My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon





In the guest bed at Jarett’s, I wake in a lather of sweat and run to the bathroom, my hand covering my mouth. After a late night with Roman and Jarett discussing Gabe, his father, and reminiscing about our parents, my sleep was broken and my dreams brutal.

“Sophia, are you okay?” Jarett yells from the other side of the bathroom door.

“Yes, I’ll be right out.”

Washing my face and brushing my teeth, I’m sickened by the state of myself when I look in the mirror. Is it possible to age ten years in the space of a few days? I swear my puffy, red-rimmed eyes magnify the fine lines and wrinkles that were barely noticeable before.

“Are you sick?”

With all the secrets, I don’t have it in me to keep another. Not from Jarett. Hell, who knows how long I’ll stay here for, and he deserves to know the truth. The morning sickness will be difficult to hide, anyway.

“Yes, J, I’m pregnant.” My casual delivery throws Jarett off, and it takes a second for him to catch up.

“Holy fuck, since when? Does Gabe know?”

“I found out a few days ago, and no, Gabe doesn’t know yet.”

We make our way to the kitchen, where I make a black tea, as coffee is no longer my friend.

“You’re going to tell him, though, right?” I consider this a moment too long.

“Sophia, he’s the father. You can’t keep this from him.”

“Calm down. Of course, I’m going to tell him. I just don’t know when.”

Jarett hugs me, bringing on the waterworks once again. I sniffle into his shoulder. “Are the tears something I should come to expect while you’re staying here?”

“Yes, and regular visits to the bathroom.” We both laugh, and it feels good.

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you like, but you need to sort things out with Gabe.”

“I need some time, J. How can I ever trust him?”

Roman and Jarett are both irritated that Gabe kept his connection to us hidden but understand his point of view despite it being a dick move. Their words, not mine.

The emotions it evoked were mixed and painful—it’s not something I thought I’d ever have to relive. And this is exactly what Gabe was trying to avoid by keeping it a secret.

“With time, you’ll learn that you can. But don’t wait too long to make things right with him.”

When we originally heard of the accident and their deaths, it was the most difficult time in my life. Learning of the foul play and investigation into the crash elevated the difficulty tenfold. It bought with it angry, hatred, unforgiveness, and questions nobody could answer.

The day Derek Bartholomew was sentenced for tampering with the engine with the sole intention of killing my parents, it was chillingly soothing. Finally, somebody was paying for the devastation and loss we endured.

The company’s CEO who ordered Gabe’s father to carry out the work was also charged and sentenced to prison, losing his company in the process. Although justice was served, it didn’t change the fact my parents were never coming back.

“Why are you suddenly team Gabe?”

“I’m not. I’m team Sophia.” He kisses my forehead. “You love him, and he’s crazy in love with you, sis. Don’t let a bad judgment call tear you apart.”

I nod silently. “When I can think of him without seeing the crash or thinking of Mom and Dad, I’ll talk to him.”

“Maybe it would be good to start there in your therapy session today.”

“Yeah.” He’s right, of course.

Either I allow this to come between us, and I raise our baby alone, or I find a way to deal with it, so I can marry the man I’ve fallen in love with and raise our child together. There’s only one option I’m willing to consider, but I need to deal with this at my own pace.

When I walk out of my appointment with the psychologist, I’m a weeping mess, but I feel about ten pounds lighter, and there’s a small spring in my step. I’m so grateful for the professional relationship I have with Dr. Milan which enabled me to meet with her on a Sunday. Watching Gabe’s interview tonight will be difficult, and I’m prepared for the onslaught of emotions that will come with it. Knowing I have another session tomorrow also helps.

Instead of going back to Jarett’s, I stop by the suite to pack an overnight bag. Thankful to Kassidy for loaning me a sleep shirt and a change of clothes for today, I need a few things to get me through the next few days. I’m grateful to find Gabe not at home, and throw a few things into a bag, including my vitamins and the pregnancy pamphlets I’d kept hidden in my office.

With my briefcase and overnight bag in hand, I wait for my Uber to arrive downstairs. Halfway to Jarett’s, I redirect the driver. When I left my apartment after sending Gabe away last night, the floor was still covered in files. It’s time to box them up for the final time.

The remainder of the day, I spend in my apartment and it proves to be therapeutic. Gabe’s suggestion to turn the place into a safe home is a welcome reminder of the real man he is.

He gets me.

By the time I return to Jarett’s, I’m starved.

“Roman, hey.” I kiss my bro when I walk in, finding him hunched over the kitchen counter reviewing some paperwork.

“Hi, Soph, thought we could make a night of it, order takeout and watch Gabe’s interview together.” He shrugs, offering a sympathetic glance in my direction.

“Damn, I should’ve stopped for caramel popcorn on my way back,” I add sarcastically.

“You seem brighter today. Did you speak with Gabe?”

“Not yet,” I answer as Jarett and Kassidy walk through the door, the steamy aroma of Indian spices filling the room. As we prepare dinner, I give a run through of my day and discuss my therapy session along with the advice given to me.

“So, when you picture Mom and Dad, her recommendation is to picture Gabe as his fifteen-year-old self?”

“It seems odd, I know, but I think it helps.”

“I saw him today,” Jarett says. “He called to see how you were doing. The plonker was beating himself up but trying to give you the space you asked for.”

Nodding, I’m grateful to hear he’s thinking of me and giving me this time.

Jarett answers the knock at the door, and Maxine enters with a cheesecake in her hands. “Dessert has arrived,” she announces cheerily, but her flamboyant smile dwindles when she sees Roman.

“Who’s the sparkling grape juice for?” Roman asks as Kassidy sets the wine, juice, and five glasses on the table.

“Umm, I assume it’s for me.” I grin awkwardly, clutching my stomach. Roman’s eyes drop to my hands.

“Are you kidding me… you’re pregnant?”

“Yes. Are you ready to become Uncle Roman?”

Happiness washes over me as he hugs me. “Absolutely. Congratulations, sis.”

Jarett turns the television on, and we begin to serve our meals as I answer all the questions about the pregnancy, Gabe, and the wedding. And I don’t shed a single tear.