‘I told you, I’ve been up here, studying.’

‘Hmm…’ She turned to leave. ‘If you say so. But if you do see him before our lesson starts again in half an hour, tell him I’ll speak to him then. Looks like we’ve got a lot to discuss… by the way, Bella, your textbook is upside down.’ Petra walked out the door.


I wasn’t sure how, but something told me that Petra knew exactly where Mike was and what we’d be doing in this classroom.

But what worried me the most was that she didn’t seem like the kind of person to keep something like this to herself…