My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon




Two Weeks Later


“I won’t take no for an answer, Jarett.” I hear Gabe growl at my brother from the bathroom. The morning sickness has turned into all-day sickness, and I feel like a constant wreck—bloated, knackered, and emotional.

“It’s been two weeks. She asked for space, and I’ve given her two fucking weeks. This ends today. Either she comes home with me, or we’re done.”

I clean myself up, pop a mint in my mouth, and shuffle out to meet the man I’ve been trying to avoid.

“Well, you’ll have to wait until she stops throwing up.”

“The fuck! She’s still sick?”

“I’m not sick, I’m pregnant.”

Gabe chokes on a smile. “We’re having a baby?”

He rushes to me and pulls me against him, wrapping me in his arms. I notice Kassidy and Jarett leave the room as the waterworks spring another leak.

Roman and Jarett have both been in contact with Gabe and settled their differences. They both believe he shouldn’t be punished for the actions of his father, and I agree. While I’ve struggled to move past him keeping it a secret, regular therapy is helping.

“Does this mean it’s good news?” I whisper-sob into his shoulder.

“It’s a fucking surprise but one I’ve never been happier to hear.”

“How long have you known?” he asks, pulling back from me.

Guilt washes over me as I tell him. “You let me fly to New York without knowing?”

“You flew to New York to disclose a secret to the world without telling me. And it was a secret I should have known before anyone.”

He releases a sigh and takes my hands. “I know, sweetheart. I fucked up, and if I could do it all again, I’d have told you sooner.”

Nodding, I wipe the tears from my eyes with the back of my hand.

“Were you going to tell me about the baby?” he asks seriously.

“Always. I just didn’t know when. I’m still trying to process everything.”

“Can you at least come home so we can process it together?”


The truth is, I’m not staying here because I haven’t forgiven him. While I don’t appreciate what he did, I understand. Not knowing how to approach the baby news is what’s keeping me here. That and feeling so damn shitty every day, it’s difficult to muster up the courage or motivation to do much at all.

“I’d like that.”

Gabe pulls me in and kisses me hard. He teases my lips open with his tongue and devours my mouth. My hands slip around his neck, and I hold him to me, missing the feel of his body against mine and his kisses. Boy, does this guy know how to kiss.

“Mmm, I’ve missed you.”

“Me, too,” I whisper, not wanting to let him go.

“Hey, you two love birds, we’re about to order some noodles. Would you both like to join us?”

“Actually, we were…”

I cut Gabe off for the love of food. “Noodles sound amazing. Yes, please.”

Gabe laughs. “I guess we’re staying for dinner, then.”

“She’s eating for two now, but it’s been a struggle for her to keep anything down until dinner.” Kassidy smiles at us both before she disappears to place the order.

“Sorry, I’m starved. Can we go home after dinner?”

“I’m holding you to it.”

“I know it’s early in the reconciliation days,” Jarett begins, and I roll my eyes as I fight with my chopsticks. “Are we still planning a wedding for September 8th next year?”

Gabe shoots him a look I’m not familiar with, and Kassidy giggles.

“What’s going on?”

“I’m sorry, but if you keep the original date, you’ll have a baby on your hip. I was imagining your designer wedding gown with one of those baby harnesses stuck to the back.”

Narrowing my eyes at her, I scold her silently until we all crack up laughing.

“And you may not fit in the gown you’d like after the baby,” Jarett adds, and Gabe cringes beside me.

“Ex. Cuse. Me!” I bite out, horrified at the idea of both gaining baby weight and never looking as hot as I do now, ever again. Glancing at Gabe, I grin. “You put them up to this, didn’t you?”

He holds his hands up in defense, “Hell, no, I never mentioned anything about harnesses or your figure.”

I consider both of those for a few minutes as we continue eating in silence.

“What if you’re right? My body will never look this way again after spitting a watermelon out of my lime. And I already have an eye on the dress I want.”

“You do?” All three of them answer at once.

“Gosh, why so surprised? You all know I love shopping.”

Gabe covers my hand with his on the table. “You certainly do. It’s just, you’ve never mentioned a dress before. In fact, you’ve never wanted to discuss any of the details about the wedding.”

Before I respond, I roll my eyes, biting my lip. “That’s because I used all my energy trying to fight the idea of this fake wedding. But I fell in love with you, and now I want to get married,” I rub my hands over my still flat stomach, “… as soon as possible.”

“As in next week?”

Glancing around, I see all eyes are watching me intently. “There’s something going on, and I’m out of the loop,” I say. “Why the sudden rush?”

“You literally just said as soon as possible,” Kassidy reminds me, and Gabe grins hard, his eyes pleading for an answer.

My mind drifts momentarily to my parents. Planning a wedding they will never be a part of is emotionally challenging. “We haven’t even discussed a venue or guest list,” I add nervously.

Gabe turns in his seat and pulls me around to face him. “Sweetheart, you can have whatever kind of wedding you like. Big, small, grand, simple, I don’t give a fuck, so long as you marry me.”

“Let me sleep on it.”