Big Boy by Skyler Snow

Carter slammedthe door and I could still hear him ranting even as he stormed around his bedroom. I sighed and raised a brow. Yep, he was definitely in a mood.

"And do you know what else she said?"

I leaned my hands onto the couch. "What did she say?"

"She had the fucking nerve to tell me I was being rude for not answering her faster! I went out of my way to try talking to her so we could fix things and the first thing she does is call me rude. And I tried to let it go," he said as he stomped out of his room and huffed. "I let it go because I'm the bigger person and what does she do?"

"What did she do, sweet boy?"

"The first thing she asks me about is if I'm still going to the gym! That's all she cares about. Does she not understand that's why we left the dinner?"

I reached out for him. "Come here."

Carter stormed into my arms and I wrapped him up. "I'm sorry you had a rough day. Maybe she doesn't know why we left. I mean, if she's been acting this way for years maybe she doesn't get that it's affecting you the way it is."

He pushed away from me. "Don't take her side!"

"I'm not." I grabbed his arm and pulled him back against me. "I'm on your side. Always."

arter sighed and nuzzled against my chest. "I'm so pissed off. Things are going down the shitter and...and..."

"It's okay." I rubbed his back and he clung to me even harder. "Tell me everything that's bothering you. Why don't we sit down and cuddle on the couch?"

He nodded against my chest. "I'd like that," he choked on his words before he sucked in a breath and let it out slowly.

"Come on."

I led him to sit down and he instantly curled up against me. Carter laid his head on my lap and I combed my fingers through his soft hair. He let out a sigh and I felt him relax as his shoulders dropped from around his ears and he was able to just be with me.

"What's going on? Besides your mom. I know she frustrates you sometimes. Mine does the same."

Carter groaned. "Why are they so overbearing?"

I laughed. "They love us, but don't know when to stop." I stroked a finger over his beard. "Now, stop avoiding the question and tell me what's going on."

"That interview I had the other day didn't work out. I thought I said all the right things and that I was going to get it, but that didn't happen. They said it wasn't a good fit." He shook his head. "No matter what I do, that seems to be the case. I'm not a good fit. I'm running out of money and I'm worried that I'm going to be completely broke soon. And then what? I can't lose my apartment." He sucked in a sharp breath. "My mom actually said that I should move in with them again once I told her what was going on."

I frowned. Nope, I didn't love the idea of that. Carter was doing well sticking to his healthy eating and not relapsing. Going home would only complicate that because he was under too much stress there. As much as they might love him, they didn't realize how much they hurt him with their words and that wouldn't bode well for Carter. He was a sensitive man and he didn't need more pain.

"What other options do you have?" I asked.

He shrugged. "That's it really. I mean every bit of savings that I have is being conserved right now as best I can. Eating out has been cut, my friends have been having me over for dinner and I take them up on it, and I haven't bought a video game in weeks. I'm trying."

"I know you are," I said quickly. "And I promise you things are going to get better for you, Carter. The job market is kinda crap, but you're working hard. I can see that. Things will work out for you."

Carter rolled over and glanced up at me. "You really think so, Daddy?" he whispered.

"I do." I leaned down and kissed him before I sat up again. "And you can't keep all of this stuff buried so deep inside. It's not good for you."

He glanced away and shrugged again. "Growing up I was always told to man up. Crying and letting things out isn't easy for me. No matter how much I want or need it, I can't get there. Except for when I’m around you sometimes.”

I tilted my head. "Would a spanking help release those things? It can break down that barrier and help you let it all out."

Carter squirmed lightly. "Yeah, they do help," he admitted. "But I was too afraid to ask."

"Stand up." Carter pulled himself away from my lap and stood up. I took his hands and kissed both of them before I glanced up at him. "Never be afraid to ask for anything from me. Ever. I'm here to support and care for you, baby. I'll give you my all as long as you communicate and let me know if you need something."

He bit his lip. "Can you spank me, Daddy?"

I smiled at him. "Yes, I can spank my boy." I released his hands and patted my lap after I slid out some. "Lie on my lap."

"Daddy," he groaned. "I'm too fat for that."

"You're not too fat for anything. Daddy's strong, right?"

He glanced away shyly. "Yeah, super strong."

"Then all you need to do is trust me. Lie over my lap and don't make me have to say it again."

Carter shivered and finally looked at me again. He walked closer to my legs and I watched as he searched for some way out of it, as if he was testing the strength of my legs with his eyes. It was almost cute, his concern for me. But I wasn’t going to drop my baby.

"Sweet boy," I said sharply. "Do you think you're the first plus-sized man I've dated?"

He tilted his head. "I'm not?"

I chuckled. "Nope! Not at all. I date people of all sizes and not one of them bothers me. You're my plus-sized little prince and if I tell you to drape yourself over my knees and offer your ass, that's what I mean." I slapped his thigh softly. "Take down your sweats and underwear and let's go."

He chewed his lip. "You might see me cry. Again."

"Yes, that's the plan."

When he saw I wasn't backing down, Carter finally relented. He pushed his sweats and underwear down only enough for me to see his creamy, furry ass. Carter laid over my thighs slowly and I supported him before I laid a hand on his warm skin.

"Are you comfortable?" I asked.

Carter groaned. "Kinda."

"Let out the breath you're holding, stop trying to support your weight, and let Daddy take control. This is part of our dynamic now. If you want this, you have to give up control sometimes."

When Carter relaxed I could feel it. He laid his hands on the floor to support himself that way instead of trying to keep his weight off of me and I smiled at him.

"Good boy." I squeezed his flesh. "Do you think you can do twenty?"

"Yes, Daddy."

I ran my hand over his skin before I lifted it and slapped it against his flesh. The first slap was nice and calm, just a warm-up to what was coming on his right cheek. I went to the left and did the same. Carter let out a little grunt, but he kept still. I kept each hit light as I warmed him up before I counted to six and put more weight behind it.

"Fuck!" Carter cried out. "That's....that's...."

"Is it okay? Do you remember our safe word?"

He nodded. "Yes, Daddy. It's good."

"Do you want to keep going?"

"Yes, please."

He kept his face hidden and I knew it was slowly going to start opening him up. A spanking could be relaxing, it could unwind and let someone show sides of themselves that they never even knew existed. That was why I didn't like spankings as punishment. Maintenance and funishment, sure. As a way to get out emotions, absolutely.

I picked up the pace by the time I reached ten and his bottom started to grow warm against my hand. The slight pink blush of his cheeks spread and by the time I hit fifteen he gasped out and shook his head.

"Daddy, please!"

"Keep still," I told him. "We're five away."

I lifted my hand, cupped it slightly and smacked the base of his ass. Carter let out a yelp and then I heard it. Sniffling. There it was. My boy was finally allowing himself to feel the emotions that were stuck behind that shitty wall called toxic masculinity. He didn't need to hold back his crying to be manly. Carter was more of a man than most I met and he should be allowed to express his emotions. He was human.

My hand smoothed his pain away before I slapped the left cheek, the right, the left. Every hit now made him squirm on my lap as whimpers spilled from his lips. He tried to scramble away, probably on instinct, but I kept a firm hand planted against the base of his spine and pinned him in place.

"Nineteen...." Slap. "Twenty." Slap.

I stilled my hand and rested it against his ass. Carter was a squirming, crying mess and my heart swelled with pride as I gently rubbed away the pain.

"Such a good boy," I cooed. "What a big, brave boy."

"Daddy," he choked out. "It hurts."

"I know it does," I whispered. "Everything in life is hurting you right now and it's so hard to handle. But I'm here for you. And I will always be here for you, sweet boy."

"Hug," he whispered. "I need a hug."

Right away I pulled him onto my lap. I reached over and grabbed one of the thick blankets. Draping it over both of us I held onto him and he snuggled against me. Carter was a comforting weight on me and I loved that he trusted me enough to hold him. His bare ass still rested on my legs and the heat warmed my legs.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Carter sniffled as tears still rolled down his cheeks. "Yeah," he whispered.

I reached out and brushed the tears away. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "I needed this, but it still feels weird to cry in front of anyone this hard," he admitted. "I always do this on my own, where no one can see."

"Aww come here." I hugged him tightly. "Give your tears to me sweet boy, and I'll keep them safe."

Carter let out a choked laugh. "You're so corny," he sobbed and pressed his face into my neck. "So fucking corny."

I chuckled, my hand running up and down his back. "And yet you want me to be your Daddy. Who really has the problem here?"

"Me!" He laughed, before sitting up and wiping at his eyes. "I'm definitely the problem."

I scoffed. "As long as you know, baby."

"You're so mean!" Carter laid his head on my shoulder again. "Maybe Daddy needs a spanking now."

"I would love to see you try."

We laughed together and I watched as all of the weight on his shoulders melted away. Because of me. I was so damn grateful that I could be the one to give him that. Carter dealt with entirely too much. In my eyes, he didn't deserve any of the pain he had to endure.

I would try to help him through it whenever I could because I was pretty sure he was the one I was supposed to be with for the rest of my life.