My Ten-Year Crush by Olivia Spring

Chapter Twenty-Eight

It had been three days since Petra found me in the classroom and yet she hadn’t said a word.

Whenever she saw me, she’d smirk or wink, and she’d been flirting with Mike, but that was nothing new. I didn’t trust her. I felt like she had something planned. And not something good either.

When Mike and I had chatted about it on the phone that night, he’d told me to just focus on finishing the course and that he’d handle it. We’d both agreed we needed to keep our distance at school. No more sneaking off to classrooms or even meeting outside nearby. We had to play it safe. There was only one day of the course left, so it wasn’t long to wait.

I hadn’t seen Mike after lessons all week to give myself time to finish my assignments. Our teaching practice was all done, we’d been assessed, and tomorrow we’d find out our provisional results. Knowing I’d done everything I could, I’d invited Mike round for dinner.

‘That smells so good!’ Mike said as the sweet aroma of cream, sugar, nutmeg and sultanas filled the air. I went to the kitchen and opened the oven. Not only had I become a lot more relaxed by not sticking to my rigid food menu every day like I used to, I’d also decided to make dessert, something I hadn’t done for ages. I’d whipped up a bread and butter pudding especially for him. It had always been his favourite.

‘It’s almost ready.’ I returned to the living room and sat beside him on the sofa. ‘I hope it’s okay. It’s been a while since I’ve made it.’

‘I’m sure it’s going to be delicious. It always was.’ He kissed me on the cheek. ‘What’s up?’ My mind had wandered.

‘Just thinking about Petra. Has she said anything to you yet?’

‘Bells…’ Mike wrapped his arm around me. ‘Don’t worry.’

‘I’m trying, but I’ve worked so hard for this and I don’t want her messing things up for me or ruining your career.’

‘That’s not going to happen.’

‘Thank God we only have one more day left. Then we can be together. Properly.’

The idea of having unfettered access to Mike was so appealing. Being able to walk around everywhere hand in hand and kiss publicly wherever we wanted to, without worrying about being seen by other students or teachers. Although, given our history, people should understand that our relationship wasn’t the same as Mike having a fling with a trainee he’d just started teaching, we still had to be careful. Holding back for twenty-four hours was nothing compared to spending a lifetime together.

‘Fancying watching something?’ Mike said quickly. I thought he’d be more enthusiastic about being able to be more open about our relationship, but even if he didn’t say it, I was sure he felt the same.

‘Okay. I’ll get dessert.’

When I returned to the living room, Mike wasn’t there, but the TV screen was on and something was paused on the DVD player.

I put the plates down on the coffee table. Seconds later, Mike came strutting into the room and I burst out laughing.

‘Oh my God!’

‘What do you think of my new vest?’ Mike smirked.

He was wearing his old Friends T-shirt, except he’d cut off the sleeves. Whilst that helped his arms fit, the rest of it was straining against his chest.

‘I think if you keep breathing, it’s going to split in two!’

‘That’ll give me a chance to show you my Incredible Hulk impression.’ He grinned. ‘You didn’t believe that I still had the T-shirt when you showed me yours, so when I went to my dad’s earlier this week, I found it.’

‘I’m glad you did! Seeing as you’re wearing yours, it’s only right that I put on mine too.’ I quickly went and pulled my Friends T-shirt out of my bedroom drawer and changed into it before rejoining Mike on the sofa.

‘Mmm-mmm,’ Mike licked his lips. ‘Looking even better on you now than it did back then. In honour of our outfits, I thought we could watch a couple of episodes like old times. What do you think?’

‘I’d love to!’ I thought back to that awful date where that stuck-up guy was horrified to hear that Friends was one of my favourite TV shows. Each to their own and all that, but this was one of the many reasons I knew Mike was the man for me. We had so many things in common.

‘I found the box set at my dad’s, so thought I’d bring it round. Let’s go all the way back to season one. Pick a number between one and twenty-four.’


Mike scrolled through the episodes.

‘Good choice. It’s The One with the Monkey.’

After pressing play, we tucked into the bread and butter pudding. And Mike gushed about how delicious it was. This was lovely. Curling up on the sofa with the man of my dreams, watching TV. So simple, but so enjoyable.

‘Ah. New Year’s Eve… that episode pretty much sums up how awkward it can be if you’re not dating or are with the wrong person. There’s always so much pressure for it to be the perfect night. So sad that things didn’t work out with Phoebe and the scientist guy, David,’ I said as the credits rolled. Being all loved up made me watch this episode differently. ‘They seemed to have a real connection, so it’s a shame that he had to leave to go to Minsk for three years.’

‘Yeah,’ Mike sighed.

‘Well, technically he didn’t have to leave. He turned the grant opportunity down and she encouraged him to go and put his career first.’

‘Do you think she did the right thing?’

‘Ultimately, yeah.’ This really was like old times. Mike and I often dissected the storylines after the show and discussed what had happened and whether we agreed with the decisions the characters had made. ‘As deep as their connection was, if he’d stayed, he might have resented her, and it was a big opportunity for him, so he couldn’t just turn it down,’ I said.

‘Well, maybe they could have tried to make it work long-distance rather than just ending things completely. Then she wouldn’t have been so heartbroken.’

‘No, I disagree.’ I shook my head. ‘Phoebe made the right decision. Long-distance relationships rarely work. Look at me and Lance. And we were both in the same country. Phoebe and the scientist guy were looking at travelling between America and Russia or Belarus or wherever Minsk is. It would have been difficult for that to go the distance. What she did was perfectly logical. Better that she be heartbroken at that moment rather than stringing out the inevitable.’

‘But don’t you think that—’ The phone rang, cutting Mike off mid-sentence. I’d learnt my lesson from last time, so I let it ring. ‘Aren’t you going to answer?’

‘It’s okay. It’s my mum. I’ll text her in a minute to see if everything’s okay.’

‘It might be important. You should get it.’

‘You sure you don’t mind?’

‘No, go for it. I’ll load up the dishwasher.’

As predicted, it was my mum. She was calling to tell me that they’d just got home from Cornwall. They’d stayed a lot longer than planned. I didn’t know how she got onto the subject, but it wasn’t long before she asked how things were going with my love life.

For once, when she asked, my heart didn’t sink. I actually had a love life and was deliriously happy. I was with an amazing guy and one that I knew she’d approve of.

I remembered when we’d spoken last week and how much I’d wanted to tell her about Mike but had held back. Then I thought about my conversation with Sophia about continuing to throw caution to the wind. Things were going well with Mike and after tomorrow, he’d no longer be my tutor and we wouldn’t have to hide our relationship. Maybe it was time to stop being so cautious, feel my emotions and start shouting about it from the rooftops like I’d wanted to.

My mum loved Mike and Mike loved her, so why hold back? Then I remembered Dad. He hated Mike. Once I told Mum, he’d find out too…

Sod it. I was tired of worrying about what he thought. I’d almost finished the course and Mike and I were together, so he’d just have to accept it.

‘Actually, I do have some news on the romantic front…’ Saying that out loud sounded so good.

‘How exciting! Please tell me that news includes a certain man called Michael?’ She’d already guessed.

‘Yes, it does.’ My stomach flipped. ‘Mike and I are finally together!’ Just at that moment, Mike came back into the room and froze. Mum’s screams of delight, which almost burst my eardrums, must have startled him. His eyes widened.

‘Oh, darling! That’s amazing news. Is it serious or is it just a fling thing? Should I get excited?’

‘No, Mum, it’s not just a fling!’ I rolled my eyes. As uncomfortable as it was discussing my sex life with my mum, I felt okay with saying that, especially since we’d both agreed that we wanted this to mean more than just something physical. ‘It’s serious. We’re in a relationship.’

‘Excellent! Is he there with you now?’

‘He is indeed!’ I beamed.

‘Wonderful! Let me speak to him!’

I held the receiver to my chest.

‘Mum would like to have a word.’ I smiled, then put the phone on loudspeaker. Mike was still rooted to the spot.

‘Um, I-I need to go to the toilet. I’ve got a bit of a stomach ache,’ he said quietly as he backed out of the room. ‘Apologise for me, please, and tell your mum I said hello.’ He darted into the bathroom.

That was odd. Mike used to love chatting to my mum.

‘Er… sorry, Mum. Mike’s in the toilet. He’s got a bit of a stomach ache, but he sends his regards.’

‘Poor love. You haven’t poisoned him with your cooking, I hope,’ she chuckled.

‘Thanks for the vote of confidence!’ I hoped I hadn’t. I’d made sure the chicken was cooked through, and I felt absolutely fine. Mike had too, up until five minutes ago. It didn’t make sense.

‘What was all that screaming about?’ I heard Dad come towards the phone.

‘Bella was just telling me some great news. Her and Michael are finally together!’

‘What?’ Dad’s voice boomed. ‘Not that useless, rude, waste-of-space lout from your university? He’s not good enough for my daughter!’ I quickly hit the button on the phone to take it off speaker. Even though Mike was in the bathroom and knew Dad wasn’t a fan of his, I didn’t want him to hear.

‘That’s not true, Dad. He’s an excellent teacher now and—’

‘Teacher? Him? That cretin couldn’t teach his way out of a paper bag. Good God. Standards have really slipped. Whatever school hires him must be desperate. He’s probably slept with half of the students too. I know his type. He’s flighty. I bet he doesn’t stay in his jobs long. Probably leaves before he gets the boot after they discover how hopeless he is.’

‘You’re wrong!’ I raised my voice. ‘I’m sorry, Dad, but you’re just going to have to get used to the idea that we’re together.’

‘I refuse to. He’ll hurt you, Bella. I’m just trying to protect you.’

‘I don’t need protecting, Dad. I’m thirty-one years old, for God’s sake!’

‘Everyone, just calm down,’ Mum said softly. ‘Maybe we should arrange a dinner or something, invite Michael over so that we can get to know him, properly?’

‘Yes,’ I exhaled. ‘That’s a good idea.’ I heard a noise in the hallway. ‘Look, I better go. I’ll speak to you over the weekend, Mum,’ I added, deliberately not including Dad. My cheeks burned thinking about what he’d just said about Mike.

I’d considered mentioning the course and Mike being the tutor, but one bombshell was enough for one night. Plus, if I told Dad, I wouldn’t put it past him to call the school and report our relationship just to cause trouble for Mike. I already had Petra to worry about. I didn’t need any more stress. Made more sense to tell them about everything after tomorrow evening.

‘Okay, darling,’ Mum said.

I hung up the phone. The flat seemed so quiet. I walked down to the bathroom to check on Mike, but the door was open and he wasn’t there. I peeked into the bedroom. No sign of him there either. When I came back into the hallway, I realised his shoes were gone.

I returned to the bedroom and there on the duvet was Mike’s Friends T-shirt neatly folded beside a note.

Sorry, Bells. Something came up and I had to go. Need to be fresh for the last lesson, so let’s both get some rest tonight and talk tomorrow after class. Just know that no matter what, I care about you deeply.

Mike x


I plonked myself down on the bed. I didn’t understand. Fifteen minutes ago, everything had been fine. We were having a lovely evening. Then Mum called and he’d gone all weird. I was the one who’d said I wouldn’t answer the call because I didn’t want to interrupt our evening, but he’d insisted.

Was it because I’d told her about us and he still wanted our relationship to be kept secret? Or maybe he was mad because he’d overheard what Dad had said about him?

And what was with that no matter what sentence? He cared about me deeply? I was all in, madly in love with Mike, and he just cared deeply?

As for leaving without saying goodbye, that made no sense.

You didn’t need to be a detective to see that something wasn’t right. Something was going on with Mike, and I needed to find out what.