Guard of Honor by Tracie Delaney

Chapter Twenty-Five

“I have a surprise for you.”Mack dropped an envelope in Honor’s lap.

“For me?” She smiled. “How exciting.”

“Don’t get too excited,” Mack said. “I might have overplayed it.” He sat beside her. “It’s just that we’ve been back in Manhattan for two days already, and so far, you’ve only left the house to go for a short walk. I want to make sure you’re not slipping backward.”

“I know.” She grimaced. “It’s been on my mind, too. But it’s harder than I thought it would be.”

“Which is why I’m not giving you a choice.” He jerked his chin. “Open it.”

She slid her nail underneath the flap and reached inside. Drawing out two rectangular tickets, she gasped. “You got tickets to The Music Man? Tonight? Oh, Mack. I’ve wanted to see that show for ages.”

“I know.”

She narrowed her eyes. “How? I haven’t mentioned it.”

“Your dad told me. I grilled him at dinner when you went to the bathroom.”

“You pair of sneaks.”

“I call it research. He arranged the tickets, too.”

“And he didn’t think it odd that you were taking me? We said we wouldn’t tell.”

“I haven’t. Jeez, have some faith, woman. I told him that I thought it was a natural next step, and of course he wants your bodyguard right beside you. I worried for a second that he might decide to tag along, but he didn’t suggest it. And given that he’s only sent two tickets, I’d say we’re in the clear.”

She scanned the tickets again and then hugged him. “I can’t wait. It’s going to be… oh, shit.”

“What’s wrong? You got another hot date?”

Honor’s head flopped against the back of the couch. “I told Lizzie that we’d go to the theater together.”

Mack’s lips thinned and his jaw flexed. Fucking Lizzie. His opinion of her hadn’t changed during the time they’d spent up at Lake Placid. In fact, he’d doubled down on his view. He didn’t like the woman. Full stop. She was… weird. Just being around her pissed him off.

“You’ll have to go with her some other time.”

“I can’t. I promised. She’ll be crushed.”

“Bullcrap. You treat her as if she’s made of glass. I know people, and precious Lizzie is a tough nut. Trust me on that.”

“You don’t know her like I do. She’s all alone in the world. She puts on a brave face, but she isn’t brave. Not really. I already made her feel bad, and this will just make her feel even worse.”

“How did you make her feel bad?”

“She was worried that she’d be out of a job now that I’m recovering, and I told her she needn’t be concerned. That the Reids looked after their staff.”

Mack arched a brow. “So? That’s true, isn’t it?”

“Well, yes, it is. But I called her ‘staff.’ ”

“She is staff.”

“She’s my friend.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that she’s an employee. Just like me.” He pondered, wondering if he should keep his mouth shut or share an inkling of what was on his mind.

Fuck it.

“You need to be careful, Honor.”

A frown pulled her eyebrows low. “About what?”

“Lizzie has her feet way too far under the table. If she’s getting all bent out of shape because you point out a fact, then that concerns me.”

“She feels things deeply. That’s all. And it’s more my fault than hers. When Papa transferred her from his house to mine, I treated her like my friend, my confidante. And that’s what she’s been. I’ve never thought of her as staff, and that’s probably why she feels the way she does.”

“If you say so.”

Honor sighed heavily. “Let’s agree to disagree where Lizzie is concerned. You don’t like her and she doesn’t like you. But I happen to like you both. Please try to get along with her. For me.”

“Best I can do is stay out of her way. But the theater tonight is just you and me. You couldn’t take her even if you wanted to. There are only two tickets. Unless you’re telling me you’re happy to go out without protection.”

“No, I’m not ready. Not yet. Maybe never.”

He shrugged. “So Lizzie’s gonna have to pull on her big-girl pants and accept it.”

Honor’s eyes narrowed. “You can’t resist, can you?”

He responded with a wide grin. “You know me, Red.”

“I’d better go tell her, then.” She rose from the couch, shoulders bowed. “Wish me luck.”

“Use it as a way of resetting boundaries.”

She stuck out her tongue. “Maybe I’ll reset boundaries with you.”

He snagged her around the waist and plunked her onto his lap. “You can try.” He reached up for a kiss, quicker than he’d have liked but, considering Lizzie could burst in any second, sensible. They’d have plenty of time to get cozy tonight.

“Hold that thought,” she murmured, easing herself off his lap.

He smiled as she left the living room. Funnily enough, he smiled a lot around Honor Reid, more than he had for a very long time. Christ, he missed the privacy of Lake Placid, the ability to stroll around naked, fucking wherever and whenever they liked. The past two nights, he’d snuck into Honor’s bedroom only when he was sure Lizzie had hunkered down for the night, and he’d crept out before dawn broke.

He didn’t like it.

And that alone caused an ache to fill his chest. He purposely hadn’t told Honor how invested in her, in them, he was when she’d blurted out that she loved him. Niggling away at the back of his mind was a potential uncomfortable truth that her emotions were playing tricks on her, and that was the reason he’d told her to reach out to him in a year if she still felt the same way.

If she didn’t reach out, then he’d know.

He drew in a hiss of air. Christ, just the thought of it killed him.

You’re in a fuck load of trouble.

He had to be the strong one, the one who set restrictions on the progression of their relationship.

He hated the idea.

How had it happened? God only knew, but it had. The powerful emotions of being in love… he’d been there. Clara had been the love of his life—or so he thought. But this burn, this ache, this desire to be around Honor was all-consuming. Scary yet exciting. But the power wasn’t his. Time and distance would reveal the truth, and what she did afterward was up to her.

His greatest concern was that once she ventured out into the real world, rediscovered her passion for her career, and reconnected with her friends and colleagues, she’d forget their time together. He could easily hold on to her, and she’d let him, but he didn’t want a fake relationship, one built on the terrible trauma she’d suffered. To win her heart—truly win it—he had to let her go.

If tonight went as he expected it to, then he’d talk to Loris about ending the contract early. Honor had recovered far faster than anyone had anticipated, but the difference was that she’d been ready. All she’d needed was a good hard shove in the right direction and a blunt, no-nonsense approach. Therapy was a good idea for her. She still had things to work through, and even though her father would want to continue with round-the-clock security, that wasn’t the job for him.

The door behind him opened, and he twisted to peer over his shoulder. “How’d she take it?”

“She’s crying.” Honor flopped beside him. “Maybe I should call Papa and ask him to organize an extra ticket.”

Over my fucking dead body.


“That’s it? No?”

He set his jaw. “That’s what I said.”

She opened her mouth, closed it, and then grinned. “You do like to be in charge, Aiden McKenzie.”

He moved fast, got her beneath him, and caged her with his body. “You like me to be in charge. And don’t fucking call me that.” He got in another hard kiss, then let her up. “Besides, if we’re alone, at least I get to put my mouth on you for more than two fucking seconds.”

* * *

Alan Reid hadn’t only arranged tickets to the theater. He’d organized a private box. As they sat high above the stalls with privacy curtains that cut them off from the boxes on either side, it crossed Mack’s mind that her father knew they were fucking. He dismissed the thought immediately. Didn’t stop him from sending a silent thanks, though. Once the lights went down, he’d finally be able to get his hands on her without expecting Lizzie to burst in and blow their cover.

He couldn’t wait.

If she’d dressed with him in mind, she couldn’t have done a better job. A fitted cobalt-blue dress that finished two inches above the knee and showed a hint of cleavage that drew the eye but didn’t give away the prize. She’d paired it with skyscraper heels that elongated her calves, and left her hair loose around her shoulders, which he fucking adored. Her makeup was light. Perfect.

“This is so exciting,” Honor gushed, peering over the side of the box to the rapidly filling seats below.

“Are you telling me that the daughter of a billionaire hasn’t enjoyed the best seats in the house before tonight?”

“Yes, I have. But it’s different now. I feel… reborn. As if I’m experiencing all this for the very first time.” Her eyes shone and she snuggled closer. “You’ve given me back my life, Mack. I will never forget that.”

“No, you took it back. I was just the catalyst.”

“You’re too modest.”

He laughed. “If Loris or any of my military buddies heard you say that, they’d laugh their dicks off.”

“Ouch. Sounds painful.”

He laughed again. “You crack me up.”

The lights dimmed and the music started. Fixated on the stage, Honor rested her hands on the rail in front of the box, her grin wide, her foot bouncing. She watched the actors perform, and he watched her. To him, she stole the show, especially as he got to witness a range of emotions run through her. He shelved his original plan. Foreplay would distract her from the musical, and while he doubted she’d complain, he wasn’t enough of a bastard to put his own needs ahead of hers. Maybe they could stop off on the way home. Pull into a dark, quiet street and make out as if they were teenagers.

The curtain came down for the intermission, and the theater flooded with light. Mack blinked, his eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness.

“What do you think? Oh, Mack, it’s everything I hoped and more. One of my favorites ever. I just love everything about the theater.”

He captured her around the neck and drew her to him for a kiss. “This is where you belong, Red. It pours out of you. Don’t let the grass grow. Reach out to your contacts and get back in the game. You’re ready.”

“Do you really think so?”

“I know so.”

She glanced to the side. He could almost see her mind whirring. “I have a few people I could call, I suppose. Would you come with me if I arrange a few meetings?”

“If that’s what you want, I’ll be there.”

“That’s what I want.” She nibbled the side of her cheek. “I’m still scared that he’s out there, but I know you’ll keep me safe.”

“Damn straight I will.”

The second half of the play sped by. Honor must’ve taken the skin off her palms given how long and hard she clapped when the cast took their bows. The curtain fell, and she sank back into her seat, pleasure and wonder warring for equal face time.

“That was out-of-this-world amazing.” Her eyes glistened, and she dashed away a single tear that dared to fall. “There were times, many times, I doubted I’d ever set foot outside my house again, let alone be here, like this. I’m… humbled and stunned. And so, so happy.”

“You deserve to be happy, Red.” He held out his arm. “Ready to go home?”

“No. I don’t want the night to end, but I’m not sure I’m brave enough to ask you to take me dancing, or to a bar for a drink.”

“One step at a time, Red.”

She breathed in through her nose and gave him a close-lipped smile. “You’re right. Okay, let’s go home.”

Honor directed Mack through the quieter streets on their way back to her place, which allowed them to stop several times by the side of the road, away from streetlights, prying eyes, or passing police cars, and make out like a couple of teenagers giving in to urges they couldn’t deny for a second longer. An hour after leaving the theater, Mack pulled up outside her house, cut the engine, and stole a final kiss.

Once inside, Honor traipsed up the stairs, lamenting the horrors of high-heeled shoes, while Mack made sure the house was secure. Five minutes later, he followed her up. There was no sign of Lizzie creeping about, which, given the late hour, wasn’t all that surprising. If she tried to guilt-trip Honor about the trip to the theater, she’d be fucking sorry.

Tears, my arse.

The woman was playing a blinder, and Honor fell for her woes every single time.

As he approached Honor’s bedroom, the sound of crying filtered through the door. He went inside.

“What the hell…”

Honor was sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor, her shoulders heaving with racking sobs. In her lap were the two drawings he’d done of her, the same ones he’d asked her to look at each day to remind herself of how strong she was.

The eyes on both drawings had been gouged out, and the word “CRAZY” was repeatedly scrawled over the paper.

She gazed up at him with tear-stained cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I was looking at them before I came down tonight, and I must have… I must have…” She covered her face with her hands. “Oh God. I’ve ruined them.”

Mack sat beside her and gently unfurled her fingers from the drawings. He turned them facedown and moved them out of her reach, then pulled her into his arms. She trembled uncontrollably, constant apologies spilling from her lips, while he whispered soothing words and waited for her to calm down. There was little point in talking to her in this state, but while he rocked and cradled her, his insides seared with a vengeful rage.

“Am I crazy?” she finally asked.

“No.” His jaw ached. “But I fucking know who is. I’d lay my life on it.”


He got to his feet and helped her up. “Come with me.”

Frowning, she did as he asked. He led her into his bedroom, closing the door behind them. He’d had his suspicions before they went to Lake Placid, and they’d only solidified while they’d been away. Though he hadn’t expected to be proved right this soon after their return.

He sat her on the bed and fetched his iPad. Sitting beside her, he logged in, navigating to the secure video app. He opened the file marked with today’s date and fast-forwarded to the moment they’d left the house earlier that night.

“That’s my bedroom.”


Honor turned wild eyes on him. “You have a camera in my bedroom?”

“I have several covert cameras in your bedroom. I installed them the day we arrived back in Manhattan. There are also similar cameras strategically placed around the house.”

Her teeth clashed together, momentarily forgetting her distress in her evident annoyance with him. “Wait a second. You installed cameras in my home without my permission?”

“I had my reasons. Now focus.”

“Focus? Don’t you tell me to focus. This is serious, Mack. Not to mention illegal.” She frowned. “And if it isn’t illegal, it damn well should be.”

“Woman, will you be fucking quiet for one second?” he growled. “We can discuss the illegalities or otherwise of my decision later.” He swiped the trackpad, increasing the speed of the video to six times the normal. Time ticked on, and the image remained the same. Honor pointed at the bottom of the screen.

“We were at the theater then. What is it you’re hoping to see, Mack?”

Mack said nothing. Fuck, he hoped he was right about this. If his instincts had misfired, then...

No. He was right. He had to be.

“There.” He slowed the video.

“That’s Lizzie.”


Her frown deepened as she watched the footage of Lizzie entering her bedroom where she picked up the drawings off the bed. The housekeeper stared at them for a good thirty seconds.

Honor’s hand flew to her mouth as Lizzie removed a pen from her pocket and viciously stabbed through the paper of the first drawing, then the second, and then wrote the words meant to make Honor think she was losing her mind.

“What is she doing?” she whispered. “Why?” She turned to Mack in bewilderment. “I know she’s hurting because I went to the theater with you instead of her after I promised. But this? This is just… cruel.”

Mack paused the video and set the iPad beside him. He picked up one of Honor’s hands. Christ, she felt cold. A tremor ran through her.

“I’m sorry, Red. This fucking sucks, but brace.” He locked his eyes on hers and hoped like hell she read the sincerity in his. “I think it’s been Lizzie all along. All of it.”

“No!” She wrenched her hand from his and propelled herself upright. “No, you’re wrong. She wouldn’t do that.”

“Why wouldn’t she?”

Honor strode over to the window. She paced back toward him, then spun around and walked away again. She did this several times, biting on her thumbnail. He sat in silence, giving her the space and time to take in what he knew in his gut. That Lizzie had been the culprit for all the weird shit going on around here. The question that remained unanswered was why. And at that, he drew a blank.

Honor finished pacing and sat beside him, her posture stiff. “I don’t understand. What could she possibly have to gain from making me think I was losing my mind? It doesn’t make any sense.”

“There’s only one way to know for certain, and that’s to confront her.”

“How can you be sure it’s her? This”—she pointed at the iPad—“might just be a fit of anger because I broke my promise to her. More especially that I broke it with you. She’s made no secret of the fact that she doesn’t like you. I mean, I’m furious that she’d ruin something so precious to me, but this doesn’t prove any of that other stuff.”

“Ordinarily, I’d agree. But answer me this, Red. Not one weird thing happened during those two weeks we spent at Lake Placid. Why?”

“Because, like you said, I needed the change of scenery.”

“Yeah, I said that, and I meant it. But not for the reasons you think. I had my suspicions early on. Something just didn’t add up. Taking you away from here allowed me to test the theory that you weren’t going crazy. If you really were responsible for misplacing your stuff and the pebbles and shit, then going away wouldn’t have made a difference. Something would have happened during those two weeks. But it didn’t.”

She frowned, her eyes volleying from left to right, her mind no doubt struggling to absorb the truth.

“If it was Lizzie, and I’m not yet convinced of that, then isn’t she a bit stupid to do this so soon after we returned? Wouldn’t the more sensible course of action be to wait a while. Let things settle down first?”

“Yeah, that would be the sensible course of action, but I don’t think we’re dealing with a rational woman here.”

“What do you mean?”

“What she did to the pictures I drew of you… Hell, Red, that’s some anger she’s carrying around inside of her. That isn’t normal behavior, and I don’t buy the jealousy angle. Whatever’s going on here, she’s walking the line.”

“And all along, you suspected Lizzie?”

“Not at first. Took me a couple of days, maybe.” He gave her a tight smile. “In the military, you learn to rely on your instincts, and mine have never let me down. Right from the off, I didn’t like her. At first, I thought it was a clash of personalities, but it was more than that. She’s… odd.”

Honor rubbed her forehead. “I just don’t see it. To me, she’s Lizzie. My friend.”

“She’s no friend of yours, trust me.”

“And that’s why you planted the cameras?”

“Yeah. I covered most of the angles of your bedroom, although there are one or two dead spots. I also put one in your closet, given that we found my drawing pad in there, and a few in the public areas downstairs. The living room, kitchen, gym. I never expected to hit pay dirt this early, though. Like you said, I expected things to remain even for a few days, a week, maybe more, before she slowly started to do shit again.”

“Why would she do this to me?” Honor repeated her earlier thought. “I don’t understand, Mack.”

“As I see it, we can either sit her down, show her the video, and ask her flat out what the fuck is going on, or before we do that, I call Loris and ask him to do a background check. He might not come up with anything, but it’s worth a try.”

Honor didn’t appear convinced or happy about either scenario. “She’s worked for my father for years, Mack. There’s nothing to find out. She’s just a young woman who lost her parents and found a home and a job with my family.”

“Then she’ll come back clean.”

“You don’t think she will, though, right?”

He sighed. “I don’t know, Honor.”

“How long will it take Loris to do what he needs to do?”

“Not long. I’ll call him now and set the wheels in motion, and then I suggest we get some sleep. By the time we wake up in the morning, I’d be surprised if he hasn’t sent at least a partial response.”

“That fast?”

“Yeah, that fast.”

She gnawed on her lip, her worry evident. “How will I face Lizzie without giving myself away?”

Mack squeezed her shoulder. “One problem at a time, Red.”