His Little Sunshine by Della Cain

Chapter Nine


I wasn’t altogether sure what had come over me. Being around Quinn opened a floodgate of word vomit. Like, with him, holding anything in just wasn’t possible. And it was both terrifying and comforting.

It was against every rule of relationships to jump in the way we were, or maybe thinking of it as a relationship was the faux pas. And I didn’t care. I wanted to be in his arms.

“Just so you know it’s here.” Quinn pushed open a door. “This is the spare bedroom you’re always welcome to use.” He kept on walking. “And this is mine.”

He flicked the lights on. “Make yourself at home. The bathroom is through that door.” He pointed to what I’d assumed was a closet. “My phone has been buzzing in my pocket for the past hour. I should probably see what that’s about.”


An hour. He’d been ignoring his phone for an hour because he put friends and possibly me above that. How different he was from the last guy I tried to start something with. Willis was nice enough, but he was glued to his phone. All work, all the time. I was, too, back then. This step away Declan took hadn’t been only good for him, it was good for me, too.

I slipped into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I waited for my nervousness to come, the nervousness that always did when it came to getting intimate. And not just the sex. First kiss, hand-holding, all of it had me second-guessing the cues and made me a bundle of doubt, and it made the experience more about overcoming that than enjoying myself.

But not tonight. Did I feel the flutters of excitement? Absolutely. But there was no second-guessing that I wanted this or that he wanted this.

When I came out, he was back. “Sorry about that. I may have spoken too soon on the not working tomorrow. A friend a few ranches over had a tree fall on his horse fencing. He asked me to come and help.”

“I love that about here.” I walked over to him. “You all seem to help each other out. It’s not like that in my field. Not really.”

“It is pretty great, but it means I’m going to need to leave early in the morning.”

“Oh.” I started to step away to grab my bag. “Another time?”

“You are welcome to go, but that wasn’t what I meant. I meant no French toast in the morning because I’ll be gone before you wake up.”

“I have an open-face sandwich waiting for me,” I reminded him.

“That you do.” He walked over to his dresser and opened it, grabbed an unopened box of condoms and a bottle of lube, and set it all on top. “We should probably talk about the responsible things first.” He was right. And I wouldn’t have even thought about it until we were naked and sweaty.

“Condoms are good.” Like, of course they were, and I wouldn’t pretend that the box being unopened gave me a little thrill. I didn’t jump into bed with guys but would never ask a partner to have the same body count or anything. Still…it was nice to think he hadn’t been banging everyone in town yesterday.

“You disappeared.” Quinn tapped my chin. “Were you thinking about condoms or something else?”

“It’s a new box,” I blurted out.

“Yeah,” he chuckled. “The old ones were gathering dust, so I figured I’d best replenish them.”

“You don’t need to explain.” I leaned into his touch. “Just glad you have them, although I’m sure we could’ve gotten creative if you hadn’t.”

“You’re going to keep me on my toes, aren’t you, Sunshine?”

“Why do you call me that?” It hadn’t been the first time today, but today had been the first time.

“Remember the day you came with Declan to measure the room?”

I remembered it, of course. It was my first time working on a project like that. I’d known nothing about littles or middles or kink really, and I wasn’t sure I could handle the work. Declan assured me that as long as we listened to clients and gave them what they wanted, that I would slay it. I wasn’t sure how any of that connected to Quinn though. “I think so.”

“I do. You and Declan were eating lunch and talking about the project, and you said, ‘You sure light up a room,’ to him. I think in hindsight it was about the color scheme or something.” I hadn’t even seen him there that day. I’d been so wrapped up in not messing up the new opportunity that I was fully immersed.

“But at the time, I thought to myself, ‘doesn’t Brad realize he’s the sunshine that lightens up the room?’ and in my head you became Sunshine.” Sweetest. Thing. Ever.

“There’s a song.” I hummed it the best I could.

“There is, but I can think of better things we could be doing with those lips.” He leaned in ever so slowly as if giving me a chance to decide, and it was far too slow for my liking. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me, crashing my lips to his.

The little touches and brushes of his lips, even the peck had been building my desire all night. That that first touch when our mouths met was all it took to get me out of my head, out of discussions, and full into exploring this sexy man.

The kiss was hard, but somehow simultaneously sweet, and it was everything and also not enough. I threw my arms around his neck, not wanting the kiss to end before I was able to fully explore his mouth and have him explore mine. I opened my mouth in invitation, and he took it. Lips, tongue, teeth—our mouths danced together as our bodies pressed close.

His cock was hard and thick. I couldn’t wait to see what was underneath that denim. I rubbed my length against his and moaned as his hand slid down to my ass.

“More,” I cried out. I had wanted this kiss, and had I even come close to suspecting it would be this way, I’d have pleaded with him to skip the whole fire-pit thing. Heck, I’d have opted out of dinner.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him, not for a second worried he couldn’t hold my slender body. He was a rancher, his muscles had muscles. And he was a daddy…he wouldn’t let anything happen to me even if he wasn’t my daddy.

“Stay with me, Sunshine,” he mumbled against my lips.

I answered him by grinding against him and shoving my tongue down his throat.

He carried me over to the bed and gently set me down, his lips staying with mine for one last deep kiss.

“I want you.” He grabbed the hem of my shirt. “I want you naked.”

Worked for me. I raised my arms, and he pulled my shirt up and over my head.

“You’re stunning.”

“You’re wearing a shirt.” I grabbed it. “We should fix that.”

I pulled it off him, kissing a path up his belly as I did. “You’re standing again.” He tapped my nose. “Do you like to be fucked against the wall?” From anyone else’s lips that might’ve been offensive, but from Quinn it was an offer.

“Not today.” Or maybe today. How would that even work without making a mess. But also, how hot would that be? “But I think maybe yes.”

“It’s official, Sunshine. No more questions for you.” He nibbled on my bottom lip. “I need you here with me.” Another nibble. “I lied. A few more questions all at once, okay?”

I nodded.

“Do you want to bottom today, frot today, just make out until we come in our pants dry humping today, suck each other off, hand jobs…tell me what you want because after this, my job is 100 percent to keep you here with me.”

I was pretty sure that was not going to be a problem.

There were too many choices. I wanted to do them all and possibly on repeat. So what did I do instead? I blurted out, “No topping?”

I snapped my mouth shut fast, my cheeks burning. I couldn’t believe I said that. Nothing about Quinn said he was a bottom, and it wasn’t even on the list. And me? I’d never bottomed anyone. Hadn’t really thought about it. Not that I was opposed, but…

“Back to me, Sunshine.” Another nibble. He could own me with those. “I made the assumption you were a bottom. It was wrong of me. Of course, topping is on the table.”

My jaw dropped.

“Are you real? Or am I dreaming?” Because I wasn’t quite sure at that point.

“I’m real,” he chuckled. “Is that what you want? To top me, to slide into my ass, or do you want me to ride you?”

He. Was. Serious.

“Yes. But not now.” I wanted our time to be memorable and not me blowing my load in two point three seconds and, given the image of him doing that had me nearly exploding, it would be the end result. No doubt.

“Now you want to?”

“Make out.” There. That was easy. “Is that okay?”

His hand caressed my cheek so sweetly. “Do you want to come tonight, or do you want to be all hard and needy when you go to sleep?”


“By my hand or my mouth or our bodies grinding together?”

I just stared blankly at him, unsure which sounded best. Blow jobs were great, but we hadn’t talked about condoms with oral specifically.

“Hand or body?” He took a choice away. He took the right choice away. As much as I wanted it added, there were too many what abouts in the mix.


He reached for my belt. “Then we might as well get these off of you and climb into bed.”