Big Boy by Skyler Snow

My back protested sleepingon the floor by shooting a sharp pain up and down my spine. I groaned and rolled over to an empty spot beside me. Reaching out, I patted it as if it would materialize my Daddy.

Daddy. Yeah, Samuel wanted to be my Daddy for real. And I wanted it too. No, needed it, really. He fulfilled a part of me that had long been empty. Yesterday rushed back to me and I smiled thinking about it.

I sat up and looked around for Samuel. Salt and Pepa bounded over and their rough tongues lapped at any bit of exposed flesh that they could find. Laughing, I picked Salt up and nuzzled her affectionately.

"Where is our Daddy, hmm?" I asked her. "Where did he go?"

Salt barked at me affectionately and I gave her head scratches. The sound of music and singing made me get up and I padded into the kitchen with Salt still tucked under my arm and Pepa at my heels. Samuel was in full motion, dancing and singing as he sprinkled salt into whatever he was cooking.

He slid over to another counter and picked up a knife. Samuel chopped like an expert, dicing up some tomatoes before he dumped them into a bowl. Whatever he was making was really starting to smell good and I was hungry after last night's fun.

"What are you making?"

"Shit! You scared the hell outta me, baby," Samuel turned around with a hand pressed to his chest. Finally, he smiled. "Come here and see what I'm cooking up."

I walked over to him and Samuel stopped to pet the dogs before he nodded toward the food. Everything looked good, but I still had no idea what he was working on.

"Egg white omelets with lots of veggies, homemade pico de gallo, and gluten-free biscuits." He nodded toward a plate that held a paper towel and a few strips of meat. "And turkey bacon for the good stuff. See? If you eat well, there's no need to eat little. Know what I mean?"

I nodded. "Yeah, actually. Everything smells so good."

Samuel beamed at me. "I try my best. Why don't you go ahead and get showered because food will be ready in like ten minutes."

I glanced down and groaned. "Guess I'm wearing yesterday's clothes."

"No big deal." Sam kissed me and smiled "We'll go by your place and pick up more clothes after breakfast. I figured we could have date 2.0 today since I don't have work."

"Really?" I grinned so hard my cheeks ached. "Yeah, I like the sound of that." I sat Salt down and turned on my heels. "I'll be right back!"

Samuel's chuckle followed me out of the kitchen as I made my way to his bathroom. There were extra towels left on the counter and I grabbed a washcloth and turned on the shower. I sped up my usual routine because my stomach was growling and I was ready to eat. I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror when I stepped out before I smiled.

This was the happiest that I had ever been. Samuel made me feel like I was worth something. Like I was better than I thought I was. And I loved that he brought up those feelings in me. He was the only one that made me feel so loved.

Oh god. Do I love him?

Now, that was a question I couldn't answer. At least not yet. There were definitely feelings developing, but I wasn't so sure about the L-word.

Don't rush it. He's not.

I thought about him asking to be my Daddy last night and smiled again. Yeah, that actually happened. We did have to work out exactly what that meant for us today and I was ready for that discussion. It felt good to be moving to the next level and I trusted Sam not to hurt me.


I jumped. "Coming!"

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, the dogs circled my feet barking at me. I laughed and let them follow me around. They seemed to like me. Good, I liked them, this place, and Samuel. I sat down at the table and Sam walked out with two plates. He sat them down and a bowl of fruit in the middle of the table before he put orange juice, coffee, and water down as well.

"You're so domestic," I said with a grin.

"It's my secret talent." Sam gave me a playful wink before he sat down. "Ever since I was young I liked cooking and taking care of things around the house. It calms me.”

I laughed. "I'm the complete opposite. My mom did everything for us and it took me forever to learn how to take care of myself."

"That I could imagine," he chuckled. "My mom was the opposite. She wanted me to learn how to be independent and then on Sundays that was when she would let me sleep in and cook a huge breakfast. Eventually, I skipped sleeping and helped her. It was more exciting to find out what she was making and how she made it."

"Aww at least one of us has a good relationship with their mom." I pushed my eggs around my plate and frowned.

"Hey," Samuel reached across the table and laid a hand on top of mine before giving it a squeeze, "I know you left things in a rough place with your mom. Have you talked to her since that night?"

I shook my head. "I can't. No matter what I say to her, she doesn't understand. All she cares about is me losing weight and she always has. When I try to explain to her that she's being hurtful it's like she brushes me off and that's the end of that." I sighed. "I don't want to talk about my mom right now."

"That's fair." Samuel picked a biscuit and tilted his head at me. "Can I say one more thing about the situation?"


"Listen, you don't owe your mom anything. If you don't want to talk to her, that's valid. But I can see how much it's hurting you that you two aren't communicating. Do you want a relationship with her?"

I shrugged. "I don't know anymore."

Sam nodded. "That's understandable. My only suggestion would be to try to talk to each other openly. I know that can be tough, but it might be worth it. Something to think about, you know?" He went back to eating. "But we don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to."

"Thank you."

I knew he wanted to help and I appreciated Samuel for it, but I didn't want a chat about my mother to drag my mood down and ruin the amazing morning I was having with him. Even if he was right. I needed to talk to my mom. We'd ended things on a sour note and I didn't want that hanging over our heads forever. Maybe tomorrow I would call her up and see if we could figure things out. But right now I wanted to focus on Sam and this great new thing that we had started.

"About last night," Samuel started and I glanced up at him, "I wanted to talk about us being Daddy and boy and discuss what that means for us. Set up some rules, boundaries, the whole nine."

I nodded. "Yeah, I would love that."

"What do you need and expect from me?" Sam asked as he filled both of our glasses with orange juice.

That was a good question. I bit my lip as I thought about it and thanked him for the orange juice. Once I sat my glass down on the table again I felt like I at least had some idea of what I needed.

"I need you to be firm with me. It helps when you don't give me a choice to eat or get up and shower and do things. Otherwise, I would wallow and never change. When you come in excited and supportive, it makes me feel better even if I have a hard time accepting it at first." I chewed thoughtfully. "And I like when you talk to me as much as you do. Our video calls at night really help me sleep better when I can't lie next to you."

Sam nodded. "Understood. What about boundaries? Rules?"

"I only have a few. Boundaries, of course, I'm sensitive about my weight and I don't want to be punished over things like that even if I say I should be. It would make me miserable. Our working out and the way you make meals though, I enjoy that. It feels more like I have a partner than someone controlling me."

"Yes, I feel the same way. And I would never punish you for anything like that. In fact, that’s one of my boundaries. I refuse to punish you for weight related issues or anything having to do with you relapsing.”

I nodded. “I can accept that.” I tilted my head. “What would you punish me for?" I asked.

"Hmm," Sam thought about it for a minute. "Punishments for me are things like bedtimes broken, a ton of backtalk, bad attitudes that don't have anything to do with depression but sheer brattiness, lying. Those things get punished. And that's only for small lies. Overall, I would prefer complete honesty in our relationship and if that's broken over and over that's a boundary for me. I can't take that."

Samuel was so mature. He was younger than me and already knew what he was about. What he needed. I admired that about him.

"What do you expect out of me?" I asked. "What do you need from your boy?"

The way Sam's eyes lit up at those words made my heart trip and skip a beat. Your boy. Two little words and he looked like he was going to disintegrate from happiness. I loved that sparkle in his eyes, the way he lit up from the inside out.

"I expect open communication," I said. "And for you to try your best at what you do in life. Not to be perfect but to try. I would also like it if you keep doing things to move toward loving yourself, Carter. The way you were last night?" He shook his head. "It was breathtaking. I would love to see more self-improvement and to help you with it. As far as what I need? You. Just you." He chuckled lightly. "I know that might seem a little trite, but it's true. When you're with me, taking care of and helping you makes me feel more fulfilled and I love that. And yes, I might need the occasional hug, kiss, and cuddle when I'm in a down mood."

Smiling, I polished off the last of my food. "I can do that! Oh and uh one more question?"

"What is it?"

"Do you prefer punishments or praise?"

"Both," Sam said without a moment of hesitation. "Spankings are kind of rare for me. I prefer to dole out punishment that gives you time for reflection. If anything spankings are more funishment than anything."

Wow, he was kind of perfect. I liked being spanked, but only when everyone was in a good mood and it led to sexy time.

"That's what I want too. Punishments I would prefer if they weren't physical, at least not for something serious. A playful spanking to enjoy the sensations and pain, yeah I'm into that. But if I really disappointed or hurt you, I would ask not to be spanked then."

"Fair," Samuel said with a nod. He stood up and scooped up both of our plates. "Why don't we keep talking about this and hang out for today? Unless you have plans."

"I have none," I said before I cringed. "That made me sound so available it's embarrassing."

Sam barked out a laugh. "I like that you're available. Is that odd? Like we don't have to sync schedules and figure out date nights. We can take a day like today and spend it together." He leaned down and kissed my head. "Help me load the dishwasher?"

"Yes, Daddy," I whispered as I closed my eyes and leaned into his kiss. "Whatever you need."

He took my hand and helped me to my feet. For a minute, we stared at each other, our fingers interlocked and I forgot how to breathe. Were we really doing this? I was letting down all of my walls for this man and putting my heart in his hands.

“Can I have a kiss, Daddy?” I whispered.

“Of course, sweet boy.” He pulled me into his arms and laid a hand on my cheek. “I really hope we stay together for a long time, baby.”

“Me too.”

Our lips met and I sucked in a sharp breath. I could kiss my Daddy forever. When we finally pulled apart my stomach was full of butterflies and I wanted to stay where I was, locked in his arms. But I collected up the rest of the dishes on the table and walked into the kitchen behind him as he began to clean. He patted the counter.

"You can leave the fruit here. We'll take it into my room and eat it throughout the morning." He smiled at me. "I still have a surprise to show you in my room. We never made it there last night.”

I shook my head. "Nope. I thought you wanted to fuck me in the living room because I'm a booty call or something."

Sam rolled his eyes at my teasing. "Keep it up and we'll stay out there."

"Noooo." I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm kidding, Daddy."

"You better be," he grumbled and I laid my hands flat against his chest to feel the rumbling. "What are you doing?"

"When you talk your voice is so deep that it makes the best vibrations." I nuzzled against his back. "I could stay like this forever."

Samuel chuckled, letting loose that feeling again. "I would say you could stay here forever, but you know what would be nice? If you could feed the dogs."

I pulled away from him quickly. "On it! Wait, where's the food?"

Grinning, he opened a cabinet and pointed. "In that container down there. You abandoned me very quickly for my dogs."

"Absolutely. You're hot and Daddy and all. But they're the babies. They get all the attention." I happily scooped kibble into their bowls and refilled their water before I went back to helping my Daddy. "What's in your room?"

"Hurry up and clean and you'll find out."

I started moving a lot faster. Whenever Sam said he had a surprise, it was something amazing. So far, he hasn't disappointed. Together, we made short work of the kitchen and picked up all of the pillows and blankets from the living room before we stepped into his bedroom.

As soon as we were inside, I gasped and dropped my armful of blankets. Sam's room was spacious with black dressers, bookshelves, and a platform bed frame with a matching black headboard. But that wasn't what caused me to drop everything. At the end of the bed was a shelf with square compartments. Red lights backlit the unit and in each space, there was a different gaming console. Next to it was a shelf of handheld consoles. And on the wall was a case filled with video games. Above the shelf was a huge flat screen tv mounted to the wall.

"There are more games in those drawers," Sam said as he waved toward it. "All of the older consoles have cartridges so I try to keep them in there to protect them from the dust you know?"

"Holy fuck."

"And you can play whatever you want in here. I don't mind."

"Holy. Fuck."

Sam laughed. "Do you have any other words?"

"Not one," I muttered as I ran my hand over the consoles. "This is amazing."

"Pick a game and come cuddle." He sat down and patted the bed beside him. "It's your pick and whatever you want to do today."

My heart squeezed at his smiling face. Seriously, I had the best Daddy ever and no one could ever change my mind about that. I grabbed two controllers, popped in a Super Mario cartridge and hopped into bed beside him. He wrapped us up in a blanket and I realized this was the family I always wanted. Me, someone I loved, and our two wiggly dogs.

Was I dreaming?

Day: Sunday

Time: 8:30 pm

Breakfast: Egg white omelettes, fruit, turkey bacon, gluten-free biscuits

Lunch: Baked chicken, black rice and broccoli

Dinner: Chicken tacos. Stayed the night with Daddy