His Little Sunshine by Della Cain

Chapter Ten


The way he fell back into what I called his just feeling space as I reached for his belt was everything. He didn’t want all the decisions, and that was fine. I noted it for next time, for I had no doubt there would be one.

The way he kissed me with such abandon, pouring everything into it…I wanted to keep him here all weekend and just keep kissing.

Stupid Jax’s tree had to go and fall.

I didn’t get fancy, put on a show. That wasn’t what Brad wanted…it wasn’t what I wanted. Instead, I made quick work of his pants. Let the denim fall to the floor and helped him to step out of them. I pulled the quilt back and guided him back onto the bed, still in his underwear, and then shucked my jeans, climbing in beside him.

“This is better.” I kissed him, loving the sweet sigh he let out.

“We still have clothes on.” He stuck his bottom lip out as if begging me to nip at it again. So I did.

“If we were naked, it wouldn’t be making out.” I kissed the tip of his nose.

“True.” He pressed a kiss on my shoulder. “And I do want to make out with you.”

We kissed leisurely, exploring each other’s bodies with no desire to rush our orgasm. Just feeling, enjoying, memorizing. Brad’s legs intertwined with mine as our passion increased. Not a lot but enough to bring us deeper into the moment.

He’d been right. We did have too many clothes on. Our boxer briefs were tented. I reached between us and traced the outline of his cock. It was longer than I expected, given his build. It was going to take a lot to get him into my mouth, but I was up for the challenge when that time came.

He bucked his hips, pressing against my hand, his lips leaving mine and traveling to my neck, my hand still teasing his cock. He felt so good pressed against me like this. Like he couldn’t get close enough.

“Look at how hard you are for me.” I rubbed the heel of my hand against him. “I like that I do this to you.” I took his hand and pressed him against me. “Just like you do to me.”

He sighed.

“I was so hard at the restaurant…all those people around, and I still couldn’t help it. The way you looked at me, the way you trusted me when you made your dinosaurs play.”

A moan.

He liked it when I talked. Good thing I did, too.

“And then, at the firepit…I wanted to pull you onto my lap and let you snuggle in close. You’d have felt my body’s longing for you then.”

“I was hard, too.” It came out between breaths. “I just think…” There was a whimper of need as my hand slid to cup his balls.

“You just think of me and get hard?”

“Uh-huh.” He ground into me. “So hard.”

“I can feel how stiff you are.” I ran my finger along the waistband. “I want to slide my hand inside and feel your cock with nothing between us.”

“Yes,” he panted.

I slipped my hand between the fabric and his body, tracing his length. “I can’t wait to feel this inside me.”

His breath hitched.

“So long and thick.”

“I never… Make me come.” He never? Had he not meant the comment, or was that just a desire he’d only shared with me? It didn’t matter either which way. Brad wanted to come, and there was no way I could deny him that…deny him anything.

“There’s nothing I want more.”

I went back to kissing him, working his cock with my hand. He’d already been so close, it didn’t take long before he was exploding in my hand and in his underwear.

“That was…” He paused to catch his breath. “That was…thank you.” He snuggled into my side.

“It was,” I agreed. “I’ll be right back.”

“What about you?” He settled his hand over my boxer briefs. “You’re still hard.”

“And I will still be when I wake up.” I nipped at his bottom lip. “Tonight is about you.” I gave him a peck and climbed out of bed without giving him a chance to argue. In the bathroom, I grabbed some warm washcloths to help clean up.

When I got back he was already dozing, his boxer briefs in a ball on his bag. I wiped him off as best I could without waking him and climbed back into bed, pulling the covers up and over us. I lay beside him, still hard, which somehow made the night feel less over.

He scooted closer, his eyes never opening, and mumbled, “Night.”

I put my arm over him. “Night, Sunshine.” I listened as his breathing evened out again and he fell asleep, joining him shortly thereafter.

When my phone alarm buzzed in the morning, the last thing I wanted to do was to leave him. But I’d promised to help with that fencing and, really, anyone in our circle would drop everything to help the others. It was what we did.

I slid out of bed as quietly as I could and padded down the hall to the guest bathroom, not wanting to wake him up with my shower. He was sleeping so peacefully, and it was earlier than most people got up, much less on their day off.

Grateful I had a load of laundry I hadn’t put away yet, I grabbed some clothing from there and a tea from the fridge. I wanted to say goodbye, kiss him again, let him know last night did mean something before he got all lost in his brain again. But he needed the sleep more. We’d been up beyond late, and he had a long drive ahead of him.

I grabbed my sticky pad and drew a smiling elephant. I wrote, An elephant never forgets to leave his number, followed by my phone number. I wasn’t sure if it was cute or weird, but since my attempt to make an elephant graham cracker had turned into a fish, I went with it. I stuck it on his food from the night before and crossed my fingers he would remember to take it.

A few minutes later, I slipped out the door and got in my truck. It was going to be a long day. When I arrived at Jax’s ranch, I saw exactly how long. The tree in question was huge, and cutting it into cordwood was on the agenda, along with the fence repair.

It was probably for the best. Brad was going to need some time to process it all. For me, it was acting on a crush. For him, there was also the daddy element. We hadn’t explored it yet, not in an overt way, but he wanted to, and that realization was going to take some time to work through.