My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon





“The interview is about to start. Let’s move to the sofa.”

Lamb korma, beef vindaloo, and saffron rice—food has never tasted so good. Before I move, I unapologetically add another serving to my plate. Sitting on the three-seater between Max and Kassidy, I let out a deep sigh.

“We got you, lady.” Maxine rests her dinner on her lap and squeezes my leg.

“Did Gabe give any idea what to expect when you spoke with him today, J?”

He shakes his head. “No. Only that he wanted to eliminate any doubt or risk of rumors about you, his relationship with you, and his business.”

I hadn’t considered the repercussions to his business, though his past in no way reflects who he is as a person or a businessman. My thoughts wander to Gabe and what he’s doing right now. Is he watching too?

I miss him so much, my heart aches.

When Gabe’s image fills the screen and the presenter introduces the segment, I wish he were here. We should be watching this together, standing as a united front. Seeing him sends a flutter through my chest.

We watch in silence as Gabe opens up about his past. He recounts the pain of losing his mother at a young age and the involvement his father had in the murder of our parents. The only sign of emotion is when he discusses his mother.

Gabe shares the reason for changing his name and the life lessons he navigated that made him the successful businessman he is today. He reiterates that every piece of information is available to the public, no records have been sealed, and vows he has nothing to hide. It was a decision made at the tender age of sixteen and one he has no regrets over.

When the presenter asks about our relationship, Gabe shifts in his chair. His expression softens, and a warmth invades his gaze. “The first time I met Sophia Evans, I knew exactly who she was. I never intended to start dating her, and falling in love wasn’t even something I’d considered.” He smiles into the camera as if he’s looking directly at me, and my heart stops.

“In my early teens when I learned of the lives my father destroyed, I told myself I’d meet the Evans siblings and somehow repay them for their loss.” He laughs, glancing at his feet. “It wasn’t until I was older that I accepted nothing could make up for what they’d lost. It didn’t stop me from wanting to meet them, though. I guess the orphaned part of me felt connected to them in some way.”

Gabe’s genuine responses to each of the questions asked speak to me deeply. His story moves me, a testament to the incredible man he is. “I fell in love with Sophia very quickly and completely unexpectedly. Because of her, my life will never be the same.”

“How does she feel knowing your father caused her parents’ plane to crash?”

“That’s something only Sophia can answer, I’m afraid. I’d hate to speculate.”

“So, you confirm Sophia knows and you’re still together?”

The question visibly causes Gabe discomfort, but he answers without pause. “Sophia and her brothers are aware, yes. Sophia and I still plan to marry next September if I can’t convince her to marry me sooner.” I chuckle, a tear escaping the corner of my eye.

“Were you concerned she might leave you?”

“It’s a lot for anyone to digest, but no, I have faith in our love and the strength of our relationship.”

“So, the engagement was real, and it wasn’t a ruse to divert the media from accusations of Sophia sleeping with her clients?”

“To be clear, I’m the only client she was accused of sleeping with, and I’ve never been a client of hers or any other agency for that matter. We had been dating for a year at the time, and we weren’t yet ready to announce our engagement to the world. A written apology was later published for the false information and unsubstantiated accusations. Our relationship is, and always has been, the real thing.”

Shortly after, the presenter wraps up the story with a slideshow of images sharing our relationship.


“Hmm?” I turn to Kassidy. “Sorry, I was a million miles away.”

“You doing okay?”

“Surprisingly, yes.” I smile. It wasn’t nearly as emotional as I expected it to be.

Forgetting my appetite as soon as my mind wandered to Gabe, I take my plate to the kitchen and cover my leftovers for later. At nights I’m particularly hungry after not being able to keep anything down throughout the day. Midnight snacks are my new best friend, and I secretly hope Maxine doesn’t take all of the cheesecake home with her.

I’m emotionally exhausted and missing Gabe so I take the opportunity to thank everyone for being here and retreat to the bathroom where I run a bubble bath and relax into the steamy foam with my phone.





Sitting alone on the balcony, I reflect on the interview I just watched, hoping Sophia sat through it okay.

A bottle of scotch sits on the table beside me, and I refill my glass. Taking another puff on my cigar, I think back to the last time I had one. The night I told Sophia I was moving to London.

Despite my current predicament, it’s the best decision I ever made. My phone pings with a message beside me, and hope causes my heart rate to spike when I see it’s Sophia.


Sophia: Watched your interview. Thank you x


I stare at the screen for a while, debating whether to respond. I don’t want to push her to talk. Asking how she is would be an insensitive move. I tap out a response three times, deleting each one. Then I settle on short and honest.


Me:I miss you x


Immediately, dots begin dancing across the screen. They stop and start again a few moments later. Perhaps she’s having the same issue of what to say on her end. It’s a few minutes before a message bounces back.


Sophia: I miss you too x


Relief washes over me. There’s still hope for us. Ten minutes and another scotch later, I’m still contemplating sending her another message.


Me:When are you coming home?


Deflated when the message status updates to read but there’s no sign of a response in progress, I ask Alexa to play music and recline into the lounger. Just like last night, I’ll spend it outside as far away from my empty bed as possible.

Two songs into Alexa’s selected playlist, the phone pings with a new message, and I snatch it up in a flurry, desperate for good news.


Sophia:I forgive you, but I’m not ready yet x


She didn’t say no. All I can do is be patient and wait.

And continue to have faith in our love and the relationship we have built.